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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. An appeal to authority is a logical fallacy, Einstein was not a an expert on theology his remarks on God are no better or worse than anyone elses. How about you answer my question about the sexual brutalization of children instead of appealing to authority.
  2. I suggest you read the the forum rules then the OP, meanwhile why should anyone believe your concept of god over any others?
  3. I suggest you read this http://carm.org/false-prophecies-of-joseph-smith
  4. Which God?
  5. So the sexual brutalization of children just has to happen?
  6. No more than the environment affects the endothermy of a mammal or a bird, the idea behind being an endotherm is maintaining a constant body temp despite the temperature of the environment. Some dinosaurs lived at the polar regions, the long polar winters had to be cold. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/polar-dinosaurs-200712.html
  7. Most modern sources think dinosaurs were endotherms, at least to some extent, not all mammals are exactly hot blooded, sloths don't maintain high body temps and elephants have somewhat less than high body temps as well, in fact the tiny relatives of elephants called hyraxes. like elephants have imperfect endothermy. Some dinosaurs could have been endotherms just because they were so big but others apparently were active enough to have had to been endotherms. It's possible that dinosaurs had a wide range of endothermy we don't generally see in mammals. Some modern reptiles are endotherms as well as some fishes so endothermy is not a cut and dried yes or no thing...
  8. It's thought that all dinosaurs, theropods in particular, could have had feathers at some stage of their development, even hatchling T-Rex could have had down type feathers. Sauropods shared many features of birds as well like hollow bones and advanced breathing apparatus no evidence of feathers but down type feathers on hatchlings is not impossible... http://www.walkingwithdinosaurs.com/news/editorial/diplodocus-sauropods-with-feathers/1/
  9. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    NNS the ultimate in home protection...
  10. Live in the city? Frustrated because you can't go hunting in your house? Roaches running rampant? This is the answer to that need to kill something! http://bugasalt.com/
  11. I talked to the Goddess the last time she was full but she is determined to take away the sun for a short time to demonstrate her power....
  12. I would take steps to remove the influence of money, our elected officials are nothing more than tools of the people who give them the most money. Corporations are not people either....
  13. I'll be impressed when the Goddess blots out the sun to show all people her power! Nov the 3rd 12:47:36 UT
  14. Oh well obviously, why didn't he say so the first time... BTW, I see nothing even remotely resembling a cross in those images...
  15. OMG! It's the end of the world....
  16. Feathers almost certainly evolved for warmth before they evolved for flight...
  17. I see no cross, what are you talking about?
  18. I'm not sure why you would expect them to be inversely proportional, Much of the CO2 is sequestered in limestone not biomatter, cooler temps mean more rain and erosion and the release of more CO2 which raises temps and lowers rainfall and erosion. The amount of O2 in the atmosphere is tiny compared to the CO2 sequestered in limestone...
  19. I can envision a brobdingnagian creature that ingests dark matter and excretes universes just as easily as i can imagine an all powerful being, in fact the all powerful being is more difficult to imagine since it raises some questions of contradictions but my creature that simply excretes universes has no contradictions...
  20. The main process if not the only one is called photosynthesis, no other process i know of releases O2 into the atmosphere in significant quantities.
  21. If enough methane hydrate entered the earth's atmosphere it definitely would have an effect on the level of atmospheric oxygen. A huge amount of CO2 is sequestered in limestone, in fact it has been estimated that Earth and Venus have approximately the same amount of Carbon but all of the Carbon on Venus is in the atmosphere while most of Earth's Carbon is sequestered in limestone.
  22. Where do you think it came from? What do you think was there? Infinite what? Why must life have a purpose? This is just proselytizing, please read the rules...
  23. Please show me the facts, your word that this is the facts is not evidence of anything. And I have told you that nature is not evidence of anything but nature the rest of your statement is simply what you claim to be true with no evidence what so ever... Oh and by the way... Which God? Odin? Zeus? Adriana?
  24. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurean paradox Again you make assertions that need to be backed up by evidence as though everyone agrees with you, please tell us how you know these things or back them up with evidence... I'm not sure how this disagrees with what I said... The biblical concept of Satan is exactly that.
  25. Actually in the old testament God actually claims responsibility for both good and evil. I can't remember exactly where but it is there.
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