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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Vedic Science? Is that anything like creation science? In other words complete horse feathers?
  2. yea this is rigney...
  3. I am not a abiotic oil nutter, Neither was Thomas Gold, he made a pretty good case for abiotic oil, gas, and coal that have not been confirmed but he did not say this oil was a factor in "us" using oil much faster than it is being produced. Sadly this line of research has gone crazy due to people who have taken his ideas out of context to mean that oil is being produced as or faster than we can use it. But I will concede that what we know at the moment points to oil being a limited resource. I think it's possible that even if oil is biotic that the deposits we see are upper level pools of oil that is coming up from deeper in the earth. This is a problem for any advanced civilization that follows ours or us if we followed them. Sorry, the quote came from one of the links i posted... I have googled this until i am blue in the face and the key words just bring up more crazy stuff. Thomas Gold, in his book the Deep Hot Biosphere, cites several cases where anthracite coal is found on top of oil deposits. I am not at the new house yet but all my books are at the new house. Since this is not relevant to the idea of a dinosaur civilization I will concede the point until i can get to my books and see if I can show some references but it still doesn't affect the outcome of what we are discussing... So we are looking for signs of at best the equivalent of stone age type civilization?
  4. What you need is a bobbler... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Peace_War I wouldn't hold my breath, Great book btw...
  5. Some are, some are not, most flowering plants, and fruits and vegetable are flowering plants, have both male and female flowers. Sometimes on the same plant and sometimes on separate plants and sometimes the male and female parts are in the same flower...
  6. How do we know how fast they have been filling up in the past? Oil is being "produced" and filling up oil fields at varying degrees right now. old oil fields are filling up at a rate that is detectable and to some extent usable now. This does not mean that oil is in unlimited supply from our perspective but whether or not oil was made 200 million years ago or not oil is slowly refilling old oil feilds. Oil comes out naturally all over the earth. http://rense.com/general63/refil.htm http://www.nytimes.com/1995/09/26/science/geochemist-says-oil-fieldsmay-be-refilled-naturally.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm These sources are not neutral and sadly are being used to try and stave off fear or peak oil but the fact remains that oil fields are refilling deep with in the Earth. This filling has been observed in the middle east, middle america the gulf of mexico and the north sea. it stands to reason that natural geological processes have destroyed a great deal of oil while making new reservoirs. I'm not willing to say that many millions of years from now no oil reserves will be left or that the oil we see now is all there ever was or will be. Coal is often found on top of oil deposits and is thought by some to associated with each other. I seriously doubt the idea of space age dinosaurs and the idea of coal and oil (if modern thought is correct) not being used by an intelligent species does seem to negate advanced technology but the question remains about stone age to tron age dinosaurs. The relitive abundance of easily smelted metals like native copper to native gold would also be a problem I think.
  7. While I am reasonable sure you are correct I don't see how you can assert this as fact. All things decay, given geological movements even things like titanium parts will decompose, modern 'stuff" does not last forever. i gave some links to time lines of various products. if you have evidence to the contrary please post them for us. Remember we are not talking centuries here but millions of years, 65,000,000 years in fact. While I tend to agree I don't see how this impacts this discussion ...
  8. You'd surprised at just how many people do just that. I wouldn't touch Cauliflower until I was well into adult hood, it just looked nasty to me, now I love it and it is the center of some of my fav dishes I cook for myself...
  9. Oil and natural gas continues to accumulate as we speak, oil deposits do not last billions of years geologic change would wipe out such deposits or turn them into coal. You do have a point about metals but up lifts and changing continents could bring up new deposits. As i said above i doubt that due to geologic change, the deposits we drill for or mine are not everything they are the ones we have found easy to get to, 65,000,000 years could conceivably bring up new deposits of very nearly anything...
  10. And what knowledge comes out of that? Science has given us far more than the ultimate truth, your religion gives us nothing but false claims and demands for undeserved respect. You cannot support your religion giving you anything of substance, not even morals, it's empty and meaningless...
