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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. In no way does this answer my question or your assertion about ozone or the atmosphere of Mars...
  2. It should be noted that water welling out of thermal vents in the mid atlantic and other mid ocean ridges is not from within the earth but is water than has been recycled by geothermal processes. In other words it just circulates around and around....
  3. Exactly how does not having an ozone layer mean there is no atmosphere? Earth would be the only known planet with an ozone layer yet many planets have extensive atmospheres. How does that fit with your assertion that Mars has no atmosphere because it has no ozone layer?
  4. Possibly because they think it's pretty? Trendy? Someone they love gave it to them and they feel obligated to wear it? I wear gay pride T-shirts but I'm not gay, I have a denim jacket with the Harley Davidson emblem on it even though I ride Yamahas because someone gave it to me as a present but they didn't understand brand loyalty... BTW who are you to say who is or is not religious?
  5. Can you give us a link to that? I've never heard of it...
  6. Care to explain why a picture of Madonna wearing a cross is relevant?
  7. Your stance on this is particularly... annoying to me and I am sure to a great many others. You make the assertion that NASA is spending money on nothing and that money would be put to better use on saving the planet when in fact the money spent by NASA is an investment in technology. The technology produced by the space program has done a great deal to help save the Earth. From satellites that monitor the earth from space to research into the effects of man's activities to studies comparing the Earth to other planets a how man's activities mimic the effects seen there NASA does far more to save the Earth that people who sit around looking for things to criticize. On top of that is the fact that the budget of NASA over time is a tiny fraction of the budget of the USA, in fact at the height of the Iraq war more money was being spent in a day killing people and destroying than NASA spent in a year (actually I think it was more than NASA spent in several years) Deleting the budget of NASA would do little or nothing to solve the deficit crisis of the US but the effects of NASA throughout the economy in not just jobs but new technology is well worth the tiny amount that NASA spends...
  8. They do interact, the point is that they rarely do interact and something as small as the human brain is unlikely to interact with them in any way, not that they do not interact at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino
  9. Can you support that assertion with any physical evidence?
  10. Yes Mars does have an atmosphere, care to try again? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Mars
  11. Actually I think it's part of christian doctrine that they are going to be persecuted, in fact that's part of the whole end times death cult fundy movement, they want it so bad they see it everywhere they look...
  12. Damn, you let the cat out of the bag and we were so close...
  13. I knew there had to be a reasonable republican someplace... In my area it seems like it's a contest to see who can be the most batshitcrazy, winning is everything, stupid is a strength, lies are revealed truth, and the insane have taken over the asylum... to me it's terrifying... It's like all the crazy bullshit we have worked so hard to overcome has risen from the grave like the walking dead... John the left wing nuts have fled to the bunkers in fear... the brain dead are coming... Yeah, I just watched the latest season of "The Walking Dead"...
  14. Use them as they pass through? That makes no sense...
  15. So a signal absorbs neutrinos when the mass of the earth can't? If the Earth can't absorb them how does that mushy thing between your ears do it?
  16. Another group of winners, slavery was a blessing in disguise!!! This stuff just gets worse and worse, do any republicans stand up to the burning stupid the Republican party seems to embrace unquestioningly? Either the Republican party has abandoned the zeitgeist or their finger is on it's pulse and the rest of us are the walking dead...
  17. They mention two others in the video, one of them is the infamous Akins guy and the other is Quale... I am beginning to think the fix is in...
  18. There are other schools of thought on the idea of the habitable zone, some are based on stellar luminosity and ignore all other factors, others are more optimistic... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitable_zone
  19. Evolution Is A Lie From Hell! (Republican Rep. Paul Broun) Everytime I start thinking about it might be possible for fundy theists and reasonable people to live together this stuff pops up. This guy is truly deluded or at the very least he knows which lies to tell which audience and he serves on the science and technology committee. I see less and less reason to be tolerant of theist fundies and every reason to begin the atheist revolution! Yes with the forces of hell behind us how can we lose... Stupidity strikes every .0005 seconds...
  20. All over the southern US the idea that where you go to church is the 2nd question asked by total strangers is pretty much universal, god help you if you answer that you don't go to church. Then they take it upon themselves to sell you their church because they know that if you would just give their church a try then all your worldly troubles would be over... Tell them that you are an atheist and get something ranging from anger to puzzlement, either they don't understand how anyone who doesn't have horns and a pitch fork could be an atheist or they want to know why you hate god... I tell them I'm a Pagan, usually clears out the gawkers pretty quick, especially if I utter a few mumbled phrases and call the name of the goddess Adriana!
  21. Our brains pick up a signal composed of neutrinos and turns them into thoughts? So you are suggesting that the sun is the source of consciousness? Are you suggesting that the sun is conscious? Is the signal intelligent? If the signal is not intelligent then how does it produce thoughts? What exactly are you saying here? Since neutrinos are hardly stopped by the earth much less that little bit of mush inside our heads what would you propose as the mechanism for detecting neutrinos with our brains? How could a particle that can travel through light years of lead with no effective release of energy power something requiring as much energy as our brains? If our intelligence depends on the neutrino flux why is there not a noticeable effect on our intelligence from day to night? Differences in such hard to detect things as gravity fields can be detected down to parts per billion, we should, at least in theory, be able to detect any changes in ourselves caused by differences in the neutrino flux from the sun...
  22. The greenhouse effect should be mentioned here as well. The habitable zone depends on more than just distance to the sun, atmosphere plays a big part, if the Earth had less atmosphere it would be frozen over, if Venus had less it wouldn't be as hot. Exchange Mars and Venus in orbit and conditions on both planets would change but Venus wouldn't necessarily be frozen over and Mars wouldn't be as hot as Venus is now...
  23. You got dat right...
  24. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I think it's creepy, this stuff inspires a fear similar to the book 1984 in me... We currently have the technology to monitor anyone via wifi type connections, all they need is pinhole cam or 12 installed in appliances and privacy becomes a sick joke of a long forgotten era...
  25. In the quant vernacular of my particular area of the US... I heard that!
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