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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Prayer worked 4 to 10 years after the hospital stay? It seems it does have some critics... Retroactive intercessory prayer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studies_on_intercessory_prayer It even seems the author of the study had second thoughts about his methodology....
  2. You need to back up this outrageous assertion immortal, if this was true all religions would be seen as false immediately...
  3. I think Boron has some possibilities, it's chemistry is at least as complex as carbon, it does suffer from rarity.. This seems unlikely to happen in the required order... Sorry for the weird quote, seems to be a problem...
  4. So when should I come around your house for the left overs?
  5. Actually this doesn't seem to be a completely unsupportable assertion. I hesitate to say it is the only mechanism that originated life but it's a reasonable idea... I wonder how you get to the idea that meteorite bombardment is going to just evaporate the oceans and not evaporate the chemicals left behind, like salts for instance. You seem to be basing this on the idea that the bombardment was just enough each time to not destroy any biological compounds but intense enough to evaporate all the water... seems like a tiny window of opportunity .. The effects of such bombardment could range from the earth having a silicon dioxide vapor atmosphere to a small tsunami. Can you support that most impacts were of the just the right size?
  6. Show some evidence for that last assertion immortal.... You keep making that claim but repetition doesn't make anything true... Who died and left you in charge to decide who is religious and who is not? Can you show any support for that statement? Again who are you to make that judgement? Who gave you special knowledge? Can you prove any of it?
  7. I don't think religion causes poverty but it does seem to thrive in poverty stricken areas... almost like the lotto...
  8. How many people believe something has nothing to do with it's veracity.... please provide a link to the British Medical Journal article...
  9. Double blind unbiased studies? I don't think so...
  10. That is a good question, all i can say is i know em when i seem em... can intolerance really be completely tolerated? Would you give an organised racist group the protection of rule 1 © ?
  11. I don't do that... what is your point? Actual studies have shown that being prayed for and actually knowing you are being prayed for makes the outcome more likely to be bad . People who were being prayed for and didn't know it did about the same as those not being prayed for... so how about naming some of those miracles?
  12. While i obviously don't understand the nuances of this I was puzzled when I came across this article. I had been under the impression that colder than 0 K was a nonsensical idea. But now I've seen it across the net in several places. DH saying it was "discovered" in 1951 is especially puzzling taking into consideration that it is being hyped so loudly... I do remember an old SciFi novel called the cloak of Aesir that used technology based on negative temps to fight a group of aliens who had taken over the Earth,
  13. I have heard many things over the years that have been asserted as proof of a supreme being. Some are patently ridiculous, imatfaal's idea is among the best. Many would say that proof of god is absurd, but there are some things that would be difficult to ignore, so far I have not personally seen or heard of anything that even suggests god as a reality. WHOA! Except for that lightning strike that just hit near me, better luck next time god...
  14. Researchers have achieved temperatures below absolute zero and may have opened up a new realm of possibilities in heat engines.. http://www.livescience.com/25959-atoms-colder-than-absolute-zero.html
  15. NASA is considering towing a 500 ton asteroid into lunar orbit so it can be studied with out the cost of deep space missions. http://www.gizmag.com/asteroid-capture/25625
  16. Then what was the point of this thread?
  17. Again, there is no evidence the physical rotational poles of the Earth have ever switched. Your evidence so far is nothing but vague religious claims and pseudo science conspiracy theories...
  18. yes, that was my original reason for posting the video, it does indeed show how hatred and bigotry can be accepted if it is packaged correctly...
  19. Semjae what does past events, even if the ones you talk about are real, have to do with prophecy of the popes Which is your OT?
  20. Do you have any idea who the Westburro Baptist Church is? Normally you would be correct byt they are a very small group of hate mongers who picket the funerals of American service men and loudly proclaim that god hates america because we allow homosexuals to live and that is why our soldiers die.... Their official website http://www.godhatesfags.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church
  21. Considering that few if any archaeologists agree this site is the ruins of a city I can't take it seriously...
  22. I'm not so sure it is an old idea but the idea of kinetic energy weapons is old, in fact if one country were in reasonable control of the inner solar system and no one else was, striking the earth in a particular spot with a giant hunk of iron nickle asteroid would be relatively easy to do...
  23. Can you show that the geological upheaval you are referring to was global in nature?
  24. This statement is undoubtedly true Racism is only a meaningful part of it for racists
  25. What you suggest might work but I suggest that the effects of such impact would be similar to if not worse than the volcano it's self...
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