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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. At the time of those writings the sun and moon were considered planets, but the earth was not and some even counted venus and mercury twice as evening and morning stars. We know now that the sun and moon are not planets and that mercury and venus are only one planet not four. I'm not seeing anything profound in the poetry than can be interpreted as accurate discriptions of the heavens. What was the definition of planets at the time is also important, if I understand correctly only objects that moved against the background of stars counted but now days we only count 8 planets. I'm not sure if there is a definition of planet that would suggest only 9 objects are planets.
  2. The purpose of life is obvious, to reproduce and create more life.
  3. I see, I misunderstood.
  4. I didn't see another thread on this, I'll look again. I can't seem to find the other thread, can you give me a link to it?
  5. A new study suggest dinosaurs might have been much smarter than originally thought! https://www.labroots.com/trending/neuroscience/24431/t-rex-smart-baboon
  6. Holes in cloud layers are cool as well.
  7. Yes but tumbleweeds only tumble after they are dead.
  8. I was confused about the volume but I still don't believe him, there are no scientific papers or peer review in the aquarium hobby. Anyone can claim anything.
  9. If you ae doing what you say you are doing then kudos to you. You have done what I would say was impossible. You should distribute this to reef sites where there are people more in the know than I am. I have been out of the reef trade for more than 20 years, probably longer. It would be interesting to see how your ideas were critiqued on reefer sites. This guy was very forthcoming about his 3 gallon tank and it does contain filtration and powerheads. He describes his tank and upkeep in detail.
  10. 3 gallons of water weigh in at 33.5 pounds, (8.5 pounds per gallon) the gravel weighs in at around two or three pounds, the glass another two or three pounds, the live rock another 2 pounds, substract the displaced water and you are still talking about more than 30 pounds, maybe 35.
  11. I want to believe you but I know that you aren't addressing all the problems, evidently you don't even know all the parameters of a reef tank. You have dismissed surface skimming as though it doesn't matter, surface skimming was a big plus in the search for a viable reef tank. Your "coral" would seem to be glued to plugs inserted into the sides of the tank and it doesn't seem you actually have any hard coral in the tank. Only small beginning clusters of soft coral. If it had been set up as long as you say the polyps would have outgrown the "vase" by now. Your whole presentation is deceptive, I wonder what motives you have. If I ever decide to set up a tiny reef, I really don't have the money to spare at this time, it will include methods of dealing with things like surface organics and calcium ions. The way yours is set up you could replace the animals on an on going basis, in fact it seems to be set up that way. I keep going back to that photo shopped pic of the tank setting in a car seat. Oh BTW, I live near the ocean and can, if I want, collect animals for a tank. No pet stores required.
  12. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. It's kind of sad, I have a 3 gallon glass sphere that just begs for live coral, I'd really have loved to have been able to repeat his results but he never did provide anything but anecdotal evidence.
  13. Without specifics all your videos and magazine quotes mean nothing, I do not believe you, I require specifics verified by something other than your claims. I can claim anything, in fact I have claimed I could grow coral in a shot glass and I could with a significant amount of technological and volumetric back up. You posted a picture that was obviously a photo shop and then you think we should believe everything you claim after that... not gonna happen. Proves nothing, we don't know how long it's been set up or how often you do a water change. How do you deal with coral aggression, what do you feed them and how often do you feed them? I could stuff all that stuff in vase and call it a pico reef, doesn't mean it's a long term stable environment. The bio-waste build up is the first but not the least of my concerns. The inserts that hold the organisms suggest it is a short term fake and how do you keep the plastic free of Coraline algae? The questions I have are not being answered by this display.
  14. I was doing some research and it seems some one is using my name and image to smear me online in the marine aquarium community. This is caricature assignation, anyone who see me online commenting on pico reefs should ignore it. If you want to impress me or anyone else for that matter please list the parameters of your tank, species of corals, how long they have been in the tank and the specific up keep of the tank, ie water changes, trace element dosing, feeding schedule, actual water volume, filtration details, evaporation top ups, lighting, and anything else you do to facilitate the upkeep of the tank. BTW, saying that scientists are using your methods and posting a link to that has already shown you are being deceptive, the link clearly shows water being poured into the small tanks from a larger source and the pic of the tank in the car is just silly and obviously photo shopped. That tank would weight between 35 and 45 pounds and yet it is setting on the seat level with no deformation of the seat. Please don't use photo shop to try and fool others.
  15. As i have said i no longer keep marine fish, I move around too much to provide a stable environment for them.
  16. Where did you get it?
  17. Where does your insinuation of males suddenly deciding to indetify as females so they can ogle young girls in the dressing room come from? Nothing but conservative fear mongering or in some cases simple projection.
  18. And with each post you reveal a typical conservative attitude full of Fox news bigoted talking points.
  19. I do not believe you, I was keeping coral more than 45 years ago and all your links do not support your claims. Coral in a tiny container without a huge support system is simply not possible in the way you are suggesting.
  20. The problem is that what you describe is an "old wives tale" I am not an expert by any means but the idea of an animal taking it's tongue in it's mouth and rolling like a wheel is somewhat less than credible my friend. I am a reptile freak and this idea does not ring true by any means. Kudos for your link but it you try to click on many of the links it contain it "rolls" back to itself. I am not sure but a pangolin rolling due to wind is simply silly.
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