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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Again i ask for some evidence of this and what those things had to do with bigfoot...
  2. Like some kind of brobdingnagian creature that feeds in a infinite void of dark matter and excretes universes....
  3. Isn't Scrith the strongest possible subsistence?
  4. I don't think it's a chemical reaction, I know the mentos is a reaction that has more to do with suddenly increasing the surface area for bubbles to form resulting in a chain reaction of released CO2. (I watched it on myth busters) This could be a similar thing. I would recommend trying a powder of similar consistency but made of other or inert materials and seeing if you get a similar reaction. ...
  5. You seem to be thinking that all stars are visible to the naked eye. There are not billions and billions of stars in the range of the human eye. Some are in front of gas clouds. If a star went super nova on the other side of the galaxy not only would it be too far away top be seen by the naked eye it would be hidden by the galactic nucleus. I'm not sure how many stars are individually visible to the naked eye but it's not all stars or even billions of stars... Then as AGC52 pointed out very few stars explode...
  6. Fire on the Mountain was good too. Searching for a Rainbow, Marshal Tucker Band, Toy Caldwell...
  7. I honestly wonder if this belief in faith or need for faith is some how related to OCD. I am atheist but I carry around good luck charms, intellectually i know they are just objects but they make me feel comfortable. I have to carry out a few actions more than once to satisfy that part of me, it's not as bad as it used to be, my youngest son has bouts of it from time to time as well. I can see how parts of religion could be related, the constant feeling that otherwise nonsensical actions have a huge influence on your life, the rituals, repeating prayers over and over. My gut tells me there is a connection.... my gut is so big it has to be the Sheldon Cooper of guts...
  8. A few minutes a go this one didn't now it does...
  9. Somethings wrong... some threads let me give rep others do not... what am i missing?
  10. yup you got it, was it too easy? if you want to see an angel you got to find it where it fell If you wanna get to heaven you got to raise a little hell...
  11. Another clue? The bands name brazenly claimed they indulged in risky behaviors...
  12. This band walked the fine line between rock and southern rock and country music. Named after a mountainous region, this song gave instructions on how to do a few interesting things, one of which was how to find an angel. Name the song, album and band the song came from...
  13. Here the water condenses as a layer of thin transparent ice not frost, but it does frost here as well...
  14. Spending some time in a small boat gives you some idea of momentum and friction and how they differ from driving a car for instance. Boats don't have brakes.... you have to figure action and reaction more than in a car... then there is the whole displacement of water/floating thingy...
  15. An appeal to authority? Is that really the best you can do? I think it's more likely that humans share a tendency towards thinking certain things are significant when in fact they are not... On yeah, the jewel thing, I wanted to ask... ruby, emerald, and gold... right?
  16. Please elaborate, I see equal amounts of evidence for both concepts....
  17. If frogs turn out to have invisible wings we will be faced with explaining why they bust their little slimy butts every time they jump...
  18. So far in this thread all we have is horse feathers being used to support unsupportable assertions about reality and the nature of human dreams, thoughts, and awareness as thought those things are unique to humans and using this collection of horse feathers to say something concrete about reality... nothing used to support more nothing is still nothing... no matter how complex it sounds....
  19. Care to support that with something you haven't pulled from where the sun don't shine? Just what does Puma Punku have to do with either bigfoot, UFOs, or neanderthals?
  20. turtles are cool

  21. I'm not going to say i have never given neg rep because I was too lazy to respond but most of the time it's because response simply doesn't work. There are a couple of threads currently ongoing where rational response is being ignored and totally unsupported horse feathers is being used to support unsupportable assertions. I have neg reped a couple of times in those threads once it became obvious that the people replying had no interest in any thing other than the sound of their own key boards.... Actually pos rep can be used to show a negative response as well by supporting someone who is making a rational argument against someone who is nucking futs, far too many good posts get lost in the confusion of batshitcrazy threads and supporting the lone voice in the wilderness is almost as good as neg reping the bad posts... I have posted on "another forum" where the recipient of neg rep gets a notification of who did it and you have to defend your neg rep, puts a bit of a new spin on neg rep... sadly the one time I did neg rep it was due to a misunderstanding and i was flamed big time for it... I run out of pos rep regularly, I like to encourage new people as much as possible and sometimes one thread will use up all my pos rep....
  22. That's really not a bad idea, new members would be at a disadvantage but it would also help make them more aware of the rep system and it's impact. If neg rep impacted on your own rep it might keep people from frivolously giving neg rep. Giving out neg rep should be something you give some thought to, making it impact on the giver seems like a good way to do it. of course giving neg rep when you have no pos rep "in the bank" should result in you receiving neg rep in your account as well, kinda like being over drawn.... I have to admit there have been a few threads that would have tempted me to exhaust my account...
  23. There is no evidence that Neanderthals ever lived in North America, absolutely none... or any other large primate. Just because you haven't seen a mountain lion road kill doesn't mean others have not. I've seen a dead bear on the road, a bob cat, foxes, wolves, snakes almost every day in the summer. Everything, even humans end up as road kill. Highways are a major predator on some animals. I've seen very rare animals turn up as road kill, animals that hadn't been seen in decades, highways kill things, even very rare and secretive things... There are no places big enough to maintain a population of bigfeet left in NA, even extremely secretive rare animals like wolverines are monitored, we can spot warm blooded animals from airplane surveys, we do it regularly. Nothing even close to a bigfoot has ever been seen via infrared even though searches have been done... There is more and better evidence for UFOs being alien space craft than bigfoot evidence.
  24. If you mean spontaneous generation as in complex organisms arising from things like rotting straw then the answer is no. Abiogenesis is the formation of primitive life forms, even more primitive than modern bacteria, from organic chemicals and natural energy sources over time. Many of the chemical pathways toward the formation of primitive life forms can occur naturally, this is the reason i give credence to abiogenesis.
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