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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. They would search for a planet with an oxygen atmosphere that contains methane...
  2. The debate, Romney vs Romney? A short from Wildwoodclaire... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZIM8qnw2c8 Romnesia round 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTHayuGnz8I
  3. The American Family Association has come out condemning a day set aside to fight bullying as Gay indoctrination. They claim the idea of suggesting that students spend a day hanging out with someone they normally do not spend time with is an effort to indoctrinate our children into homosexuality.
  4. Well the Mormons get "magic underwear" probably bullet proof... Ann Romney is a housewife, Mitt worked from dusk to dawn but her work was never done. Cleaning house, changing diapers and collecting coupons so the family could eat on the tiny salary Mitt made by buying major industries and selling them off in pieces at a profit, without her it's doubtful they could have lived on his multi million dollar a year wage....
  5. What amazes me is rigney's obsession with the truth when his candidate and his party can be shown to be intentionally lying like a rug about very nearly everything. I don't mean "spin" or being misinformed i mean actively lying about everything. It is disgusting, I have to think it's a classic case of projection. And yet rigney, you do your best to ferret out any possibility of lies from Obama and cling to them like they are the breath of life. The supposed lie you keep dwelling on is nothing compared to your boy Mitt, in fact it can be chalked up to the POTUS being misinformed or even needing the truth to be hidden for reasons only known to the POTUS, i see no way he could make any advantage out of lying about this. But even if he is lying about this case, and it's quite possibly he was lying intentionally, how does that compare to Mitt and crew? The best way to see if they are lying is to see if their lips are moving. So many republican lies have been pointed out i honestly wonder if they can tell the truth but let Obama be mistaken about something that happened and you want to hang him for it? How can you justify such a double standard? Why are Mitt's lies ok but Obama can't even be wrong without republicans screaming liar liar pants on fire, Mitt should be charcoal by now...
  6. you're a die hard I'll give you that...

  7. I think it's worth noting that I see this "rank hatred" of Obama in many old white men of a certain generation... I get my hair cut in an old fashioned Barber Shop where older men sit and talk about issues while they wait to get their hair cut. I am blown away by the absolute dismissal of Obama, I know this is a conservative area, It's almost a forgone conclusion that Obama will not win my state but the open hostility toward Obama is weird and ask why and you get a hodge podge of conspiracy theories that are all demonstrably false but they don't care, I even hear the phrase "I can't believe they let a nigger into office" quite a bit too . The political ads for Washington wanna be's center around how the republicans have blocked the "evil" plans of Obama and if it's a republican running against a democrat the main thrust is that republicans will stop Obama from pursuing his evil agenda so everyone who is a real american should vote republican... They openly lie, I mean blatant lies, goofy crap no one with half a brain would accept as reality but they don't care the main thing is to get rid of Obama by any means... You can suggest anything you want about Obama as long as it's bad and it will be embraced like a breath of fresh air... Weird as snake suspenders to me... Openly obstructionist candidates selling the idea that if they are elected they will hold government in a dead lock until Obama runs out of time in four years from now. It's insanity on a widespread level, i have no idea how to combat it, Obama could shit gold and piss oil and they would still go after him...
  8. So you are sarcasm impaired?
  9. It might mean you think it's the rock solid truth, but really believing something does not equal knowledge. You might object to the word merely in reference to belief but that is not inaccurate. Well I think they should at least ask questions and see if the dogma their beliefs are rooted in have any connection with reality....
  10. You have a strange twist on how to answer a question. The answer to your question is nothing can cause a fission explosion naturally. I don't understand how you can justify twisting that into not knowing what could cause a blast...
  11. Our universe might be horn shaped if you think of it in four spatial dimensions...
  12. Then aliens did it is a viable possibility, in fact since aliens are clearly not impossible and a natural nuclear explosion has no known possible cause aliens did it is the more viable option...
  13. You don't have enough evidence to prove it's impossible for me to have assassinated JFK but does that mean I'm a viable suspect?
  14. If you want to have a private conversation with Arete i suggest you use the PM system, this is an open forum. In the meantime you can back up that outrageous assertion...
  15. you liberals and your facts... so annoying...
  16. Quite the contrary, i do not try to proselytize atheism, i and this forum requires you back up positive assertions with evidence. The positive assertion of any god much less the abrahamic one is not supportable with evidence and so is just a belief. I cannot assert that antigravity is possible without some evidence to back it up and so it goes with the assertion that there is a god or gods...
