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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. So anyone who has sexual feelings for both sexes is still homosexual?
  2. I have strong feelings about people like evansste, he is what is known in religious circles as a sheep, these people have been at best been mislead and I think it's more accurate to say they have been brain washed. They grow up listening to preachers, pastors or ju ju men feed them the supposed word of god in little sound bites and the the idea of questioning these sound bites is blasphemy and cannot be tolerated. They are told that questioning is wrong but the real reason they are told not to question is because their so called leaders know that anything less than blind obedience might allow them to throw off the shackles of being a sheep. These professional preachers are toxic to humanity, they demand blind obedience of huge numbers of people who don't realize the entire thing is nothing but a scam. I often recommend AronRa's videos of the foundational falsehoods of creationism because he does such a good job of explaining why these people are so dangerous. You don't have to be an atheist to be free of these false beliefs but you do have to understand that you are being lied to. I feel for evansste but he has to want to know the truth, he has to understand his religious leaders are not much more than snake oil salesmen and their extravagant life styles depend on people being sheep.... This idea that the bible is the word of god is trivially falsified, how could the word of god be anything but perfect? If god wrote these books no human author could possibly compete with him, it would be an absolutely accurate description of the natural world and would reveal profound morality. All men who can sense such things, if they can sense such things at all, would completely agree and religions should come together in agreement ... Instead we see exactly the opposite, nothing but religions continuously fracturing into ever smaller groups who all say the others are being deceived. The only reasonable option is they all are being deceived by the men who claim to be messengers from god.... Evansste, I bear you no ill will but you have to want the truth you have to search for it, the search is not easy, preconceptions will have to be examined critically and do not expect to see what you want to see...
  3. Yes but the Cap'n tossed him out of heaven and the rest is history...
  4. Manfromzurich, before we can continue to discuss homosexuality please give us your definition of homosexuality...
  5. Fundamentalists are not limited to Abrahamic religions and in fact Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, all have their fundamentalist branches as do other religions. Fundamentalism is adhering to some basic principles, often religious, and sometimes to the point of ignoring reality... I don't think anyone can accurately answer this question but often the religion promises that the person who sacrifices themselves automatically go to what ever version of a idyllic after life their religion teaches. Generally due to influence exerted by people in a position of respect and power. You are asking me to guess the motivations of another human being, always a fools errand. I think fundamentalists are a group desperate to deny reality because they think that wavering from their basic beliefs condemns them to hell or their religions equivalent... Often they are people with little higher education and this makes them easily swayed by con artists proclaiming to know the real truth...
  6. I'm not sure you are using the word orthodoxy correctly... or·tho·dox·y /ˈôrTHəˌdäksē/ Noun Authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice. The quality of conforming to such theories, doctrines, or practices. I think you are equating orthodoxy to fundamentalism...
  7. Since fossilization is quite rare and one or two million years quite a tiny thickness in the fossil record I think such creatures would be quite easy to miss. http://ocean.si.edu/ocean-over-time/did-whale-evolution-go-backwards The evolutionary decent of whales is quite well documented, I'm not sure how long it took from a purely land animal to a purely aquatic animal but from what i see in this link it didn't take more tan a few million years.
  8. I'd buy them in a heart beat, i love shirts with intricate designs on them, it would look great to have one life tree on a silk camp shirt. I'd probably get one of each tree...
  9. Please elaborate on the answers to both questions.The fossil record is so compressed that an intelligent species could have evolved and been wiped out in a few millions years. I am not asserting it happened but i am asking the question could we see evidence of these dinosaurs and what would that evidence be. I also wonder if the evidence could be seen over such a vast period of time and would a researcher automatically assume that any evidence was a hoax. Not only did all dinosaurs not have such natural weapons but there are some that were approaching avian levels of brain size. There were many highly intelligent (relatively so at least) that did not have an arsenal of huge teeth. Read back through the thread and you will see i have given examples of such dinosaurs.... I agree that lack of fossils is not indicative of lack of a subject. I didn't start this thread as a magnet for nutters, i think it's necessary to speculate about this in a scientific manner, i understand this idea is far from mainstream but i think we can discuss it in a reasonable way.
  10. Moontanman


    or maybe there is no evidence of god becasue there is no god
  11. I am by no means an expert but from what I've been able to read about the "warp drive" thing it would not violate causality...
  12. Moontanman