  11. Please name a few of them... You cannot support this in any verifiable way, in fact this is complete nonsense, you assume something is true and then use that assumption to support your assertion. Nothing but horse feathers...
  12. yes, the Rainbow Bridge, gives comfort to those who love their pets... I hope it's real... makes me cry every time I read it... http://www.newrainbowbridge.com/NRB/rbpoem.htm
  13. The fuzz is the best part...
  14. The ocean were just as salty then as they are now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seawater
  15. Ok, I thought that SCF was a liquid, my bad...
  16. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    It is sad that this is being used to make political head way. Being a liberal is not always easy where I live and this silliness isn't helping the progressive agenda. Just one more thing to divide the populace...
  17. Would liquid CO2 be considered a polar fluid? The reason i ask is that the surface of Venus is not just covered by hot CO2 the CO2 is a super critical fluid which makes the surface covered by oceans of liquid CO2.. just curious at the moment but mountain tops stick out of the fluid resulting less erosion on mountain tops. Seems like an oddly similar condition to earths water oceans...
  18. Can you give some support for this assertion other than your own claims? Were you there during the 70's? I was, I doubt anal sex was any more prevalent than it is now...
  19. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Most of what I've read has to do with video games and the correlation was not significant. I doubt Obama will get much int eh way of reforms and from what I've read his reforms are unlikely to have much effect but they might be a start. in 50 years having a gun might be as unthinkable as carrying a gun to school to go hunting after class is now... but 50 years ago no one even gave me a odd look when I took my gun to school...
  20. Yes they did make in the form of aves, but birds are to dinosaurs as bats are to mammals. all birds are dinosaurs but not all dinosaurs were birds... My basic premise is two fold, can we really say how intelligent dinosaurs could have been and if they did achieve some semblance of intelligence would it be obvious to us now. Contrary to popular belief fossilization is rare, we only see a small fraction of the animals that lived in the fossil record. So it is possible that dinosaurs with intelligence simply haven't turned up in the fossil record and if the correlation of bird brains to mammal brains is correct it's quite possible we wouldn't recognize them if we did see them. So the question is would we be likely to see the remains of a civilization across 65,000,000 years of time... doesn't have to be the equivalent of ours... Would we recognize stone tools made by dinosaurs? Would such tools be recognizable after so long a period of time? I think it is relevant to ask if some paleontologist actually found something resembling a stone tool in ancient strata would they just dismiss it as a fluke?
  21. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    You could very well have hit up on the real problem or at least a part of it. From gunslingers in the Cowboy days to modern versions of the same thing violence is glorified. I'm not convinced it's a sure thing but it does bear some reflection...
  22. Garbage is a good point, I'm not sure if garbage would fossilize but it is one thing that we produce enough of that possible fossilization could occur. it's important to realize that very little gets fossilized. Fossilization is a very rare process. yes, we would recognize it but how long do things like newspapers or plastic bottles last? Our Earth has changed drastically since the dinosaurs, and technology is not exactly built to last. Some good comparisons.. http://www.divinecaroline.com/33/49745-landfill-trash-really-last a Beer bottle may last a million years if undisturbed. http://padmum.wordpress.com/2012/02/05/592/ Beer bottles seem to be a problem... http://earthwiseharmony.com/KIDS/EH-How-Long-Does-Rubbish-Last.html I'm not sure how accurate these are, they do seem to have a bit of an agenda. What would we leave behind that could allow our language to be reconstructed?
  23. Me either, the conjecture was if they did would we be able to see it across the geological column, what our civilization would look like 65,000,000 years from now is a good comparison.
  24. yes, feel free to make a new thread, the last few posts have been interesting but the nature of intelligence is not what this thread is about.
  25. Come on guys, while this is an interesting direction of inquiry it is completely off topic, feel free to start another thread, I would be glad to participate but let this thread continue on the topic of dinosaurs and whether or not we could detect a dinosaur civilization through the geologic column...
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