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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. What I would liked answered, and I would like it answered by the people who feel this way, is why birth control and sex education is kryptonite to anti abortion people? I don't like abortion, I can't imagine having an abortion, then again I can't imagine being pregnant. But denying both abortion and birth control and sex education from the population is nothing less than despicable... A previous link that indicated that birth control actually cuts down on the number of fertilized eggs that are lost actually blows these people out of the water IMHO, it will take some really fancy tap dancing to get past that... I think all these people who are so anti sex and think everyone is just laying around fucking are jealous, they lay awake at night worried that some where some place some one, is having a good time... because they can't...
  2. Wouldn't that mean we don't really exist...
  3. It's amusing in a droll kind of way I never suggested it was "superfluous" I just suggested it wasn't a conspiracy... So since I've never been in the military I cannot comment on anything military... I suggest you put your self in front of a news source other than Fox News...
  4. I would think the age would be just after puberty happens, back then that might have been later than now but the age of puberty is probably the driving factor.
  5. Are you willing to say this F- Up wasn't quite the big whoop you say it was? Yes a man died but I don't see any big conspiracy to cover up or lie, to me it looks more like a black comedy of errors, just stupid bad luck and bad judgments after the fact, if a man hadn't died it would have been tragically humorous... Nothing but a series of tragic errors before during and after the fact. To me it seems very much like the people who tried to make Bush look like an idiot because he didn't run screaming out of that children's class room on 9-11 when he learned of the attack, no matter what he did it wasn't right and it wasn't under his control...
  6. I don't know about where you live but it became a shrill contest of who could convince who of what by pointing fingers at the other side around here. There was very little truth involved in any of it, one jack ass actually got his grandma to make a commercial saying he was a good boy, it nauseated me to watch how badly the democrats tried to out lie the republicans, the democrats weren't very good at it and it made the republican lies almost look like the truth... Neither side seemed to have enough confidence in their true stance to try and go head to head with the other side.
  7. That is precisely what I meant, it's like there is some significant difference in sitting on the left or right side of a vehicle plunging headlong into a concrete wall... both sides are steering in the same direction while pointing fingers at each other arguing about who should be in control while the vehicle inexorably travels on.
  8. That may be my next move, I'm not sure how effectively I can do that. Actually the turn table does have the option of changing pressure the cartridge exerts on the turn table but it is set to the manufacture's specs. Someplace I am sure I have that info but I remember being told way back when the signal strength from the turn table is rather low compared to out puts like tape decks or laser disc players...
  9. Increase the weight over the needle? Never! I might try to isolate the turntable better, in it's time it was close to state of the art, but that was when dinosaurs roamed free... The RCA cables would have to be several feet long, I am betting that would have to cause problems. The turn tables suspension is unlocked, I only lock it down to move it. Maybe a slab of granite to isolate the turn table? The root of the problem is hooking a flat screen tv to my control amp, the TV having out puts that hook to my Onyko AV Receiver, I am trying to hook everything up into a more modern system but I want to still be able to play my vinyl.
  10. This may also be of some interest as well. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/60696/title/African_fossils_suggest_complex_life_arose_early Any chance we will get to see the finished painting?
  11. Uranus has a high altitude methane haze... te he

  12. You weren't supposed to tell that... The black helicopters will arrive shortly, have your bags packed and ready...
  13. Having, at one time at least, been an audiophile I have done little but play my stereo in so long I can't remember if this will be a problem but in my new house I am having problems getting my turntable close to my control amplifier, feedback due to the speakers vibrating the floor has become a problem. All my other components are happy near my speakers but the turn table is getting feed back pretty bad. Can the RCA type connectors from my turntable be any arbitrary length or is there a maximum length? Anyone know?
