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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Higher temps will be bad for some good for others but ultimately it will not be possible to predict who it will be good or bad for other than to say the areas where food production is highest seem to be the most vulnerable. Absolutely not true, the sun was dimmer in the past and is demonstrably getting warmer, size is not an issue either way... Again, since your basic premise is false this makes no sense. This too is false, vegetation growth is more driven by rainfall than animal excrement, a desert is a desert no matter how much manure you place there and rotting manure results in more CO2 not less... During the time of the dinosaurs the temps were warmer on average, more active volcanoes equal more CO2 which of course equals higher temps, the poles were subtropical with short cold winters and no ice caps. Yes vegetation is thought to have been more prolific then but due to CO2 levels and higher sea levels. Possibly oxygen was slightly higher then as well. Continental drift had the continents in different positions as well and that had an effect on the climate too. There were some draw backs to this scenario, stratified oceans with a thin oxygenated layer over anoxic conditions. This would be a problem for us today. I am quite sure that life can adapt to higher temps but humans maybe not so much.
  2. I hope you're wrong... I also hope I win the lotto... Gaseous core nuclear light bulbs rule! I agree, I live near a nuclear power plant and a coal fired power plant, I've never seen protesters at the coal fired site enough it can be shown that the coal powered site releases literally orders of magnitude more radioactivity than a nuclear power plant, i actually walked up to a group of protesters one day and asked them why... the look of "wut?" was a classic...
  3. So the wings aren't going to weigh anything?
  4. I once came up with this little fantasy to explain what that would look like, I'm not sure if the warp field would complicate this scenario but here goes. If you had a space ship that could travel faster than light, my idea was a ship that makes lots of tiny but instantaneous jumps and the cumulative effect was FTL. I think the ship would suddenly appear and an image of the ship would appear to recede into the distance away from you as the light reflected off the ship got to you after the ship arrived. Now, what would the ship leaving look like? Why wouldn't it?
  5. Ummm, he has been banned...
  6. you guys take all the fun out of being a half wit, i think I'll take my fantasies and go home... no wait the nuclear option... I think i'll take that one with me too before you ruin it...
  7. I'm not sure if I agree, the shadow biosphere, if it exists, is thought to be wide spread and would not have emerged recently... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_biosphere
  8. Since you are rarely wrong and I have no clue I am going to assume you are correct but if the spin states are only two possibilities and they have to be different then how is it relevant they are unknown until you check them, the different colored balls are unknown as well until they are checked...
  9. D H = spoilsport... reality is seldom what we want it to be... hard facts are so painful to swallow...
  10. I have to ask... I have read and been told a great many times that entanglement is something weird, counter intuitive, i think it was Einstein who was quoted as calling it spooky action at a distance... Simply knowing one thing because the other has to be the only other option is not counter intuitive in any way and is simple logic... Why is this so obfuscated?
  11. Te he he he... I left off part of my post, i meant to mention the shadow biosphere concept... oops... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_biosphere The shadow biosphere is a proposed biosphere made up of organisms that use a radically different biochemistry that currently know organisms. Some people have proposed that such organisms might be found in isolated or extreme environments and the environments below these ice lakes is indeed both...
  12. I'm curious, did you read post #12?
  13. I think this comes close to being an axiom for space mining... anything that can be made in space should be made in space... and repaired in space..
  14. I doubt this, in fact i would be willing to assert that you could not possibly look at me and judge my IQ to within + or - 20 IQ points
  15. Moontanman

    Animal Vision

    Some do, some don't, some don't even have irises, haven't you ever looked into the eyes of various animals? Cats have variously colored irises, as do dogs but insects have totally different eyes, compound eyes, but their eyes can be wildly varying in color as well.. Yes, if not precisely the same the end result is the same... but if you mean mammals then yes, pretty much the same way.. Some animals have eyes so good they make humans visually challenged others have eyes that see into the ultraviolet and others see into the infrared but yes many animals have vision very similar to humans...
  16. So you don't think that some of Hinduism might have been borrowed by Christians? Isn't that more likely than the Aeons exist? It's certainly demonstrable that Christianity borrowed many concepts from other religions, the trinity for example... In fact I think that all religions have borrowed from those that came before and any profound connection is more likely to be due to plagiarism than divine revelation... The Earth is not composed of many cultures existing in a vacuum, all of the earth is connected culturally at some level... On top of that you have humans all with very similar minds having similar "revelations" and not unexpectedly similar hallucinations when exposed to similar hallucinogens ... wouldn't occam's razor suggest the connection is the biological mind instead of the divine?
  17. I know I will not live long enough to see any interstellar travel but the idea of imaging other earths is very exhilarating to say the least... and I might at some get to see the pictures!!!
  18. That would seem to be the $64,000 question...
  19. So... like wow.. I'm totally convinced... sounds like it's time to take the shotgun test...
  20. My main question for that blogger would be why is there a limit to how much X amount of mining equipment can mine? Then there is the concept of Von Neumann machines While I do think such mining is going to be hard, at least at first and I do think the most likely use for such mining will be to use the materials in space I don't think the costs can be so easily used to dismiss the idea...
  21. i agree, the Christian system is highly unfair and definitely unjust... Far too easy to commit heinous acts that destroy the lives of others and get by with it and just repent on your death bed and everything is a-ok. But live a decent life but lack belief and you fry for all eternity... kinda makes you want to make sure those who commit such acts don't get to make that death bed conversion don't it?
  22. This article reminded me of how difficult it would be to actually find life that operated on some system other than the one we are familiar with. http://www.the-scientist.com//?articles.view/articleNo/34328/title/Ice-Lake-Home-to-Life/ The deep antarctic lakes have finally been penetrated and the life forms that exist there will soon be under our scrutiny, such environments may be the best place to look for life forms not part of our "normal" biosphere, how would we go about detecting a life form that didn't use DNA?
  23. Stealth technology, our stealth technology, can already hide such things as satellites why wouldn't advanced aliens be able to do this far better and easier? To be honest i would love for this stuff to be real but sadly little if any of this is in any way supported by anything but baseless assertions. I would suggest a new thread but this is an old post. They may live here already, freely orbiting space colonies, in places like the ort cloud could explain quite a few things and is falsifiable... I saw the other day that the British are deploying tiny flying robot cams with their ground troops to spy around corners and even inside buildings. Advanced aliens could do this almost certainly... I like that last... sigh...
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