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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. It was a separate part of the electronic ballot, If I hadn't gone back to check my choices, which should have been redundant since I voted straight ticket, I would not have known I didn't vote for president... I'll be ready, the guns are for when they chase us back to my place and it's time to take a stand... bring 12 gauge shells...
  2. I noticed something odd when I voted, I have never voted a straight ticket before but this time I did but I found out that I had to vote for president seperate from the straight ticket vote. If I had not gone back to check I wouldn't have noticed that I didn't vote for president... Yes but this time you have congress critters actually calling for an armed revolt... As a liberal i know I am not supposed to have weapons but silly me I didn't sign the liberal agreement when i joined so i still have guns. I have enough ammunition to hold off a few people for a few hours but a concentrated assault and I am doomed...
  3. Truth no longer matters all that matters is who can tell the most believable lie. Who can tell the people what they most want to hear, if what they want to hear is not the truth so much the better, lies are always easier to tell than the truth
  4. WOW! off line for three days! It's a republican conspiracy!!! I say that the results of their anti contraception agenda "is just that" because ultimately they oppose birth control for all women, young, old, married, or unmarried. Theirs is not a protect women agenda but a control women agenda. Simply and crudely put, keep women barefoot and pregnant. While I cannot support the assertion that their agenda is actively to subjugate women any more than I can show that that someone who says all nations should have nuclear weapons has the agenda to cause global nuclear war saying the result of all nations having nukes would probably have that result is easier to support. These people are despicable, they lie to promote an agenda that is anti birth control by trying to convince everyone all they really want to do is save foetuses from being aborted. If that was their true agenda they should embrace birth control. I think it's really that simple, they are their own proof... I am going to support Mooey in this 100% as well, the religious do indeed want to control women's sexuality, a great deal of religion seems to revolve around men being powerful and women being controlled by that male power. They truly believe that all women will be happier if they give in to their ingrained biology (well actually theology) and become mens helpers (read that sex slaves and baby makers) instead of full scale rational humans. They honestly believe that all women feel a need inside to be taken care of by men and to have babies for that man. They think women were created by god to feel that way and any woman who doesn't feel that way is defying her very nature as god created human being. The really disturbing angle on this is how many women ascribe to this agenda of being held captive by their very biology as demanded by male oriented theology, not to mention how many men seem to prefer women who are less than intelligent or at least pretend to be that way...
  5. I've grown plants under 24/7 lighting with no obvious ill effects, it can cause the growth form to change, in some plants a dark cycle is required for seasonal changes such as blooming. I have imitated this effect by using 24 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness. In the plants I tested it seemed that the duration of the dark cycle had more to do with growth than the duration of the light. Plants exhale CO2 24/7 as part of their metabolism but during light cycles they produce more O2 than CO2. It's possible that they use their own CO2 during light cycles but I really don't know for sure. I do know that (higher) plants will not grow under anaerobic conditions and do need oxygen to grow. Light wave length also has some effect on growth as well as intensity.
  6. My point and what I said was that the so called pro life people are actually anti birth control. I'm not sure that the true agenda is to subjugate women, I don't think that you could find any of the pro lifers who would assert that but I think a pretty good case could be made that the result of their politics is just that... Pro life is at it's core a religious agenda that believes that all acts of sex should at least be capable of resulting in pregnancy, God's will be done... I'm sure they don't have anything against women, I'm sure they would agree everyone should own at least one... If you are wondering how I can assert this just look at what the religious object to, They seem to object very strongly to birth control being provided for but no one is protesting hard on pills... I guess a good BJ is out of the question now...
  7. Would you care to show exactly where I said there was a plot to subjugate women?
  8. Very good find jeskill, the anti birth control people have long used abortion as a smokescreen for their real agenda. This anti birth control movement has been going on a long time 100 years ago the movement was a bit more direct, possession of condoms being illegal even for married people. Thank you again for providing this thread with an honest view of what is really going on.
  9. It would appear that your friend is mistaken, the production of ethane from methanogens is highly limited according to everything I could find with google (google is your friend) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanogen Looking for articles linking methanogens to ethane came up with this thread as the fifth result. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=Methanogens+ethane&oq=Methanogens+ethane&gs_l=hp.12..0i13i30l3j0i8i13i30.3275.10596.0.33543.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=32142d4a7aa176f8&bpcl=37189454&biw=1152&bih=777 This is a paper that details this reaction. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC243973/ I would suggest you ask your friend for his source on his assertion.
  10. Synthetic Magnetism Used to Control Light: Opens Door to Nanoscale Applications That Use Light Instead of Electricity http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121031151609.htm ScienceDaily (Oct. 31, 2012) — Stanford researchers in physics and engineering have demonstrated a device that produces a synthetic magnetism to exert virtual force on photons similar to the effect of magnets on electrons. The advance could yield a new class of nanoscale applications that use light instead of electricity. Promise of harnessing light. An advance could yield a new class of nanoscale applications that use light instead of electricity. (Credit: © mrage / Fotolia)
  11. I think the idea that lightning is a significant part of the energy of a hurricane is flawed, hot moist air drives a hurricane not electrical charges. Electrical charges are a trivial side effect not the driving factor...
  12. You cannot have a YY baby, the Y chromosome is missing necessary genes for the development of the foetus. You can have a XYY baby but such individuals are developmentally retarded. http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/mole00/mole00776.htm
  13. This video is being posted all over face book
  14. Yup it was sarcasm...

