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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. So you have nothing, I thought not... Defaming a man by making unsupported claims... so classy... Anything that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence...
  2. Way to dodge a question there PeterJ, I'll ask it again, how has metaphysics contributed to the real world? How many more tons of food are produced each year by metaphysics? How many diseases have been cured or eradicated by metaphysics? Could civilization stumble on without metaphysics PeterJ? Take away science and all it has given us and people begin to die immediately, within days millions would be dead, within months billions. If metaphysics were taken away how would that impact our 1st world civilization?
  3. The OT is flawed, it assumes a premise that is evidently not true and then tries to assume a natural reason for that false premise. Then the OP goes on to say things that were meant to be shocking then tries to shock us further by showing a sexual video and using that as his evidence for his false premise. First of all, name a type of sexual behavior that is unique to homosexuals, the OP assumes anal sex only occurs among homosexuals and that any heterosexual would be repelled by this. The OP also ignores female homosexuality but still uses homosexuality as a blanket term without making it clear he is only talking about male homosexuals. Icky has nothing to do with sexual behavior being good or bad, in fact if it's not "icky" you're probably not doing it correctly. Sex is not simply "man on top get it over with quick" and the idea that homosexuals can be identified visually is flawed at the outset. Sexual behavior is pigeonholed by people who want to see the world as black and white but in the real world very few individuals are really homosexual or heterosexual, it's quite possible none are, sexuality is actually a varied spectrum of behaviors that includes both males and females and sometimes only one person male or female and sometimes groups of persons and to say that homosexuals only have icky sex with other homosexuals and not just excluding female homosexuals but actually assuming everyone else thinks that way as well is IMHO very close to trolling...
  4. You realize that's not the way it works don't you? Calcium was no doubt used in many chemical pathways before it was used as armor then teeth and eyes. No trilobite found a clear calcite crystal and used it as an eye...
  5. Horsefeathers, what has metaphysics done for anyone? At one time lightning was considered metaphysical, now we know what it is and what causes it. God's wrath has turned out to be static electricity. Metaphysics is nothing but blind speculation about things unknown and attributing them to supernatural causes, that didn't work with disease or lightning nor will it work with the beginning of the universe, you can't fill the gaps of human knowledge with just whatever nonsense you want... Instead of making claims about theories that are absurd how about naming a few so we can debate them, simply claiming they exist has no more weight that claiming leprechauns exist...
  6. I think it should also be pointed out that not even most homosexual men act effeminate, in fact unless you knew them most homosexual men could pass under the "gaydar" quite easily and being effeminate doesn't make you homosexual either. The entire premise of identifying homosexuals through their overtly feminine or masculine behaviour for both male and female homosexuals is just another stereotype that is easily debunked....
  7. No, remote viewing does not work, the US military did extensive experiments with it and found it did not work at all. This is called quote mining Semjase, it's the equivalent of lying. Dawkins was asked a question pertaining to the possibility of some aliens designing us, he was not promoting the idea. Nothing in biology make sense except in the light of evolution Semjase, how about you name a few of those major problems with Darwin's theory instead of simply claiming there are some? BTW Semjase your link "footnote" is nothing but horsefeathers, it is trying to dredge up old arguments that have been debunked many times and giving them new names, irreducible complexity is not a problem for evolution, yes eyes have evolved independently several times, the idea that the first "cell" had to just poof into existence is totally bogus, behaviors can be passed down through both genes and teaching. and yes speciation has been observed both in the lab and in the wild. It's really quite a dishonest tactic used by creationists to mislead people who want to believe in a creator. Total Fail Semjase....
  8. It doesn't raise questions, it shows that some DNA is parasitic, some of it is from neutral mutations. in amoebas it is thought by some that the enormous amount of DNA is do to an onslaught of viruses, such neutral DNA is the raw materials of evolution but it has nothing to do with the complexity of the animal or plant involved . Metaphysics is an oxymoron, what tangible results has metaphysics ever produced? You can argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin until the universe dies of heat death but science has produced our first world civilization, and put men on the moon, no to mention eradicated some diseases, doubled the average human lifespan and provide food in quantities not even dreamed of be actual science. Metaphysics is a scam, a joke, and Dawkins is right when he says religion is the antithesis of reason.... No one can show god doesn't exist or does exist for that matter in the absence of positive evidence the default position is there are no gods. Can anyone else answer those so called profound questions about the universe? No they cannot... but Dawkins can answer real world questions about the real world which metaphysics cannot do...
  9. The amount of DNA in an organism has nothing to do with it's complexity, that was the point he was making. The why has to do with the amoeba being the host of various viruses, assuming Dawkins is ignorant of religion is something you need to show some evidence of Semjase... Being a non believer doesn't mean you don't know anything about religion, in fact knowledge of religion is the reason many atheists became non believers to star with...
  10. Homosexuality occurs in many other animals and they show no signs of homophobia...
  11. And what would your point be dude?
  12. Was eugenics strictly a racial thing? I know Black people were experimented on more than most due to their lack of rights as human beings but the term eugenics isn't attached to race necessarily is it?
  13. Never ever? That's quite an outrageous assertion.... There are more than one avenue of investigation and several theories as to what was before the big bang. To say it will never be answered is not a bet I would make...
  14. I'm not a scientist but I am baffled by why anyone would be gullible enough to espouse this nonsense....
  15. So all this god does is set the universe in motion and set back and watch the weak and innocent being brutalized by the strong and evil and does nothing about anything? God is Sadistic and evil by this definition...
  16. So god is a sadist? An all powerful being that allows innocents to be brutalized while he watches?
  17. Why is it necessary to invoke a god figure? Why add yet another layer of unknowable mystery to an already unknowable mystery?
  18. Since I am not qualified to judge the importance of that equation it would be nice to have someone who is comment on this.
  19. Show us that evidence Semjase, you keep making these assertions, I call bollocks, either show your evidence or admit you have no more evidence that anyone else who claims to know god... Semjase I am not trying to ridicule you, you keep making these assertions and i am genuinely interested in what you are trying to communicate to us. If what you say is supportable by empirical evidence then you are the bringer of the most important information of our current civilization, don't be coy, being secretive with the information borders on criminal, the fate of the human species could hang in the balance if what you say is true. You are the bringer of this information, if god has entrusted you with bringing it to us it's unfair to keep it to yourself...
  20. I have often wondered if a concrete dome home would survive a tornado, they are advertised as being earthquake proof and hurricane proof as well as tornado proof. Both the concrete construction and the shape is supposed to contribute to their durability. Would the shape of a structure really be a significant factor in surviving such storms?
  21. From your link: It is an interesting idea a very interesting idea but my personal favorite is the Ekpyrotic Universe it explains quite a bit about what happened before and how our universe came to be.
  22. I know literally dozens if not hundreds of people who make the claim they have had personal contact with god, none of them can demonstrate any evidence but their belief.... If they had claimed to have had personal contact with the ghost of elvis they might have ended up in a hospital but for some reason people who contact god are afforded special treatment, god can tell them to inseminate dozens of teenage girls and their followers not only believe but allow it, personal contact with god is contact with yourself, your hopes, dreams, and desires, not some being separate from you.... So you claim, I claim i have an invisible dragon that follows me around and gives me advice, how is my claim different than yours?
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