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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I understand your point, but if God was just messing with minds here then the miracle didn't actually involve anything but illusion then did it? Sounds a bit closer to Satanic than God. But that is irrelevant, this is a science site and even in the religion section you have to back up assertions with evidence and that was just someones opinion of what happened. A more reasonable assessment is that a large groups of people observed a sun dog or some similar atmospheric phenomena (I've seen Venus dance in the sky due to inversion layers) and mistook it for a sign from god during a very traumatic time in their lives. I have looked into the Fatama thing many years ago ( I used to be a UFO buff... still am I guess) and there is no empirical evidence anything happened there that was super natural but that a natural event was mistaken for the supernatural. (no UFOs either... ) still just an opinion of course... You were not rude, but if you read the rules you would see why you needed to at least admit it was your belief that Fatama represented a supernatural event, not that it was, but you would need more evidence to sway most here that direction.
  2. Quite the contrary, the sun did not dance at Fatama, the sun cannot dance, if it did the entire planet would have been able to see it not just one small place... Take the time to think it through, if god made the sun stand still or dance or what ever everyone would have seen it, it would have been recorded be every astronomer on the planet... major failure your link is just more hogwash backed up by horse feathers... it's called apologetics, twisting the truth to make it appear to mean what you want it to mean so you can support something unsupportable... if god can't be any less obtuse than that then he is sorely lacking in communication skills...
  3. This is demonstrably not so, chop off your arm, your "I" remains undiminished, take out an equally massive amount of your brain and your "I" vanishes while your body continues... Your "I" is how your brain makes sense of it's sensory input, it has no independent existence...
  4. How is this any different than the poor babies who think they should succeed from the Union because they can't get the vote to force all their control issues onto others? Play the game my way or I take my ball and go home... It would be the beginning of crazy, young people would tend to opt out, old people would scream to included once they got old and realized what a mistake had been made. Do you let citizens die because they were foolish enough to opt out (many would you know due to it being cheaper) turn them away from medical needs? I remember being young and thinking I didn't need insurance of any kind, fortunately i was working for someone who provided those things for free as part of my wages, later on after I saw how much money I was saving by having insurance I keep it going long after i was paying for most of it. it seems to me that both conservative and liberal ideals mostly orbit around what they should require people to do, it's a lot more complex than that in the real world but the basics of it are in there. Freedom and responsibility don't really figure into it except on a ideal non real world model...
  5. Cthulhu lives! I would say the current domination of nature by humans seems to negate your basic premise that humans are helpless. We are not helpless and become less so as time goes forward... Bite your tongue ACG52...
  6. awesome swansonT, i love listening to that guy...
  7. If all babies were indeed perfect or in some way made any different than alley cat kittens or baby rats you might have a point but human biology is no different than any other animal and natural processes account for all of nature and the variation with in. God really doesn't figure into it much less be the only way such things could come into being.
  8. At the time due to the power company I was beginning to think it was a nightmare but yes i was awake... I tried those things, it was not a reflection of light, I tried to scrub it off the floor, what ever it was it appeared to be under the many layers of varnish on the floor. White paper simply covered it, it was so dim it was difficult to see straight on, kind of like when star gazing you can see dimmer stars out of your peripheral vision. I did a little bit of poking around about this house when I first moved in, it was owned originally by a Doctor, whose family went on to build a tenement next door for all the farm workers they employed, where the tract houses were is just now an empty field but you can see the places the houses used to be in the various concrete pieces left behind. I'm not sure if any of that is connected but the house is nearly 80 years old and has unique features for the area like a full basement, no doubt used to escape the summer heat back in the day... I spent 2 hours in the dark investigating this streak, nothing else to do
  9. That is one of my favorite things to cook, it can be modified to taste very easily and is good for you! I like to add scallions, lots of red onions, and half zucchini half yellow squash. As for pumpkin... by it's self it is quite nasty, pumpkin is mostly a vehicle for spices and sugar IMHO... Oh but when put into a pie with those spices and sugar...