  15. This is very scary, I have come to the conclusion that the GOP's base is motivated by more by racism than anything else and the GOP is using hidden racism to denigrate Obama at every turn. Has anyone else noticed how savage the anti Obama posts on facebook have become? Like this one.. I wish i had anti Romney crap like this but I can't seem to find it.
  16. Got snow? I heard you was snowed in them thar mountains...

  17. Any of it, so many different interpretations exist i can't see how any of it can be asserted as true...
  18. Off road I've always preferred automatic transmissions, especially in sand, on road automatics are easier but tend to get less gas milage. I've seen specially set up automatics at the drag strip, they did quite well but I never raced cars I raced motorcycles which at the time had no automatics. the automatics i saw drag raced didn't shift by themselves but had to be shifted like a manual but no clutch was needed. When I drag raced motorcycles I didn't use the clutch anyway, it was a little hard on the shifter forks but I won quite a bit...
  19. I suggest you google hurricane development, flatness has little to do with the production of a hurricane... I have been through several hurricanes up to cat 3 and lightning (cloud to ground anyway) is not a big part of hurricanes to begin with. or at least not something you notice while 125 mph winds are tearing at your house... green pine cones driven by the wind are noticed every time
  20. Since all foetuses start out female and later sexual dimorphism is determined by hormone levels and the effect they have on the genes of the foetus (yes it's quite possible for a XY baby to appear female in all respects) There are individuals with XXY XYY and XXX I doubt very seriously if a YY baby would develop at all. Mitochondria come from the female egg and have their own genes, they do not depend on the number or type of chromosomes contained in the developing foetus. http://www.marchofdimes.com/baby/birthdefects_chromosomal.html
  21. The private sector does everything better, nationally look at Halliburton, someone in the private sector got rich off providing services of the military, hell they taught the military a lesson by refusing to provide for the troops unless they were paid more. Can you imagine how humbled Gen. Patton would have been by a private company refusing to feed his troops? Lots of opportunity for the rich to get richer off the private sector. Locally we used to have city garbage pickup, city water, City sewage, now it's all private and the rich private sector more than quadrupled the price for everyone else. I honestly can't think of a single thing that is done by government that someone in the private sector couldn't get rich over charging for... Maybe we should have the military be run by the private sector, corporate nuclear weapons, kind of gives you a thrill doesn't it?
  22. Apologetics.... God didn't mean what it says when it disagrees with what I want it to mean...
  23. Good response in the three christian reaction thread...

  24. This entire thread is based on a question that is nothing more than emotional trolling. The only people who say that religion cannot be practiced by people who "practice" science are the religious fundamentalists who are threatened by the pursuit of the understanding of reality, the people who require that reality be defined by their belief of the supernatural. I am not a believer and if anyone wants to assert the supernatural over reality I am perfectly willing to debate the issue but to assert that someone cannot believe in God and still pursue reality is a dishonest question posed only to sow contention between people. There is no reason to assume or assert that a religious person cannot "do" science or that a scientist (or layman interested in science) cannot hold a religious belief. Not everyone who holds a belief in a god or gods also holds a total commitment to the idea that they are absolutely correct and reality is wrong... Some people actually believe that god wants us to explore and find out how reality really works. The people who define reality by the writings of bronze age sheep shaggers should not be used to define religion or god...
  25. Cloudy and cool today, supposed to clear and be cold tonight... down to mid 50's burrrr....
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