There is no evidence that Neanderthals ever lived in North America, absolutely none... or any other large primate. Just because you haven't seen a mountain lion road kill doesn't mean others have not. I've seen a dead bear on the road, a bob cat, foxes, wolves, snakes almost every day in the summer. Everything, even humans end up as road kill. Highways are a major predator on some animals.
I've seen very rare animals turn up as road kill, animals that hadn't been seen in decades, highways kill things, even very rare and secretive things...
There are no places big enough to maintain a population of bigfeet left in NA, even extremely secretive rare animals like wolverines are monitored, we can spot warm blooded animals from airplane surveys, we do it regularly. Nothing even close to a bigfoot has ever been seen via infrared even though searches have been done...
There is more and better evidence for UFOs being alien space craft than bigfoot evidence.