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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. You have to understand something, the K/T boundary extinction did not kill off everything, among land animals large creatures took the biggest hit. Small animals that could hibernate, crocodiles that could subsist on little food for long periods of time and NO, not everything was killed, not all plant life was killed, you are operating on a mistaken premise, I suggest you do a little more research...
  2. yes, there was some volcanic eruptions that had degraded the environment at the time and there is some idea that there was more than one impact at around that time... these things happen, volcanoes erupt, the environment degrades and comes back. I really don't see your point... Not being absolutely sure and knowing it is one of the things that makes science work so well... a error margin of 11,000 years is pretty good over 65,000,000 years... No, in fact the Krakatoa explosion was many orders of magnitude smaller than the impact even thought to have doomed the dinosaurs... Again not comparable to the asteroid impact that doomed the dinosaurs... Again you assuming that everything died and it took 50 years before there was anything for any animal to eat... how do you figure that? Your belief or lack there of for god has nothing to do with this...
  3. you are assuming the conditions of total darkness lasted million years? no one has asserted that and no evidence for that exists... let us know about some of them... What is your point? A super volcano almost resulted in the extinction of the human race something like 50,000 years ago, trimmed us back to a few thousand individuals... And what?
  4. The Earth core is a solid ball of mostly iron and nickle hotter than the surface of the sun but made solid by the huge pressures of the rest of the planet. As the Earth formed it heated up from impacts, gravitational collapse, and radioactivity. Most of the heavier elements like iron and nickle sank to the center while silicates floated on the top... There has been some speculation on that, i have no idea if any of it is accurate in any way... Biologically i see no reason why animals can't adapt to anything we can... With out technology humans are unlikely to adapt to space either... Why would this be a problem? citation needed please this is not what mainstream science says.. you seriously need to learn to use google...
  5. No, this is not close to accurate... Our thoughts do not fit into this equation at all...
  6. One of us needs to learn the others language dude... I can't follow you on this...
  7. of course the "experts" say that, they are experts at nothing but doing their best to make crop circles mysterious, crop circles are how they make their money lying to people who want to believe. But when put to the test no one was able to determine if the crop circle was man made or alien, in fact the people make them for shows and such make such perfect and complex crop circles that they can fool all the experts... It's a lot like creation science, nothing but lies, disinformation, and misrepresentation, nothing of substance what so ever...
  8. awesome...
  9. Semjase, that video is an outright hoax, the people who did it, did it on a lark to see how easy it was to fool the crop circle crazies... It was special effect studio and the whole thing is an absolute intentional fake...
  10. All crop circles are man made Semjase, the idea of crop circles being anything but man made was refuted a decade ago...
  11. While I abhor the idea of prison for profit it does seem to be a growing trend in the USA and some extreme abuses have already been found. But strictly speaking the US prison is State Run, but the privately owned ones are gaining in popularity among Conservatives... From my stand point it's like watch a slow motion film of a plane crash... past a certain point you know what is going to happen but the crash cannot be avoided... this unholy alliance of politics, capitalism, and religion has got to be stopped...
  12. No, those are opinion blogs, not scientific research... There is a reason for this... I will elaborate.. You didn't watch the video did you? I only suggested what the video clearly stated, uranium 238 and plutonium can be used to produce energy in a thorium reactor... not only greatly increasing the amount of usable uranium but reducing the half life of the radioactive waste by orders of magnitude... No, thorium reactors are real they work, hydrogen fusion has been a pipe dream that is only a decade away for 60 years... The only reason why we use uranium reactors is that the produce material for nuclear weapons, even at the beginning of the nuclear age thorium was recognized as a way to produce energy but the people in charge wanted to produce energy and nuclear weapons... I never said peak oil was not near, what I said was that peak oil did not portend the end of our civilization...
  13. I watched them Semjase... you seriously cannot continue to delve into the stuff with out being highly skeptical, as much as it fascinates me and how much i wish aliens would land... You just can't accept everything people claim to be true... I admit to having levels of skepticism, all of it interests me but so does the comedy of Whoopi Goldberg but i don't latch on to her satire as anything but satire... The first flag raised in my skepticism is when someone is making money off telling me what I want to hear....
  14. Semjase, what did you just post? my computer identified it was two invasive programs...
  15. Won't work, the first thing we are going to do when the new world order takes over is kill all the robots and cyborgs...
  16. No your personal demonstration of it will suffice...
  17. Moontanman

    Who Tweets?

    I think they should have called it bopping, I bop, she bops, we bop, be bop a lu we bop... no wait that's something else
  18. If I was you i wouldn't look for Santa next year, the fool refused to identify himself and we all know what happens to home invaders... Fortunately for him he doesn't have come in the house to do his thing...
  19. For the sake of the god you profess to believe in Immortal please show some thing besides reheated bullshit to support this crap... Why do feel like you can assert that with out god i can't count? Because trimmed of all the bullshit that is what you are saying... or possibly you are mistaken... Hmmm which could it be... there are no facts of nature discovered by religion...
  20. Since you know what you have asserted is hogwash I'm not sure how to respond, Reagan's views on faith are no better grounded in reality than anyone else's...
  21. Immortal, do you know what irony is? You are attempting to fill a gap with Goddidit... While scientists are formulating theories that do explain the origin of the universe you want to yet again say goddidit, What you are proposing is no better than the Goddidit explanation for lightning...
  22. Who are you to assert that UFOs must have predictable patterns? Every one has an opinion, in this case he is not the first to suggest that and hiding from aliens is a bit less than possible if they are already here... yes I did but i didn't say it was the only sighting from that time period, please stop straw manning... Well considering it crashed into a the middle of fire bombing a Japanese city that might be a bit much to expect but my point was that your article was full of fiction woven with fact and sold as the truth... UFOs were already being studied by 1947, their are historical sightings from nearly any time period but the further back you go the more Religious the explanations becomes... but in a few cases they were seen as silver shields and actually attacked Alexander the Greats army http://ufoevidence.org/cases/case491.htm Another strawman, why would we have to know everything to knew some part of it? http://ufoevidence.org/Cases/CaseView.asp?section=sortoldest
  23. Your version of the primordial soup is out dated and the idea never suggested that lightning struck a pol of water and created anything... No but the ridiculous claim of lightning striking something and creating life is not part of that theory... but the idea of lightning striking something and creating life is a nonsensical version used by creationists to make abiogenesis look silly to the sheep they preach to... You said: The probe was named Huygens, if did not return with anything... Huygens is still on the surface of Titan... Again... No, Huygens was not equipped to find life or evidence of life but it did find ethane and butane... Not even close enough to be wrong...
  24. Again, no, that is quite outdated, yes energy discharges of various types could have been involved but that isn't even close to the scientific consensus at this time... Please see above... You so far off the mark on this you don't even get credit for being wrong... At this point it would be impossible to say for sure... And in the spirit of honest disclosure even if we did find life all over the solar system if it was the same as earth life we would be back at square one due to the possibility that rocks thrown off the earth during impacts could have spread earth life all over the solar system...
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