  14. proximity1, while I thought Romney was for lack of a better word an "insult" to anyone with the power of minimal reasoning skills that wasn't already a huge part of the problem Obama is still too far to the "right" and just as suspect in being owned by corporate and financial interests that have no interest in the people of this nation other than how to make money off them. I think the worst part of the political system in the US is that it only peripherally represents the population and has evolved into nothing but a bad and worse choice driven by fringe elements of both sides. The majority of the people who are in the middle are irrelevant and are being lied to by both sides... In fact I would be willing to say the entire highway has taken a sharp right turn Financial conservatism has lost all meaning with the rise of so called neo-conservatism, and is being driven by fringe elements that have no interest in our country other than getting richer and richer running it. Democrats are only marginally better in that they seem to be willing to throw the rest of the population a few more bones than the republicans. Republicans are no more the anti thesis of big government than a great white shark is less of a predator than a killer whale. We are in dire need of a government that is used for more than a route to riches for the elected officials. In my mind the two things have to happen, government officials have to be made to get their hands out of the cookie jar and some truth in politicking has to be enforced, the media has become incapable of doing this and the truth is too damaging for either side to tell it without spinning it like a turbo prop, most of the time it's just see who can tell the most convincing lie. Limiting religious interests in who wins would be a good idea as well IMHO but is unlikely any time soon. Personal freedom has become nothing but freedom to make everyone do what "I" think is right and damn anyone who wants to do anything "I" don't think is right. It's a sad state of affairs and this idea of my way or the highway has to stop. This mindset of only ideas from one side or another of some imaginary line are valid is simply stupid and is slowly doing what both sides claim to be saving us from... the very idea of a Left and a Right is invalid... I was once asked by a close friend who was a staunch conservative (in a conversation about guns) how I could support Democrats and still believe in personal freedoms I replied that democrats were less likely to round up the people who disagreed with them, now days I'm not so sure there is much of a difference when you come right down to it... other than that one thing... Both sides seem to willing to destroy everything just to win. Winning at all costs has become more important than running the country. The local election and the batshit crazy liars on both sides has made me begin to wonder if there is any hope...
  15. If a large asteroid impacted the moon (I'm thinking of one of the recent ones that are often touted as earth killers, that pass near the earth) what would it mean for us on the Earth? This wiki article seems to say even a small one would have a significant effect on the Earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno_(crater)
  16. I don't know about the driving and religion thing ewmon, I know some christians that become down right satanic when they are driving... I will suggest that when you are doing science you are not doing religion (I'm not real clear about what that means "doing religion" either), at least not actively. I used to work in a lab and we handled some semi nasty stuff and a couple of the people would make me want to pray when they started handing bulk chemicals... I do know people who practically have to cut a chickens head off and sprinkle it's blood around the floor before answering the phone... But I do not see any reason why being religious would necessarily interfere with being a scientist, now certain subsets of religion might interfere but as long as you don't ask god for the results or deny the results due to your religion i see no conflict... I remember being in the car with one family member who is a fundamentalist creationist when someone cut him off in traffic, the words out of his mouth could have sterilized a rotted corpse, when i asked him how he could talk like that considering his beliefs his reply was that god understood driving was too much for him to handle without blowing off steam, the middle finger thing was always active when he was driving...
  17. The state forces people to buy auto insurance, do you want to drive where uninsured drivers abound? You eventually end up paying for uninsured people anyway... Personally i want to see socialistic medicine, throttle back on multi-billion dollar weapons programs and it can be done...
  18. Hypothetical energy from a hypothetical particle?
  19. Rigney, were you conscious during the last Bush administration?
  20. I actually know of a great example of this, anemones, anemone fish and the zooxanthellae that live in the anemone, kinda of a three for... There is also a large jelly fish called a cannon ball jelly fish that I think is at least partially sun powered, i have discussed this with a couple of marine biologists and they agree it is a interesting possibility. Keeping them in captivity to study them is a challenge...
  21. Your link is a 404 error...
  22. Rigney, you have the weirdest point of view of anyone I know, who says anyone is gonna take anything from you? make you share ? You need to stop drinking the koolaide dude... you don't have enough money to be friends with the republicans...
  23. rigney, that was a low blow, I'll be doing the same thing you will be doing, sucking air, if you are lucky...
  24. The right to gloat... hell rigney you started a thread with 240 posts based on heads I win tails you lose, has to something in that for you...
  25. Don't worry JohnB, we have True the Vote looking out for us...
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