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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Isn't that the real problem? Believing in the supernatural, by definition, conflicts with reality as evidenced by science...
  2. Not in any empirical way, all you have is belief and faith... nothing more... The evidence? you have none so your assertion is false...
  3. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Assault rifles are not the problem... Just a little humor...
  4. God is your own conscious mind talking to it's self....
  5. Yes but the thought of no roasted oysters is just uncivilized
  6. Sadly what you can't imagine is not relevant, if you make an assertion you need to back it up with science not your lack of imagination... Again, this is an assertion that needs to be backed up. I can see your point but not everything is due to perspective, the sky is blue and 2+2=4 in any language no matter the words used... Again this needs some back up. I tend to agree with some of this but it still needs some back up and it is off topic to the OP... I've read where road signs would be likely to last a very long time, I'm not sure about missions of years but tens of thousands at least. If I remember correctly the show "After Man" suggested that bronze statues might be the only thing left after millions of years... That would be interesting for sure, lots of things to discuss in that context, the ancient past does seem to crop up here quite often. What we could expect to see in the fossil record if there had been intelligent dinosaurs would be very interesting...
  7. I would never have guessed you were that picky... you'd starve to death around here... no oysters... I can't even think about it...
  8. populations evolve not individuals...
  9. Who says humans cannot know what intelligence is in humans?
  10. Pyramids ~ 5,000 years ago... cave men ~ 35,000 years ago please elaborate on how you see a direct connection between them and something supporting your assertion that cave men left a written text...
  11. I was having trouble remembering the foods I dislike the most, I couldn't think of even one. So I looked in the mirror and realized I must pretty much like everything... No wait... chicken liver eeewwww!!!!
  12. What? You don't think a PhD in Truthology from Christian Tech counts?
  13. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I just saw a commercial that said the president was a hypocrite because his children are protected by armed guards, the dog and pony show has more than a bit of republican dogs and ponies...
  14. I think some are forgetting the scale of what is being considered. Volcanoes erupt from the ocean floor under thousands of feet of water and make it to the surface, often quite explosively... adding water would be less than useless. Drilling a hole to relieve pressure? magma domes can be many miles across, not gonna make a difference...
  15. When you say reptiles I am going to assume you mean dinosaurs... Dinosaurs were warm blooded just like birds and many of them had feathers for warmth and are known from fossils that were above the arctic circle during the age of dinosaurs... ...
  16. Do you a mirror in your house? if you do i suggest you look in the mirror and see that the pot calling the kettle black is not acceptable...
  17. Spoil sport... so I don't get to be transferred into a centaurs brain either?
  18. I guess i asked for it but this is not evidence of anything but some guy said something.... If dinosaurs are visiting us now isn't the topic... Anyway, to be back on topic, some people have given some thought to the effect humans are having on the biosphere now and it can be thought of a mass extinction comparable to the K/T boundary in the fossil record. Is that the only discernible record our civilization will leave 65,000,000 years from now?
  19. I have to agree, we really don't know that EQ is a good indicator of intelligence, there are fish whose brain to body ratio is higher than humans but they don't build cities either. i think it's quite possible that Dinosaur brains and the EQ are readily comparable. T-Rex had a brain as massive as a chimp, I'm not sure a T-Rex was as dumb as some would have us believe just because it's body was large. But the question remains would intelligent dinosaurs have left anything behind we could see as evidence of their existence? Would our civilization still be easily recognized 65,000,000 years from now?
  20. I will admit Semjase you do have a unique perspective on this. I would love to see some support for that assertion... That is an interesting assertion, I'm not sure how it relates to the OP but I would like to see some support for this. I agree with the bolded part of this statement but I'm not sure how this paragraph relates to the OP, can you elaborate?
  21. Most mainstream science assumes that dinosaurs had an Encephalization Quotient that was far too low to have allowed intelligence on a hominid level. How ever recent work with birds has reveled that mammal EQ ratios do not apply to birds. The brains of birds would seem to operate differently than mammals with smaller brains allowing complex behaviors. Birds being dinosaurs is accepted as mainstream science so the next question is could intelligent dinosaurs have existed? Many might say immediately that we would have seen the fossils by now but to be fossilized is such a rare event that we know that only a tiny fraction of extinct animals ever fossilize. So could we have missed them? if so how advanced could they have become and "us" still miss them? http://www.strangehorizons.com/2009/20090713/trent-a.shtml These images still don't tell the story.. if there was one, they assume an EQ of human stature is needed, but what if the Bird Brain is a better model? How big would the brain have needed to be? A crow can use tools, has a language and transmits "culture" to it's offspring so could a dinosaur of a more bird EQ have existed and we missed it even if we did find the fossils? What could we expect to find after 65,000,000 years? How much technology could they have developed and still be missing from the fossil record? Could such dinosaurs have achieved space travel and still be missing from the fossil record?
  22. The same things were being said 50 years ago, we will find new resources, that's why space travel is so important, once we expand into space resources will be unlimited...
  23. yet another appeal to authority... empty insinuations and appeals to authority do nothing to support your position... You need testable empirical evidence not what someone feels might apply, next week science might actually discover something to absolutely negates the possibility of what you are asserting... will concede defeat at that time or will you squirm your way out of the delima by changing you revelation? You are not giving evidence immortal, you giving opinions, and possibilities....
  24. Did you seriously say that pagans are included in your religious assessment? which pagans? None of the pagans I know would agree with you does that mean they are not religious? You, immortal, are totally ignorant to your own hubris... Ok, so we have established that most atheists are liars, and that their investigation of religion is also a lie? And it is we who are wrong and you are right and only you have the special knowledge that allows you to be correct? And yet you cannot show this to us or show evidence of it in any empirical testable way? You say this is obvious yet you show no support for this claim other than what you believe on faith.... that is the height of ignorance...
  25. you might think you can but in reality you cannot and if you just stop for a few seconds and realize how full of hubris you really are you might realize it...
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