WOW! off line for three days! It's a republican conspiracy!!!
I say that the results of their anti contraception agenda "is just that" because ultimately they oppose birth control for all women, young, old, married, or unmarried. Theirs is not a protect women agenda but a control women agenda. Simply and crudely put, keep women barefoot and pregnant.
While I cannot support the assertion that their agenda is actively to subjugate women any more than I can show that that someone who says all nations should have nuclear weapons has the agenda to cause global nuclear war saying the result of all nations having nukes would probably have that result is easier to support.
These people are despicable, they lie to promote an agenda that is anti birth control by trying to convince everyone all they really want to do is save foetuses from being aborted. If that was their true agenda they should embrace birth control. I think it's really that simple, they are their own proof...
I am going to support Mooey in this 100% as well, the religious do indeed want to control women's sexuality, a great deal of religion seems to revolve around men being powerful and women being controlled by that male power. They truly believe that all women will be happier if they give in to their ingrained biology (well actually theology) and become mens helpers (read that sex slaves and baby makers) instead of full scale rational humans.
They honestly believe that all women feel a need inside to be taken care of by men and to have babies for that man. They think women were created by god to feel that way and any woman who doesn't feel that way is defying her very nature as god created human being.
The really disturbing angle on this is how many women ascribe to this agenda of being held captive by their very biology as demanded by male oriented theology, not to mention how many men seem to prefer women who are less than intelligent or at least pretend to be that way...