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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Not my video, for some reason ABC News took it down...
  2. No, the warp field isolates the space craft from the rest of the universe... yes when it stops it can communicate with the earth but the speed of light would still be the limiting factor...
  3. I know at least a dozen people who are cancer free after 10+ years, your premise of 5 years fails....
  4. Yes but I am writing a story that is about the earth moon system capturing another moon, i am thinking of a Ceres size body being nudged by humans until it is in orbit of the earth. i am thinking the safest orbit would be around the moon, but economically the orbit should be near the earth, maybe geosynchronous around the earth. my first thought was a comet type body interacting with the earth and moon and being captured and how stable the orbits would be. First of all is it possible for the earth moon system to capture a wayward asteroid naturally? Would the size of the asteroid make any difference? And last could a stable orbit around the moon by a Ceres sized object be possible? My definition of stable is thousands of years at least. Could we nudge such a large body into orbit in the Earth moon system if it couldn't occur naturally. And finally would an orbit that enclosed both the earth and moon, say at a million miles from the earth be stable?
  5. The behavior of fish never ceases to amaze me... These fish actually crawl out of the water and lay around on the bank...
  6. Is it possible the Earth Moon system could capture another moon? Plausibility of a Ceres sized body being captured by the Earth moon system and the possibility of the Earth Moon system capturing a small body say 20 kilometers in size. Is it possible to calculate this mathematically? Is it possible but so unlikely the universe couldn't exist long enough kind of possible or reasonable? Would the body, if captured, orbit the Earth or the moon? Could it orbit the moon? I am full of questions tonight I don't know how to answer.
  7. I have no link to support this but I have read that a methane atmosphere would have a green sky, I'm not sure why... http://www.orionsarm.com/page/321
  8. I agree, i drink almond milk as well, the chocolate almond milk is great...
  9. Russian is official claiming the meteorite was actually a US weapons test... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/02/15/russian-parliament-member-says-meteor-was-actually-a-u-s-weapons-test/
  10. I have always been a generous person, my wife and I cook for the homeless using our own money, we give to the united way in a big way, I give people money on the street, we have come to the conclusion our generosity is at least part of the reason we have not been exactly successful financially but we are good with it, it lets me like the person i see in the mirror in the morning. If you have ever been in the situation where only help from the outside can solve a problem then you understand how important that can be. I do not regret not being a part of the upper middle class, lower middle class does me quite well... to be honest I consider my self to be successful, I have the love of my wife and children not to mention self respect, I would do it all over if i had the chance... being selfish has never been an option for me...
  11. I'm not sure what we are agreeing on but even coma patients have been communicated with, what does that say about this idea of coma patients not being conscious? http://io9.com/5960071/man-in-coma-uses-his-thoughts-to-tell-doctors-im-not-in-pain
  12. IV, possibly but they breath ok on their own or at least most do and it depends on how profound the coma is and how long it lasts... You make there sweeping statements that make no sense and do nothing but obfuscate the issue..
  13. Rigney and I come from the same area of the US, we are "hillbillies" guns are just a fact of life there in the rural areas at least. hand guns were never a big thing when I was growing up but at least a 1/2 dozen long guns were in the house all the time and most of them were loaded all the time. I can't make myself see a reason to take guns away from every one. Now if the assertion is that by having guns the government has to fear it's people that is hogwash. Few people I know are going to step and and die to fight the government, some of them say they will but I am skeptical... The government can and will squash civilians like bugs if they wanted to. The really sad thing is that any changes that come about will be so slow and moderate that at no point would most rational people want to take up arms.. (yes i know slippery slope) I think it's important to stand up now and be counted at the ballot box to avoid being targeted by a drone in the future. Reasonable men should be able to decide who can own a gun, and while I do agree that any sane rational person should be able to own a gun, that doesn't mean you should just be able to walk in and buy one, it should be at least as difficult as getting a license to drive a car... A gun represents power, power demands responsibility, rights require responsibility, you don't have rights if you can't be responsible...
  14. Raw beef or very rare is quite good, as is lamb, try it before you condemn it...
  15. that is strange the video has been taken down...
  16. From the video we are lucky they didn't assume it was a nuclear attack, can you image what would have happened at the height of the cold war if this has happened with all those nukes on high alert? ABC news video that shows the flash.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH136SW4q78
  17. Chasteen02, not being able to show something is false does not support it's existence. I can't prove there are no invisible pink unicorns either but I see no reason to assert they exist. Feel free to support your definitions of the qualities i suggested do not apply to the universe. I am willing to discuss the possibilities..
  18. I'm not sure what to say about this except it makes me want to watch star wars again and have these guys at my next party...
  19. The reproduction idea is interesting but not at this time falsifiable. IOW there is no way to know one way or another if the universe can reproduce in any manner. The rest are reasonably self evident...
  20. 1.Homeostatsis 2.Organization or being composed of one or more cells 3.Metabolism 4.Growth 5.Adaptation 6.Response to stimuli 7.Reproduction You know that's not true...
  21. if alive means all of those things then the universe is obviously not alive...
  22. Come on rigney, it has to be one or the other...
  23. menageriemanor, I do not know what to say, I respect your intellect but your view of the US is seriously flawed. Have you ever been here?
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