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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. The irony in that is thick enough to choke a T-Rex....
  2. The technology I am talking about was in 1947 Sam, 65 years Sam, if our government has the technology to do the things the UFOs were sighted doing 1947 the Apollo space program was a waste of time and money... Nothing of course, the bomber was american it was over japan on a low level bombing run the foo fighter feel to the ground in a large explosion and is about as well documented as German foo fighters powered by mercury ion drives... And yet many photos that are thought to be inexplicable are not of blurry ovals... It can try but the leaks always come out...
  3. You need to support this assertion with more than speculations... If you cannot show this to be true, the rest falls completely apart... There is no reason to assume our civilization will fall if we run out of oil, in fact renewable energy can and almost certainly will slowly replace oil. In fact i think it's reasonable to assume our civilization will expand out into the solar system at least and the almost unlimited resources there can and will be used to further our civilization... I do how ever agree that the idea that SETI will be able to eavesdrop on the radio leakage from other civilizations is less than supportable at this time...
  4. isn't that what the Gnostics believe?
  5. Sigh... sadly i have to agree with that...
  6. From "another" forum... Any "female scientists" like to chime in on this?
  7. Michel, I am pretty sure I nailed that in post number #90...
  8. Hmmm... I can think of a criminal who needs to be castrated... does that count?
  9. Talk about "carnal" knowledge of your spouse...
  10. that is weird, it would seem to throw causality out the window...
  11. Such technology always makes it into the public eye, stealth technology once the most super secret technology the US had is now well known the air craft are flying at air shows and stealth technology is much newer than 1947... Foo fighters are puzzling, i addressed them an earlier post and btw a foo fighter was shot down at least once, the report stated in was flying close to a low flying bomber over japan and a gunner shot it and it fell to earth and crashes starting a fire... Like I said, photo analysis can show stuff like that to be fake and if the photo has no frame of reference it is always suspect... Your link has nothing to do with radio telescopes or detecting an alien signal... I thought Roswell was horse feathers at first but the governments series of this is the no kidding truth this time explanation kinda makes the gov look guilty...
  12. This is at best out dated clap trap and at worst intentional obfuscation, which is it? Posted Yesterday, 04:28 PM Again, no one is suggesting anything but protein based life in water and lightning striking a rock is horse feathers... How did i contradict myself here? I did, i don't see it... Straw man, I never said you could create life by throwing random elements together... I said your arguments sounded like a creationist, they deride abiogenesis by saying lightning struck a rock and created life... Obviously so... Actually there are other possibilities, some that are not generally considered arr the organometallic molecules, on very hot worlds with molten silicate surfaces aluminium becomes a possible base for life but there are other possibilities boron born nitrogen polymers Phosphorous nitrogen polymers http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/savvy-scientist/invisible-aliens-theyre-not-life-as-we-know-it-8212-yet/425 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/A/alternative_forms_of_life.html
  13. I don't understand what you mean, please elaborate...
  14. It's late and I'll get to the other things but the foo fighter piece caught my eye, a well written piece of information and fiction woven together the key to this is the This is nonsense, technobabble, it is the result of believe it or not, Indian religious writings that describe Vimanas ships or machines driven by gods used in warfare between gods. they were said to be powered by rotating rings of mercury in a copper bowl. They were said to be able to strike an offending army with "all the power of the universe" often alluded to in the ancient alien crowd as evidence of both aliens and nuclear warfare in the ancient world... Mix that with a little science in the form of the first ion engines used mercury and you have horse feathers... Fell free to elaborate on that...
  15. I worked for dupont, polyester plant. Not huge ones, I never meant to suggest I was perfect but the overall picture of my life satisfies me quite well... My conscious is clear. of course there are things like boat wreaks and financial disasters that would be nice to avoid but trying to second guess the past never amounts to much more than unnecessary stress... I had a step father like that, the whole community thought he was the best thing since sliced bread but in private he was satan...
  16. Yes I have to agree, the quality of the evidence does speak for it's self...
  17. The neanderthal genome would mix with our own again and generations on they would be absorbed into the population... maybe? I used to work with a guy, in the encyclopedia under neanderthal was "his" picture, I ragged him incessantly over it...
  18. So semjase, it doesn't bother you that Silly Billy is a confirmed liar? An obvious attention hoe?
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Meier The very assertion that extraterrestrials would be so human in appearance to be perfectly human is simply silly, it falsifies the assertion immediately. There is simply no way a human could evolve on an other planet independent of the Earth... Just silly... http://forgetomori.com/2009/aliens/asket-and-nera/ More silly from Billy... http://www.iigwest.com/investigations/meier/dinosaur_deconstruction.html Billy did a lot of silly stuff... http://www.iigwest.com/investigations/meier/
  20. Of course not he was protestant...
  21. Give me the post number... No, we cannot possibly do any where near the number of natural experiments that occurred in just a year on the primitive earth, literally billions of chemical combinations a second at that rate even something extremely unlikely becomes certain... No it isn't, please show some evidence of this from someplace besides creation scientists... several planets in our solar system are possible abodes of life, Mars, Europa, Titan, in fact Saturn has a moon that spouts geysers, that contain complex organics, very similar to bacteria but the instruments sent weren't designed to confirm the exact composition because it was an unknown thing when the space craft was sent. I would include Neptune and Uranus in that estimate but that's another conversation... I was evidently unaware that such long odds possibilities was being considered...
  22. No, actually project SIGN concluded in their "Estimate of the Situation" that UFOs were extraterrestrial space craft... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sign Bold is done by me... Remember this was in 1947, if such craft had been built by the US or the soviets by now everyone would be riding in them and riding to Earth orbit on top of fireworks would never have happened.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimate_of_the_Situation So now we are back to UFOs cannot be alien space craft? While i am not aware of the methods used a great many such pictures were identified as either hoaxes or too little information to make a determination, but the investigators can use various techniques to tell if an object is something small close up or something large far away and various other things like comparing it to the background and such... It was how Billy Meier was exposed... Again, unless aliens are beaming a signal directly at us it's highly unlikely we could detect it even if it was around the nearest star...
  23. Please feel free to explain it to me in detail, I hate sloppy thinking, please help me understand... you do realize you are confusing being faithful with faith don't you? I am faithful to my wife, I have faith she is faithful to me but my faith in her is based on evidence not blindly believing against all reason and evidence...
  24. So what ever anyone believes is just as real as the reality we see around us? or is only your religions faith real? If it's only yours how can you tell? How do you perceive something that is supernatural? What effect on the world does the supernatural have? What part of our first world civilization has been provided by anything other than reason?
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