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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. i think he is asking why dark matter doesn't concentrate into black holes like matter does and the reason is... because dark matter doesn't radiate away energy the way matter does and so can't condense around black holes the way matter does...
  2. This is one of my pet peeves as well, i reuse every plastic grocery bag and while I understand that paper decomposes and all that it's not like the plastic bags aren't being used in some constructive way. The look some people seem to get when you leave the store with dozens of plastic bags and they are using reusable bags and buying paper bags is classic... I find myself thinking about banning the use of plastic bottles in favor of reusable glass bottles but it's difficult to completely support that idea. The whole idea that using disposable paper plates is somehow a bad thing grates me big time. i tend to shy away from plastic plates, mostly due to not being sure how much of an impact they have compared to if not recyclable at least sustainable paper plates... But the worst in my mind is the whole organic scam. The idea that somehow anything labeled organic is somehow superior to anything else. Petroleum, is natural, and organic but I don't wan to eat or drink it... The whole idea that I must somehow edit my conversation so as to never piss anyone or group of anyone's is more than a bit annoying. Actively spouting hateful things just for shock value is not part of my behavior but the idea that i can't be critical of other peoples point of view without being considered hate speech bothers me quite a bit especially so since the groups i am most likely to be critical of don't seem to be held to the same standard...
  3. Is there actually a method that can currently be deployed to do something about derelict satellites? It looks like a problem that doesn't have much incentive as far as financial goes...
  4. Today I was watching a UFO show on Netflicks, UFOs: The Secrete History, it was made in 2010 and I had never seen it before, i thought I had pretty much seen them all. if you have any interest at all about UFOs I would highly recommend it. I follows the UFO phenomena from the Kenneth Arnold sightings in 1947 and across the early to mid 80's. I learned a few things I didn't know and the documentary covers everything from disturbingly credible to outrageously crazy... One of the things pointed out is that the very first UFO government report asserted "flying saucers are real" and goes on to assert that they are "interplanetary space craft". The Washington merry go round, where UFOs were seen on radar by ground observers and by military pilots as the UFOs flitted around the air space of our Nations Capital was very interesting. Also discussed is the Military's attempt at debunking UFOs at any cost via ridicule and derision which started with Project Grudge. People physically affected by UFOs, burns and poisoning, and sightings by military personal which are well documented. One particularly interesting sighting was a helicopter which had a large UFO hover over the helicopter as it flew at night, the UFO shone a bright light on the helicopter and was so close the pilot was fearful of a rotor strike. It was explained as a "slow" moving meteor... Great documentary...
  5. I'm not sure that would mean i would vote for him no matter what his politics was but it does give me respect for him.
  6. Thank you, I have often wondered about that, I guess for illustration purposes a sphere makes sense but in recent years I've seen more of the diffused location type illustrations for particles like electrons, I was wondering if or which was more accurate. I know things like protons have internal structure then the nucleus has several of those and atoms are imaged as vaguely roundish or as peaks. What about things like photons?
  7. I can smell money dripping off Drunken Dinosaur Jousting... Gentlemen fire up your dinosaurs...
  8. Can electrons and photons or any other particle be said to have an actual shape? They are portrayed as spheres in any illustration but aren't they more blurry locations?
  9. Edit: Rigney, I am embarrassed, I totally, totally, got this wrong, I owe both you and Allen West an apology, it was Herman Cain that was accused of sexual assault, not Allen West, I am very sorry for my mistake, my mind is evidently turning to mush much quicker than i thought in my old age. Again I apologize. I don't know how I could hake that mistake, it is indeed embarrassing..
  10. Is that taking into account the women he has sexually assaulted?
  11. It is an odd mindset that complete nonsense answers any question... I have to admit I have had fundamentalist family members approach me with such a meaningless tirade and then act as though they have said something profound...
  12. I have the feeling LEDs are not yet really suitable for marine reef tanks, the spectrum is just not there or the intensity...
  13. Moontanman

    GM crops

    I have to agree with that, i remember my grandfather who grew many acres of corn would always buy his field corn seed but kept his own strain of sweet corn going. he planted his sweet corn literally miles away from his field corn or any other corn. He kept ears and dried them out and grew the corn that crystallized sugar after they had dried, his sweet corn had smallish ears but was sweet beyond belief... Talking about all this corn just inspired me to put three ears in the microwave, mmmm, nuked corn on the cob... I live near a farmer who grows his own....
  14. Moontanman

    GM crops

    I've never grown potatoes from anything but seed potatoes or cut up bits of old potatoes...
  15. Not even close, they are at the bottom of my list to ignore completely as actual players in politics, at least West has some real world experience, at least i looked at West when he was running, the others are not even players... more like not funny parodies of actual players...
  16. Fantasy is a good comparison i think, it does allow an explanation for certain things but there is no real world support for it as far as i know...
  17. my mistake, he was at one time running for president, since he is not representing my state he is now a non issue for me...
  18. I've noticed the same thing, it not quite like picking up a foreign language but you do change you speech patterns to fit what you hear...
  19. I'm not sure about the idiot part but it does seem to less than likely to be anything but a model and not really part of reality...
  20. I think it's interesting that what is supposed to be such an efficient light gives off so much waste heat? Try this link... http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/2/aafeature/
  21. It's not quite that bad in the US, although New Englanders are difficult to follow for me and they look at me when i speak as though they want to drag the words out me because I speak so slowly compared to them. I also change my speech patterns when i visit the mountains and immediately pick up the choppy hillbilly type accent I grew up with...
  22. Rigney, you make a bald faced assertion about something and then just back away as though your opinion is self evidently true and refuse to explain, why do you bother? Allen West had his time in the sun and he was judged unfit by the American people, any further assertion of his fitness to be president either needs to be supported by something significant... or ignored as baseless assertion...
  23. I think slang, especially "sexual" slag is one of the most interesting aspects of different cultures sharing the same language. Slang is how languages evolve until they are no longer compatible. The romance languages are a prime example of this. i was once responsible for a group of visitors from Ireland at our DuPont manufacturing site, While it was obvious they were speaking English understanding them was very difficult, they used many words that were not just spoken differently, many of the words didn't exist in Southern American vernacular... they of course would look at me in disbelief when i spoke as well...
  24. I am beginning to think it's someone too young or inexperienced or both to ask the right questions much less debate them...
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