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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. It's worse than not having hands if you have wings... a human is far to big to fly, it's simply not mechanically possible for a creature as massive as a human to fly (on the earth) so wings would simply cause you to be a helpless creature waiting to be eaten by a predator...
  2. Mainly because you are not a bird or a bat, wings on a human would be quite a bit less than useless...
  3. Sometimes it would be nice to find out if there was a resolution to this and other problems asked about on this forum...
  4. From the same link...
  5. You'll have to define race before we can discuss this... and no it's not as simple as you think...
  6. I feel we have a communication problem, you claim to know the truth, I doubt there is anything that can really be called the truth, as I said we do not know everything about anything and in everything we know there is always a certain amount of error. If you demonstrate your idea as being closer to reality than current ideas then I wait to hear your idea but so far you have not shown any reasonable evidence of your idea being any better. In fact I do not understand what you are asserting... but your assertion that investigators are somehow being suppressed is not supportable in fact I would say exactly the opposite is true... I suggest that the parameters of the universe have no care for your own personal truth or mine for that matter..
  7. What is truth, define the truth please... We do not know everything about anything and in everything we do know there is always a certain amount of error...
  8. I once found $127 in a small plastic baggie in the parking lot where I worked. The bag smelled of Cannabis sativa, and no one was nearby when I found it. I asked around if anyone had lost any money, i had several people tell me they had but they couldn't tell me how much money was in it. Several others said the money was mine because i had found it, finders keepers, several others told me since it was obviously drug money i should keep it. Every last one of those people were theists, many claimed to be very devout fundamentalist theists. None of them thought I should try and return the money, a few days later a woman come to me in private and named the amount and where she had lost it, I gave it back... I felt relief the moral duty of finding the owner was lifted from me, I was then as now an atheist, they only one I knew at the time. What would your morals have told you to do ewmon?
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life
  10. http://www.space.com/17628-warp-drive-possible-interstellar-spaceflight.html Some down sides... http://www.universetoday.com/93882/warp-drives-may-come-with-a-killer-downside/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive
  11. A great experiment would be to print up a bunch of perfect counterfeit dollar bills and put "there is no God" on them instead of in god we trust and see how long it take people to figure it out...
  12. cuse that wud be satanic...
  13. The idea is that space/time can travel at any arbitrary speed. galaxies can speed away from each other faster than light, in a space/time warp bubble a material object can travel faster than light because in relation to the space/time surrounding it it is standing still... or something like that... it sounds sillier the more you repeat it...
  14. Personally i don't give two shits what it says on money as long as it spends... Silly battle to fight, I'd be happy to just keep creationism out of schools...
  15. Just for you rigney...
  16. So... men prefer virgins and women prefer experienced men... Obviously someone is going to be disappointed....
  17. I think the idea that the skull is a hybrid of a human and an alien immediately points to a hoax. The idea that a human and an alien who evolved on a different planet could reproduce is flawed. We would be more likely to be able to reproduce with a tomato plant... at least we share 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history with a tomato plant. Even if aliens are humanoid there is no reason to think we could reproduce with them. A resemblance in shape does not imply reproductive capability. Would you expect a dolphin and a ichthyosaur to be able to reproduce? A deer and a horse? The very idea is trivially falsified...
  18. I have to point this out to you tar, the religious values you are talking about did not originate in religion. The "In God We Trust" was put on money during an era when we were fighting those godless communists. McCarthyism put "In God We Trust" on the currency not to mention in the Pledge of allegiance...
  19. What do you mean by this? Why would leaving in god we trust off the money imply we had no principles? Are you saying that a belief in god is necessary to have principles?
  20. In God We Trust wasn't always on our currency, why not just leave that part blank?
  21. These are not eye witness testimonies Semjase, they are at best third hand accounts...
  22. I think the length of time and paucity of fossils could easily account for this discrepancy. Not the same thing... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/1006_041006_chimps.html I am truly not suggesting that these scientists are wrong I am suggesting that it's possible they may have missed it. I am also suggesting that assuming something to be impossible could interfere with inquiry in that direction...
  23. Well then I went in the wrong direction then didn't I? I should have asked you to elaborate before I commented. Would you like for me to delete it so it doesn't derail the thread?
  24. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Illegal guns are.... illegal, illegal guns are being traded for drugs, in fact a large part of the drug trade is financed by illegal guns and may even contribute to the crimes that gun owners want to protect themselves from ie gun theft...
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