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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Yet again you do nothing but insult our intelligence, you provide nothing even resembling evidence of your position... A disappointment immortal, your argument is no different than any other huckster trying to game a rube...
  2. How is any of this supposed to add credence to the existence or even non existence of your god? It's has no more meaning than Zeus god of thunder or Xenu? You provide no evidence of anything supernatural or of any god or gods...
  3. You'll either love this or hate it, satire...
  4. God looked around saw me doing such a good job and left me in charge... you guys are in trouble....
  5. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    yes, you are correct, i am a total poser.... Sneak into my house in the middle of the night and find out...
  6. only if i get to bet he will do just that....
  7. Immortal, why the hell don't you show us some empirical evidence instead of some ones opinion about a vague interpretation of science twisted to fit your preconceived notions about god? It's time to put up or shut up immortal, stop with the twisted interpretations and show us some solid science that proves the existence of the supernatural... or admit you simply don't have any.... you need to take off your supernatural "glasses" when you read the stuff you link to... if you are reading them at all...
  8. No, all evidence does not point toward a theistic view, in fact no evidence points toward a theistic view. The evidence you have provided shows no such thing... If it does you have failed at showing any evidence for it... either show some empirical evidence or admit it's your belief and nothing more...
  9. Immortal is using apologetics in the time honored way, twisting science so it supports his own belief system. All he has done so far is quote authority figures and shoe horn what they say into the space he wants.... very sad...
  10. During the economic boom of the mid 20th century taxes were many times higher on the rich than they are today. Corporations should not be considered people, the fact is that what party someone belongs to is far less important than who owns them and most are owned by the extremely wealthy and corporations. Just how much more in taxes would someone making $250,000 a year pay extra in taxes? This reminds me of people playing a video game, they collect points (wealth) at all costs and seem to think that who ever dies with the most money wins, insanity IMHO... I have no problem with people being wealthy, I would like to be wealthy, but I see no reason why the wealthy should pay tax rates lower than the middle class. The very wealthy can hide most of their income in ways that make it non taxable or much less taxable than the middle class. I have always paid something like 33% of my income in taxes of one type or another, multimillionaires pay less than half that routinely, how can that be fair? how can anyone justify not paying taxes? If you live in our country taxes are like paying rent on something you have to have but cannot own and if you think that one political party wastes money and the other does not you have not been paying attention... In some ways this reminds me of the United Way, when I worked for DuPont i was in charge of the United Way several years and the excuses people came up with to avoid paying a few dollars a year for the United Way were classic. I paid $500 plus a year to the United Way, i never missed it, $10 a week, i wasted far more than that on beer, but people would squeal like little children over paying $50 a year taken out a dollar a week.. I never could understand why they hated to help others so much, they claimed it was due to money but i know it wasn't that at all....
  11. King... the main problem with eye witness accounts is that people simply lie, they often have an agenda and seeing something like a bear can result in misidentification. The main reason i suggested that lack of road kills is significant is because if bigfoot is as common as eye witnesses imply then there would have to be a population of many thousands at least in relatively well populated locations where people drive cars that eventually kill everything that lives in a certain area. Even people end up as accidental road kills, why would bigfoot be too smart to be hit? And then there are hunters, hunters spend a lot of time in the woods, they come across everything eventually and a hunter would have almost certainly killed a bigfoot by now but all we get are hoaxes. people lie King, not always and not all the time but so far no real evidence of bigfoot has come to light. No remains of naturally killed individuals, no fossils, nothing but claims of something seen in the dark... No clear photos that weren't shown to be fakes, no films that cannot be shown to be fake, foot prints are no better because they can and have been shown to be fake. No extant or extinct animal is similar to bigfoot, it is anomalous, no connection with life on earth what so ever and the idea that bigfoot is a half human half ape is just silly... I could support UFOs easier than bigfoot with better evidence...
  12. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Assault type weapons are almost toy like, they are light, small, and deadly. I remember the first assault weapon i ever picked up, i thought it was a toy, compared to my 30.06 it was nothing, a small child could have used it easily. Shooting the two is completely different as well, a .223 just pops like a toy, a 30.06 is like... hard to describe, if you are off to the side as it is fired the shock wave spreads out like an explosion, you can see it actually flattening the grass for many feet away from the gun. The concussion is palpable, firing it rapidly is difficult and requires some real determination. a .223 assault weapons isn't as powerful and feels more like a toy... I don't know, it's difficult to express what i am trying to say here but the difference between the two is real, one is not made for close combat rapid fire the other is... Only thing I've shot more impressive than a 30.06 was a 10 gauge slugger... WOW! doesn't quite express it but the bruises i carried around for a couple weeks after shooting it were a good reminder of just how powerful it was...