  17. I have noticed that some if not most posting in this thread seem to think that homosexuality is biological, i suggest that it is more a part of cultural labels. I know a lot of people who have at one time or another had homosexual sex, many of them still do recreationally but would never call themselves homosexual. In fact the model of bonobos in nature seems to show this quite strongly. In bonobo society everyone has sex with everyone else, who is the homosexual? They reproduce quite well and still manage to have homosexual sex quite a bit, in fact homosexual sex seems to dominate with females having recreational sex with each other more than sex with males. Sex for them is mostly recreational and or an expression of dominance/submission and i think it is quite possible that humans in their natural state are much more like this than the strict homosexual heterosexual divide that society requires. I think the idea that sexuality is mostly one way is an artifact of our culture more than a biological imperative with people who are at the extremes being held up as examples of the norm. I look at the tolerance of female homosexuality as an example. A woman who goes both ways is sexy a man who does is considerably less so and suspected of just pretending to like women and is generally shunned by both sexes, this is a cultural artifact, not biology.
  18. belief has nothing to do with it... Oh wow! Hal Lindsey, i apologize i thought you were just a typical nut job but if you follow Hal Lindsey then you are on the right track....
  19. Heart broken? Riiiight.... Can you handle being pissed on and thanking god for the rain? If Romney wins the republican party will yet again screw us all, I didn't cry when Bush2 won, but the pain of what he allowed to happen will be with me forever... Everyone knows the SOB had those jets flown into the world trade center so he could consolidate his power and destroy the basic freedoms of the american public... right?
  20. You need to back up the assertion that the nautilus could not have evolved in the 4 billion years before it existed this needs to be supported by evidence...
  21. So watching rape and murder is ok? I don't see how the one is part of popular culture but the other is an automatic life sentence as a monster? I don't want to defend the sexualization of children but possessing a picture is not the same as doing something. I know people do make money off porn, I don't understand why anyone would pay for porn but I know people do, but the free availability of it doesn't make it more profitable but declaring it illegal begs the question of profits... I have no qualms about the making of child porn being illegal, hang em high, but the possession of a film depicting murder doesn't make a person a murderer... makes them odd if they enjoy it somehow but so many people enjoy the whole murder rape thing in film, horror movies and primetime TV is evidence of this... This has always disgusted me but a very popular show about murders is on TV right now, the movie theater is full of very explicit films depicting horrific acts of violence, blood and gore. Are the people who watch such things culpable? Drug laws and their effects falsify that trivially... Then there is the theory that easy access to porn cuts down on sex crimes. As disgusting as that might seem it is true that total denial of porn to the public is impossible and current laws only make it more important to hide it, they don't stop it. Then there is the idea that even if you had a cp picture and it depicted someone you knew you couldn't report it because it would cause you to prosecuted. If you came across a picture or film of someone you knew being raped or beaten, no matter if it was the kind of thing you loved to look at and collected many pics of you could report it and be a hero, make it cp and you are a monster. To be honest i think, and this is just my opinion, but I think that the laws actually contribute to both cp profits and the actual making of it.
  22. The eye has evolved independently several times on the earth, no god needs to be involved with anything and there is no support for the existence of your god any more than Zeus or Thor or Adriana. If you are going to assert the reality of a god or gods you need to support it with evidence.
  23. Horse feathers, show some support for this or admit it's nothing but your belief. You need to support that assertion, it is not supported by anything but belief.... I question it because it's not supported by any evidence what so ever, it's nothing but what people want to believe is true, nothing else. . A great many people believe both in the fact of evolution and god, I how ever do not but your idea that the two are incompatalbe is simply not true. Seriously, you are going by what Ray comfort says? REALLY? Ray comfort is a liar, I don't mean i disagree with what he says, he is demonstrably a liar. The best way to tell if Ray is lying is to check if his lips are moving.
  24. At this point it is apparent that all that really matters is winning... winning by whatever means necessary, we can all stand here and call the other side pussy communists all we want. Facts talk bullshit walks and so far Mitt Romney has shown himself to be nothing more than a lying sack of steaming monkey shit. His running mate is a tea party activist, i mean seriously, is he trying to lose? It's no better than McCain getting Sarah Palin as his running mate. It's like he is shooting himself in the foot, wailing and gnashing of teeth? have you considered how silly that is going to sound when Mitt Romney loses? More importantly if Mitt wins and he continues the current republican policy of trickle down voodoo economics are you gonna use an umbrella when it starts to rain piss or lift you head up and take it like a real republican who is proud of being pissed on and being told it's rain? ? ?
  25. You realize of course you are asserting that there is such a thing as god to begin with and that it is your particular version of god that is in control of the world when in fact a great many other gods have been believed just as surely as yours by a huge number of people and all of them have exactly the same basis in reality... none. You really don't have a leg to stand on when you assert any of this stuff as part of reality...
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