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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Of course it follows that you happen to have special knowledge of what religion means? Revealed truth? Or horse feathers asserted as reality? your arguments stink of ego immortal... You are a prime example of that assertion.... Show that this is a false analogy please... Both have exactly the same amount of supporting evidence.. They discovered gods? That's quite an assertion, care to show some evidence of that? Oh no wait you don't have any... I suggested they discovered that humans tend to have the same hallucinations due to similarities in brain chemistry... seems a bit more likely than gods who cannot be shown to have any influence on reality what so ever... Although it was discussed I'm not sure it was ever actually asserted to be true. I would say religion is rooted in ignorance and ignorance spawns poverty.. Religion is a parasite on our culture that takes root due to ignorance... better? Pot kettle black immortal...
  2. iNow immortal his his own definitions of what religion is and what evidence is, it's impossible to have an intelligent discussion with him.
  3. I am quite sure no one would ignore any evidence based in reality.. so far you have provided none...
  4. How about you provide some actual evidence for gods other than your own beliefs and faith.
  5. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I have to agree, while Dr. King did indeed preach non violence his movement was far from non violent, I will not debate whether it was justified or not, i was too young and too far away from it to know for sure...
  6. I don't know dude, Church of the Whale Penis has little to do with "Man" magnified or otherwise...
  7. You really don't grade em at all do you? Don't you even think it might be pertinent to give some evidence that there are aliens before you start asserting what they believe about god?
  8. That doesn't even make good fiction... and it has no basis in reality what so ever... why would you assert such a thing?
  9. Give me some empirical evidence that there is a god much less your idea of god, what you feel and what you've heard are not meaningful. I can find people who would dispute you with Holy Scripture in a half dozen other basic religions and thousands of individual sects that not only disagree with you but disagree with each other... often to the point of wanting to actually kill people over it but none of them have any more or any less evidence than you do... Indian culture, while I'm sure rich and varied has no more evidence for god than the ancient Egyptians had or any other dead god or pantheon of gods... why not toss the entire concept on the trash heap with all the other ones we no longer need? Like Thor or Zeus? Ra or Adriana?
  10. You can't see spaghetti? Damn I thought eating spaghetti was going to save me.... explains that extra 59 pounds following me around... I have this really great you tube video that would be a great addition to this thread... but I'd like to keep my reputation and membership in this forum... suffice it to say that evidently anything can have worshipers and a church... I lost something like 50 face book friends the first day i posted it...
  11. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    His take on Americans is a classic...
  12. The body of evidence for a higher power is so completely underwhelming you have no evidence what so ever, if you did you would have given it by now! You cannot guarantee anything supernatural semjase, I suspect you are too intelligent not to realize that by now...
  13. Well I've stuck my neck out may as well go all the way. How do we know super massive black holes don't just vanish at some point? Aren't there large galaxies that have no central black hole? http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001AJ....122.2469G Thanks, very interesting... http://evodevouniverse.com/wiki/Cosmological_natural_selection_(fecund_universes) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Smolin
  14. Some where in the not too distant past... I read that black holes create new universes by ripping through space time and the energy released by such a puncture (puncture seems more to the point) releases even more energy that expands (energy of expansion was the wording) and creates anew space time full of energy condensing into matter... at some point it seems I remember something about the mass of the black hole reaching a critical mass but then again maybe not... The idea was that universes that have laws of physics that give rise to black holes are more likely to give rise to other universe via the creation of black holes and so propagate their laws of physics. Laws of physics that gave rise to fewer black holes or resulted in lots of small black holes do not propagate as well... just lucky the laws that allow the correct number of black holes result in life? did i get that too wrong to even be understood?
  15. And why is this? Could it be because a connection with reality is not a prerequisite? It would also be nice if you stopped calling people who disagree with you stupid!
  16. Prayer worked 4 to 10 years after the hospital stay? It seems it does have some critics... Retroactive intercessory prayer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studies_on_intercessory_prayer It even seems the author of the study had second thoughts about his methodology....
  17. You need to back up this outrageous assertion immortal, if this was true all religions would be seen as false immediately...
  18. I think Boron has some possibilities, it's chemistry is at least as complex as carbon, it does suffer from rarity.. This seems unlikely to happen in the required order... Sorry for the weird quote, seems to be a problem...
  19. So when should I come around your house for the left overs?
  20. Actually this doesn't seem to be a completely unsupportable assertion. I hesitate to say it is the only mechanism that originated life but it's a reasonable idea... I wonder how you get to the idea that meteorite bombardment is going to just evaporate the oceans and not evaporate the chemicals left behind, like salts for instance. You seem to be basing this on the idea that the bombardment was just enough each time to not destroy any biological compounds but intense enough to evaporate all the water... seems like a tiny window of opportunity .. The effects of such bombardment could range from the earth having a silicon dioxide vapor atmosphere to a small tsunami. Can you support that most impacts were of the just the right size?
  21. Show some evidence for that last assertion immortal.... You keep making that claim but repetition doesn't make anything true... Who died and left you in charge to decide who is religious and who is not? Can you show any support for that statement? Again who are you to make that judgement? Who gave you special knowledge? Can you prove any of it?
  22. I don't think religion causes poverty but it does seem to thrive in poverty stricken areas... almost like the lotto...
  23. How many people believe something has nothing to do with it's veracity.... please provide a link to the British Medical Journal article...
  24. Double blind unbiased studies? I don't think so...
  25. That is a good question, all i can say is i know em when i seem em... can intolerance really be completely tolerated? Would you give an organised racist group the protection of rule 1 © ?
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