  10. I sat here tonight, after running the battery down on my cell phone arguing with the power company that i hadn't asked for the power to be turned off, and i noticed a glowing streak on the floor. Very very dim, glowing blueish streak on the hardwood floor. it was about 3 centimeters long and maybe 1 centimeter wide. very blurry borders, the brightest area was the center. very hard to see, any light at all kept me from seeing it for several minutes. The house was built in 1936, the floors are from that first construction. Not a damp place or anything like that, i investigated it until the power came back on. No trace of anything once the lights came back on. What could it have been? it looked like radium... can't have been that? could it?
  11. Another interesting petition being signed... https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/strip-citizenship-everyone-who-signed-petition-secede-and-exile-them/ZbMjcwPf
  12. No, actually i do not live in Wilmington, I live in Castle Hayne, and yes the immediate area of Wilmington is a bit more liberal than surrounding areas, believe it or not i have not sat in a house in Wilmington watching the world go by for the last 40 years. I worked for DuPont for 25 years, our plant was in the middle of Brunswick Co. democrat hell... I worked with, fished with, partied with, and lived around the people in this area and yes they are for the most part decent people... as long as you don't do anything overtly liberal in front of them like maybe suggest the world isn't 6000 years old, they tolerate us liberals...
  13. This coming from the man who asserted this fantasy as the truth and couldn't support it? Quite possibly you should stop filtering your thoughts through your penis...
  14. Oh that was cold dude... I hate reality TV, that was my attempt at sarcasm... I truly hope not, but I bet it wouldn't be difficult to get a group together to do it, if reality TV has taught us anything it's that there is nothing someone won't do on TV. Reality TV has ruined TV... assuming it has some merit beyond mindless... OK YES I WATCH TV, but not reality TV, it's an oxymoron...
  15. yes you can, death of the brain is the death of the I in any creature, the body can live on but the I is gone...
  16. I wouldn't hold my breath for that, but it looked like he was responding to something other than supporting melon sex never let anyone know you object to negative rep...
  17. maybe the easiest thing to do would be get a group of like minded people together and buy an island, make sure every one is armed to the teeth and choose up sides and fight it out over who has the best political system, make sure you have web cams all over the island so the rest of us can watch the fun... choose up sides and smell arm pits...
  18. I suggest that everyone put rigney on ignore until he stops being so lose with the truth...
  19. you need to go back and read what I was answering to... yes I'll wait for your apology... a + rep point will do...
  20. Ummm no, I think I'm a pretty nice guy. My wife thinks so anyway...
  21. all the really cool people are... Using a term like "the negro" is racist in the USA as well, not to mention a bit elitist as well, as though the person saying it is somehow above the station of the person being talked about, dehumanizing is the term i trying to get right. I often wondered if people of predominantly african heritage referred to themselves as black in other countries.
  22. rigney, you were staying at an expensive resort and I couldn't afford the gasoline to get there, give me a break...
  23. Panspermia, I have some mixed ideas on this premise. Lets say life is very difficult to form, and lets say the Earth is a typical "Earth Like" planet. How much biological material is ejected from the earth in a million years? How many planets with life ejecting X amount of material on average in a million years would have to form life abiogenetically before the earth would have a reasonable expectation of receiving a enough biological material to form life so quickly in it's history? I have to say even in the absence of solid data that sounds like another very difficult thing to happen, so we would just be replacing one mysterious thing with another mysterious thing... On the other hand it seems probable that even complex life forms can be transferred from one planet to another inside a solar system. Some plant and even animals could be transferred that way... water bears, maybe brine shrimp, plant spores and even seeds. If there were more than one life friendly planet in our solar system I would expect to see some mingling of the biospheres... http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/life/ https://sites.google.com/site/evolutionarylifeorigins/theory-of-panspermia
  24. I live in the Deep South, I can categorically (more or less) say three things about this Place, The republicans are generally the party of angry old white men... The democrats are generally the party of angry old black men... and having money makes both those things disappear when the two interact on a personal basis...
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