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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I know this, solid core reactors use the neutrons to heat water but the gaseous core reactor does not. Did you bother to read my link? In this case most of the energy is released as hard UV. I am suggesting a magnetic field to contain the uranium hexifloride plasma, at 25,000 degrees the gas would be a plasma. Possibly static electricity fields could help as well. Yes, the hard UV is converted directly to electricity much like solar panels do visible light. Please elaborate... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaseous_fission_reactor My inspiration comes from this article, I have been told it makes some unwarranted assumptions but is relatively accurate in it's broad outlines. http://members.shaw.ca/bru_b/Liberty_ship_menupg.html
  2. How is the underlined assertion determined? Since the length of calendar months varies by as much as 3 days doesn't this present a problem for any realistic calculations based on months?
  3. At the temps of a nuclear light bulb the ions are all charged and most of the energy is emitted as hard UV, neutrons are not used to heat water like a solid core reactor, but the ions are too heavy to be contained by any magnetic field we can currently produce... Hard UV is either absorbed by hydrogen which is expelled to produce thrust or in a stationary reactor the hard UV is used to produce electricity directly (my take at least) through something similar to photovoltaics...
  4. The human race is doomed... http://www.theonion.com/video/new-wearable-computer-also-sucks-your-dick,33017/
  5. I'm not sure how this relates to us generating a magnetic field strong enough to confine a fission reaction. studiot I am thinking of a fission reaction not fusion..
  6. And all this time I thought I was Aquarius... http://www.astrology.com/aquarius-sun-sign-zodiac-signs/2-d-d-66917
  7. Is there any reason to think that magnetic fields we are currently able to generate are as strong as magnetic fields can be or is it possible to generate magnetic fields of any strength we desire given enough power? I ask this in relation to the nuclear light bulb reactor and possible confinement of a fission reaction by a magnetic field instead of a quartz glass bubble... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_lightbulb
  8. January 23 1955 02:36 Charleston WV...
  9. Gees, first of all I was raised in a Christian fundamentalist family, I can't imagine not picking up on what the bible says mainly because much of it was driven down my throat like a ram rod. In my adult life I have striven to understand what it really means. Reading the bible as a book instead of the little cherry picked sound bites given out in bible school was a revelation in of it's self. Now at 58 I feel I have a reasonable grasp of just how obtuse and wrong the bible really is. The passages you mentioned are often claimed as evidence of special knowledge in the bible but in reality it is nothing more than religious hokum and nothing to do with clean or unclean as we would define it now in a non religious context. My question to you is why would you assert it if you knew it was wrong... If you want an explanation of the quotes of the other thread I suggest you ask me in that thread... I'll be glad to explain in detail... btw, just to be sure, you are aware of the concept of hell aren't you?
  10. I would think that if you had something you would tell us up front instead of this tap dance around the issue like you are doing here...
  11. Interesting, that is an aquarium plant I often grow..
  12. So you think because i don't believe the bible I never read it/
  13. No, learning is about facts and reality, not making things up out of whole cloth to support your world view... It's a fairly common assumption in religious circles but it is nonetheless not true. Appeals to authority and "what everyone knows" is horse feathers and spreading such nonsense as facts is wrong.. I'd like for you to back up your assertions with something besides your claims.. Gees, you underestimate me, I know what you asserted is simply not true, I knew it the first time you asserted it, that in of itself casts doubt on the veracity of all your anecdotal claims as well, anecdotal evidence is about as good as "everyone knows it's true" anyway anything that can be claimed with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence... As far as wanting you to look it up... that would be my suggestion to you next time you claim things that everyone knows is true..
  14. Gees, how about answering the question I posed in post #48 of this thread Gees, this is the fourth time I've asked Gees...
  15. Disprove? Really njaohnt? Are we back to that yet again? How about you prove there is a god and show some actual evidence of his amazing power.
  16. Gives mystery meat a whole new meaning...
  17. I do have several vinyl half speed master discs, they were an attempt to expand the dynamic range of vinyl just before CDs began to be made. The sound is great but you have to have a cartridge and turntable capable of reproducing the sound before they became significant improvement (I do) but they still degrade over time just like any other vinyl album. But I still like the sound of my vinyl, I have several hundred of them, the ritual of cleaning the album each time it's played, the familiarity of the effort involved... I don't know hard to explain but i have just as many CDs as well (and laser discs and a laser disc player which to some extent can be the best of both worlds) The more I think of it the better it sounds but I still hope for the plant that has meat as fruit, lol Of course muscle cars were terrible for transportation but for profiling...
  18. In the spirit of equal time I suggest you watch this somewhat more objective view of Burzynski... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUkON5hkCTY Is there any chance you can let us know which plant you are talking about or is this hypothetical?
  19. Hmmm, projection much? All I have ever heard my whole life is that religion has all the answers and yet they demonstrably have nothing science on the other hand has demonstrable results, our entire first world civilization is based on science, take it away and see how religion fails to prevent the deaths of billions as food, water, power and sewage treatment fails... yeah pray for the electricity to come back on...
  20. So I guess you prefer an electronic book to a nice leather bound book you can hold, smell and put on a shelf in your library to be experienced over and over? I have to admit to being a bit of a savage when it comes to meat but if it tasted good and had a decent texture and nutrition I could change my mind. Muscle cars... nope, modern cars just don't compare with the gut feeling of a muscle car, kinda like flying in a WW2 corsair or a learjet, one is for comfort the other is for the raw feeling of power, the vibration, the feeling of power than shakes your whole body. My uncles built muscle cars when i was young, nothing like the raw power, the noise of the mechanical parts of the engine, hearing the explosions of the pistons, the raw power of raising the front wheels in the air... apples and oranges i think...
  21. Hey! I resemble that remark... I have often thought about the potential of genetically modified organisms to produce meat, can you imagine a banana like fruit that produces a shrimp tail instead of a banana? Or a chunk of crab meat or maybe beef but it will be a long time until we grow chicken breasts on plants i think, this is good start though...
  22. Gees, this is the third time I've asked for some support for these assertions, you made the claim now you need to back it up. Simply stating something to be true is not enough, either show the specific scripture or withdraw the assertion... Quote Please show some support for these assertions I have underlined.
  23. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

  24. Maybe not... http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4365
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