  13. I see no reason what so ever to assume your basic premise of life being rare is correct nor do i see any reason to think that complex life is likely to arise if simple life arises. You have created a false delima, not only are both your premises ad hoc, with a data point of one neither can be extrapolated with any assurance of accuracy
  14. Immortal, you have no empirical evidence, science doesn't support you at all, your religious stories are indeed, when viewed as literature inferior to Harry Potter or any decent novel. When your religious stories are viewed literally they fail as completely as Harry potter does at describing reality... All you have are claims and assertions of interpretations of your scripture you cannot back up with anything other than interpretations of science that may very well be shown to be completely contrary to what the science actually indicates. Give it up Immortal, believe what you want but your obsession to prove your religion is scientifically accurate is not supported by empirical reality...
  15. In space with out the atmosphere the sun is white (to our eyes), through the atmosphere it can be from yellow to almost red depending on the conditions. I suspect that cultural differences cause the suns perceived color to be subjective...
  16. This site goes with that last pic.... http://io9.com/5784971/how-to-create-a-scientifically-plausible-alien-life-form Doesn't that alien in the last picture in post #6 remind you of how the Martians from Stranger in a Strange Land were described?
  17. Are you saying that life is rare or complex life is rare?
  18. A recent thread on aliens and UFOs is what make me bring this up. In that thread the aliens look like ... us... in fact blond haired blue eyed... us... In many if not all close encounters of the third kind the aliens are always humanoid, some are distortions, some are so much like us they could walk the streets of any city and draw no attention (other than their other worldly good looks) . This one thing is what pretty much derailed my own enthusiasm for UFOs as alien space craft. I felt like there was no reasonable way even one alien race would look like us much less all of them. But there are other schools of thought. http://www.space.com/6978-aliens.html We can, in a thought experiment, give some parameters that would have to present on an intelligent being that lived in an earth like environment. I'm not sure non earth like environments can even support complex life but would an earth like environment with complex life necessarily produce a humanoid shape due to the pressures of developing a large brain, manipulative organs (hands) Eyes optimally placed, four limbs, upright posture to free the hands. Would the pressures of developing tool using intelligence result in a more or less humanoid shape?
  19. When science fiction was new most aliens were hideous monsters come to kidnap our daughters for mating experiments or creatures just like us that came to kidnap our daughters for mating experiments... But there are schools of thought that suggest that intelligent aliens might really be humanoid although that really doesn't pin down their looks we can say humanoid but humanoid covers a lot of ground and chances are there resemblance to use would be not much better than one head on top of it's body, two arms and two legs and torso. Not likely to be able to walk unnoticed at the beach for sure. This idea of alien intelligence being more or less human shaped in based on the idea that animals that specialize in similar things evolve into similar shapes. Shark or fish shape has evolved in many creatures from dolphins to sharks to ichthyosaur, to big game fish, to some marine crocodiles the streamlined works well due it's environment shaping their form. Would intelligence's from another planet be humanoid for the same reason, is it possible that environmental pressure and natural selection would drive intelligent tool using being into the humanoid shape.... Then it could be that the humanoid shapes is totally random and aliens could be shaped like sea urchins... What do you think? Alien intelligence's that look more or less human, or should we expect alien intelligence's to be any shapes that worked for them and intelligence can come in any shaped creature ...
  20. A laser powerful enough to vaporize that size hole would have disintegrated the tree....
  21. Where'd you get my Mom's picture, now the black helicopters will be coming for you, do you hear them yet?
  22. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Maybe we need to equate wanting an assault gun with having a small penis... that might do the trick...
  23. I hope it is just a prank, hard to believe someone really believes that stuff... I guess we'll know tomorrow...
  24. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I hate to say it but the phase change that would have to take place in the USA for this to happen is not going to happen. Right now states are arming teachers and school officials. Not the reaction of an informed and reasonable populace ..
  25. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I could live with that to a great extent, but I am rather more reasonable than most...
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