    Gay gene

    That is a bit harsh isn't it?
  13. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I see no reason what so ever not to do the research...
  14. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I get crap like this all the time... Taxes on ammunition will only hurt those who use guns for completely legal activities, I doubt a connection can be made that making ammunition difficult to purchase would have stopped the school massacre or any other shooting but it would be a problem for those who shoot regularly and those people are most likely to be in control of their guns. But I agree we need some sort of licensing programs, a license to own a gun gun should be at least as difficult as driving license. I can see some sort of mandatory insurance to own a gun. Requiring some sort of mental health check is a no brainer from my point of view, if you fear a mental heath check before owning a gun then your mental health is in doubt IMHO...
  15. Moontanman


    You love them strawmen don't you rigney? I'd like to see the big guy in the sky without having to die. how is that any less reasonable than wanting to see little green leprechauns? I doubt you'll find many scientists who would say "It's only what I believe to be a fact that really matters" science by definition would say "it's only what i can find testable evidence for that really matters" religion would be the one that says "only what I believe to be a fact that really matters". Empirical Reality... what a concept... If the universe has been here forever then why is there a need for a creator?
  16. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Possibly I am conflating the anti gun sentiments here with the national debate. I do get gun control propaganda from the Democrats that are against things like concealed carry and gun ownership in general not to mention that useless idea that the style of a weapon has anything to do with the actual killing power. I can say that almost all the people I do know that have military style weapons are ex military and seem to have an attachment that has more to do with nostalgia than wanting the deadliest weapon. There does seem to be a bit of a masculine issue connected with military style weapons as though prohibiting them would some how emasculate males or maybe more accurately that somehow possessing such a weapons makes you more of a man or allows you to show off your manhood, possibly similar to having the fastest car or highest 4X4. I am by no means claiming to be an expert on this but over the years i have noticed that some men do seem to connect their masculinity to certain objects that convey the illusion of personal power. Guns, to some, seem to satisfy this need to "show off", but I don't think the majority of people who own guns do so as a power display but the ones that do seem to be making the most noise about it. I do think there is room for a middle ground and that both sides are ignoring the majority of the people who actually own guns...
  17. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yeah, I feel the same way, reason is being ignored and that means reasonable people are being ignored. We can argue back and forth all day with people who do not live in the USA and all we establish is that their culture is different from ours and a direct comparison really can't be made. As a gun owner I feel very much disenfranchised in this national debate, where are the people who are not gun lovers or gun haters? People who simply have guns for practical purposes? Sometimes it feels like polarization is the only thing our political system is good at...
  18. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I agree this is not exactly a good analogy... No they are for hunting, sport, fun, and protection...
  19. 40 billion light years away does not mean the light started 40 billion years ago... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe
  20. Please give some evidence of that assertion...
  21. Moontanman

    Gay gene

    If that link was to a picture of you then you clearly have issues, the individual in that photo is no more unusual looking than anyone else i have ever seen. In fact he would not raise an eye brow where I live and I live in one of the most homophobic areas i know of... get over your self dude or get professional help but stop using insulting language to insult a entire group of human beings...
  22. Moontanman

    Gay gene

    Not all men who appear to be effeminate are homosexual, not all homosexuals are effeminate in appearance, your argument is trivially falsified not to mention nonsensical and smacks of a self hatred that suggests you need professional help.
  23. I grow tomatoes upside down every year, like hanging baskets, works fairly well but tomatoes still try to grow up, the vines are generally not strong enough to make much progress fighting gravity, a tree would be interesting to grow upside down... I grow them in five gallon buckets...
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