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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think there is a huge difference between faith in something you know and have seen and something supernatural, in fact i would say the definition of the two types of faith are not similar anymore than most peoples definition of theory is the same as the definition of theory in science. I have faith that Phi is a human being, I could be wrong, he could be an advanced computer program but I will go with human for now. But if Phi told me he was in direct contact with god and had a revealed truth for me I would be a bit more skeptical and require evidence... Faith by any definition would not enter into it...
  2. There is also a confirmation bias involved, if no one had picked her up she would either assume it wasn't part of gods plan or not remember it as part of her view of Jesus...
  3. This is areal aquarium as well. Coral has gone from being impossible to keep and supposedly slow growing to being grown and farmed by a huge number of people...
  4. Here in the soouuth we have lots of ants that you don't want to step in their mounds... very bad idea...
  5. Oh yeah! This is cool...
  6. Recently found super dense planets about the size of the Earth but denser than iron could the remnants of Neptune like ice giants that migrated too close to their home stars. Theories about planet formation do not adequately explain these super dense planets.. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=puzzling-super-dense-space-objects-could-be-a-new-type-of-planet&WT.mc_id=SA_DD_20130314
  7. We have ants here you probably wouldn't want to mess with their hills with out some planning, I like wasps, I tame them, spiders i ignore unless they happen to be inside and a dangerous species. I have this "thing" for mosquitoes too, I grow them, i tempt them into laying their eggs in my culture vats and feed their young to my fishes, yes i get satisfaction out of killing baby mosquitoes...
  8. None of this has anything to do with what you are asserting...
  9. Sooner or later it had to happen... No! No! No! Wait for it... The Big Bang...
  10. Can the effect explain why acceleration of galaxies away from each other is increasing as the distance increases?
  11. Even if I grant you the inner fragments would be red shifted the outer ones would be blue shifted from your perspective...
  12. I don't think you understand what red shift means, given your strings on a pearl analogy you would not see any of the fragments as red shifted, from your perspective on the third fragment the others would be traveling the same speed as you and not be red shifted...
  13. No, gravity would pull everything in one direction, in fact everything can be shown to be moving away from everything else in all directions...
  14. BTW, your assertion about the radioactive dinosaur bones is falsified by your assertion that the solar wind is the origin of your "sun particles" The solar wind would not cause bones to be radioactive since the solar wind contains ions not neutrons...
  15. Botulism comes to mind...
  16. Dark Energy is not pulling the universe towards it... Dark Energy is pushing the universe apart... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy
  17. I listed them and at the top of my list is one punishment for all crimes. None the less you can be a serial murderer your whole life and go to heaven by repenting at the last moment, that is just as bad as one punishment for all crimes. The idea they have to be interpreted is part of the problem, but many examples have already been given, his views on slavery top most among them.. Also it's quite plain that theists get their morals from the culture they are brought up in not their religion because they don't obey the laws of their religion and in fact most would not be willing to do so... other than the crazy fringes...
  18. I still say the comparison is silly. like asking if a Kodiak bear or a great white shark would win, so many depends upon it makes no sense, which is better apples or oranges.? Depending on the environment either or both have problems, now if you want to compare apples and apples lets talk great white and killer whale... And by the way, no crocodilian has sense organs that even come close to comparing with a shark, a shark can sense your beating heart by the electrical impulses from far away, in the open ocean a crocodile would be in serious trouble, in an estuarine environment the shark would be in more serious trouble... It would almost certainly depend on who grabbed who first...
  19. Define what you mean when you say alive then we can debate...
  20. On Europa where is your land area? if you warm it up then all you have is an ocean world.
  21. Immortal, how about showing us some of that evidence, so far you have failed to do so... I can indeed make the same case for the tooth fairy as your hypercosmic god... all you have is assertions that do not hold up to scrutiny... surely a hypercosmic god has actual empirical evidence of his existence... so show it to us, stop with all the assertions you cannot support with anything other belief and faith, it's tiresome and more than a little dishonest...
  22. Quack threads are the most fun, you knock em down and I'll stomp on em...
  23. I was notified that time, so maybe it's back...
  24. I'm always open to new ideas but I don't let them crawl into my skull and take a dump...

    1. too-open-minded


      I allow them to defecate abundantly.

    2. Joatmon


      You haven't got a dirty mind then?

    3. Moontanman


      I have a beautifully dirty mind...

  25. Still not notifying me
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