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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warp_drive
  2. Insulting insinuations only serve to make your argument look bad... No, a theory is a body of knowledge made up of facts and sometimes laws, the theory explains how the facts are connected. As in evolution, it's a fact that mutations occur, it's a fact that organisms reproduce, it's a fact that mutations affect the offspring of organisms, it's a fact that various influences determine what effects those mutations have on an organism. The theory of evolution explains how those facts are connected and result in the bio diversity we see around us today...
  3. No, you said a fact trumps theory, that means you have failed to get a clue...
  4. I can't remember how they proposed extracting usable energy from this "reactor" the memory is dim now but for some reason the sterling cycle engine connects in my mind. it was proposed that every home would have on of these under it generating power. Omni magazine didn't last very long and i have given this some thought from time to time. thanks for the info. I found this interesting tidbit on wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boron It has a name.. Migma Reactor... What it is seems to be a bit more than confusing. http://www.rexresearch.com/maglich/maglich.htm some of the papers are pay per view type stuff i can't access... For some reason all of the reactions are called fusion instead of fission even if the end result is fission of a larger nucleus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aneutronic_fusion
  5. At the time the article claimed it was the new energy source that would revolutionize our society, allow reactors of about a cubic meter whose only waste was helium. I've noticed it didn't come to pass, any reasons why ?
  6. A theory in science is a body of knowledge consisting of facts, laws and observations, the theory explains how they work... get a clue...
  7. You might want to note that post was 9 years ago....
  8. Do you have a link to the video?
  9. I do remember some bits of the article, if my memory serves me they suggested a boron target for accelerated protons. They claimed a net energy gain from this.
  10. Deer and Elk, Moose, all of these have horns due to sexual selection, any defensive use is secondary, other animals horns and or tusks are also at least partly driven by sexual selection, ie the male with the biggest horns or tusks is likely to have the most mates...
  11. Actually some schools of thought say the crest and the horns were a sexual display and only secondarily defensive...
  12. Since most of the energy of a fission reactor is released as neutrons which are not affected by a magnetic field I would have to say no...
  13. I did google it, not much to go on for sure...
  14. Zoe, in science positive evidence is required for all positive claims... This would be true for any power source Zoe...
  15. As for the roaches, as i pointed out there are 4500 species of roaches, only 4 are pests and we tend to label nearly all of them cockroaches, the roaches of the Permian are not the roaches of our time and termites are evolved from roaches or at least roach like insects as are mantis... Another thing I would like to point out is that while chickens are thought to be dinosaurs in the same sense that bats are mammals chickens are a part of a specific group of dinosaurs called theropods. Triceratops, while related, evolved after their ancestors split from the ancestors of theropods so chickens could not be used to recreate anything but theropods no triceratops, ankylosaurus, stegosaurus or sauropods any more than Bats could be used to recreate elephants...
  16. Somethingtoponder, I suggest you get a better understanding of what evolution is and how it works, so far what you have suggested is nonsensical and has no connection to evolutionary theory... edited due to my own lack of observational skills, sorry lightburst...
  17. Invertebrates with internal skeletons are poised to take over the land after the next great extinction... no doubt.. sort of...
  18. Are there any reactions that allow aneutronic fission? I remember vaguely reading about the possibility in Omni magazine many years ago but I forget the details.
  19. Yes, i think it's quite demonstrable that belief can change your life, I know quite a few people who have turned into jackasses over belief..
  20. Yes, in fact widely related species have been used to bring embryos to term. It's done in farm animals and in breeding rare wild animals, i see no reason why it wouldn't work in orangutans and humans..
  21. You'll get no argument from me on that, there is no evidence any god is real much less any specific god. Yet people all over the world are willing to not only assert their god is the only real god but they are the on,y ones who know the proper way to worship said god.. It would appear they matter to the people who believe... That gives those people reason to do what ever they want in the name of their god and In that way the concept of god does have real power...
  22. Dinosaurs eggs are similar to fish eggs? Birds would drop them? Birds are dinosaurs, the eggs of dinosaurs were like.. bird eggs but for most species much larger and far to fragile to be picked up and dropped and still hatch... Yes there different species of roaches, in fact a great many insects are related to roaches, from termites to mantises, I am unsure of what you are suggesting here but if you are suggesting that there was some ancient cock roach that gave rise to all cock roaches I think that would be a vast over simplification of what really happened. I would suggest an ancient insect ancestral to all the insects that are in that group of insects. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockroach
  23. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...
  24. Dinosaurs laid eggs, I would have to assume that an ostrich egg might do the trick...
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