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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Isn't that the one that is supposed to pass very close to Mars? Evidently sevenseas is
  2. I am really looking forward to that, it will be awesome!
  3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Star-Trek-USS-Enterprise-NCC-1701-NIB-1-350-Master-Replicas-NEVER-OPENED-/190838229325?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0
  4. Or maybe a bullshitologist....
  5. I remember actually buying that issue of Mad magazine....
  6. How fast are we talking about going? Your link appears to have nothing to do with your idea... Um no, the temps the hydrogen and oxygen ignite at has little to do with the amount of energy you get out of it. Hydrogen - oxygen engines have a specific impulse of about 450, heating them will not increase that very much magnets do not decrease mass in anyway... It takes energy to do that, you gain nothing from it the way you suggest The set up you describe would not make the process anything but less efficient.. Oh, and there is no solar power in interstellar space...
  7. why? What does this mean? How does this help? How does this work exactly? So we are talking about chemical energy here? That sounds more than a bit like perpetual motion... You might be able to do this last bit.
  8. I think it's pretty obvious society, at least first world culture, doesn't have the morals it once had... The flaw in asking about computers and consciousness is in what is expected. Many people think an intelligent computer would just be turned on and suddenly start being conscious, humans don't start out conscious in that sense we have to learn how to respond and deal with reality in such a way that shows us to be conscious or aware. A computer no matter how complex would almost certainly have to be taught to be conscious and aware. Also in most peoples minds the concept of the creator has to be a super intelligent conscious being when in fact there is no need for that the be the case even if you assume the existence of a creator... as I have said before maybe some brobdingnagian creature eats dark matter and due to it's digestive system being inefficient only a small amount is turned into the waste product of baryonic matter the rest is excreted as the remaining dark matter and an additional waste product of dark energy. Makes as much sense as an all knowing, all seeing, eternal creator... As for the OP's remarks about god just fucking with us using earthquakes and such, nothing has been seen to occur that cannot be explained by natural means, I suspect very strongly the last bastion of religious belief in the idea of a creator hinging on the creation of the universe is a false hope, eventually that little god gap will close as well..
  9. Tropical storm conditions last night and today, I love the intense rainfall and my cacti have already sent up new flower buds,,,

    1. too-open-minded


      That storm took about 1/4 of our beach :/

    2. Moontanman


      Beaches come and go, I've watched our local beaches change over yours in ways that are impossible to explain in any way other than beaches not being permanent land forms..

  10. The question in OT was "What if doG is dead" I think it makes no difference, there is no evidence of his existence, so either he doesn't exist or he does and ignores us completely. How could we tell if he is dead?
  11. CO2 is relatively inert, I am sure there are ways to react it chemically but I am sure it take more energy to do that than you would get back. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed_air_car
  12. Depends on how you are extracting the energy, if you mean similar to the method of compressed air powered cars then yes, if you mean use it to grow plants to make burnable materials then yes, if you mean react it with something else probably not...
  13. Because no other world view can punish you beyond the grave... that is a unique aspect of religion, one that allows it to make good men commit evil deeds...
  14. Sam, religion comes from humans, not just the behaviors it requires, that is pretty much my entire point, religion does not come from some outside source, it is made up by humans to control humans. I think the main disconnect came when religion started to be written down, until then it was a morality play of the moral standards of it's day which changed as the stories were retold and behaviors evolved. Writing them down froze religion in a bronze age of attitudes that have not served us well since and have indeed contributed to horrific deeds that only a belief in the supernatural can justify and the fundamentalist fringes are consistently trying to drive religion back in the direction of those frozen obsolete morals...
  15. The relativity of morals is a secular idea not religious, the very thing they most often assert is that without belief in gods there can be no morals or that everyone would go out and rape and pillage. I am well aware of the subjectivity of morals and culture the problem I have is the assertions the religious make that I, since I have no belief in the supernatural, am immoral and cannot have moral behavior by definition. In fact they claim that not only do all morals derive from god believers in god are by definition moral and that the morals as proscribed in the bible are not only objectively moral but must be followed and that god gives them not just the commandment but the authority to enforce those morals on everyone else... That is the reason I keep harping on the morals proscribed in the Bible... and the power the threat of eternal hell fire grants those morals...
  16. Greylorn do you want to back up that assertion that the big bang and abiogenesis are fictional in the same respect as santa claus in reference to evidentiary support?... Oh btw, good to see you again greylorn, still pedaling that same digital demise of dna?
  17. So You have nothing to refute what I said other than an insulting remark about my spelling skills which my spell checker refutes easily... brobdingnagian http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Brobdingnagian
  18. Once you start speculation on what caused the universe why do you go a god? Maby some brobdingnagian creature just excretes universes mindlessly?
  19. I have never stated that every story in the bible was not moral, but it's difficult to find many and i bet I can find many more non moral ones than you can moral... No No No! The village was not being kept safe, the SOB wanted to give his virgin daughters to an angry crowd to be raped to save two angels... How immoral can it get... no wait making a rape victim marry her rapist, killing anyone who is homosexual, killing all non virgin on their wedding night, killing disrespectful children... damn... the list is long and sad and that ignore the child rape and genocide demanded by god...
  20. I understand what you are saying, I also understand the belief system we are dealing with, moderates cannot even here be reasoned with, how can we even discuss this reasonably with people who do not require evidence of their beliefs to believe?
  21. So you want to go down that rathole? If god created the universe then what created god? If you say we can't know that then how is the notion of god any better than saying we can't know the what caused the universe? If you say god is eternal then why not say the universe is eternal? Just because we can't at this time say what came before or where the substance of the universe came from don't make god did it an answer...
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