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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I don't know rigney, the two we currently have to choose from are not much of a choice, the main difference is that one is pretending to be stupid to please his constituents and wants to be president and the other is pretending to be liberal and is president... Both are owned by the major corporations... What problem is he the solution to?
  2. He's Black and politically about as tight as right wing nuts get...
  3. The love of a good woman is far more precious than experience with many woman, i applaud you joatman...
  4. I am not a big fan of the Addiction meme, not everything that people do they like and do as much as they can is addictive. Behaviorally some men would rather watch college basket ball than eat or even make love, is that addictive? The addiction culture is gasping for its last breath, this culture consists mostly of people who want to believe their behaviors they do not like are beyond their power to control and the people who stay up at night unable to sleep because somewhere somehow someone is having a good time... confirming other peoples fears of behaviors that are out of control is all they have left...
  5. "out on the pull" What planet are you from John I love to hear how people can speak the same language but have such wildly differing slang terms... If I understand you I think we Would call it "trolling"...
  6. I tend to agree ( i misread your post, sorry) with that, most of the women I've "known" seem to prefer doggy style for simple raw orgasm, face to face more for intimacy... The OP seems to be making some rather unusual assumptions, human sexuality is quite varied and much of our sexuality is orientated around sexual acts that do not result in procreation, cunnilingus and fellatio are too big examples. you cannot simplify human sexuality to simply intercourse, our mating practices are simply more complex than that and foreplay is often as much fun orgasm wise as actual intercourse. Then of course you have the range of actual sexual orientation from totally heterosexual to totally homosexual and everything in between, bonobos have been used as an example of a complex sexual/social system but I think human sexuality is if anything more complex but more subtle...
  7. You said regardless, what if he was a communist? I tried to send you a Pm to show you how to clean up that you tube link but i forgot all you would get is the video, eliminate the & and everything to the right of it...
  8. Ummm, humans mate face to face? Humans mate many ways and all of them can and do result in orgasm for both partners, genital stimulation via means other than intercourse is not uncommon among animals other than humans and some in species of bats fellatio is necessary for intercourse to happen. Doggy style is not the oldest copulation position, reptiles usually mate side to side as do some internally fertilized fishes and lets not forget dolphins... Your premise would seem to be based on quite few assumptions that are simply not true...
  9. ideally a light source for a marine Reef aquarium should imitate north light Coral zooxanthellae light absorption http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/2/aafeature_album/Image1.gif/image_preview
  10. i have attempted to before, not a popular subject...
  11. Seriously rigney, you would vote for some one regardless of their political views? here ya go
  12. yes this has been suggested before, as far as i know it is not a well supported interpretation of the parallel universe idea.
  13. First off since we do not have the same definition of left and right wing this is not a constructive way to debate this idea. I agree with that, sadly our "right wing" nutters do not seem to understand this... And my point is that traitors are more likely to be defined by the conservatives, anyone who disagrees with them risks being labeled a traitor. They care not for the dictionary definition... See above Again we are dealing with fundamentally different ideas here. In the US being in the employ of a foreign power has nothing to do with being labeled a traitor... all you have to do is disagree with some part of their ideology and you are a traitor, they tend to make up their own definitions as they go along and generally fail to make that distinction... Being secrete in no way determines that you are a traitor or selling out the country, sometimes it just means you have to hide from conservative bastards that want to stop you from undermining their efforts to sell the country out on a huge economic level. making obscene amounts of money selling the country out economically is celebrated making you a tremendous success as a businessman. Trying to secure universal heath care makes you a communist traitor... Everyone has the freedom to push an agenda, the constitution of the US protects us from people pushing the agenda too far... We are indeed operating on different sides of the world JohnB
  14. We can indeed explain how speciation occurs, this is a strawman... This part is true, we do indeed make new breeds of animals via artificial selection. This is a bit misleading, if you had an isolated population of chihuahuas and Great Danes they could not reproduce and would satisfy the requirements of being separate species. many species can reproduce with other but do not do so due to environmental factors such as isolation. Dogs in my opinion are more like ring species, we have simply breed so many grades of dogs that they all seem to be able to reproduce but as you suggested some are not compatible with others but in effect they all are compatible with at least some of the different breeds. Different species can be the result of geographic isolation as well as simply being physically impossible for the two species to mate, it does not necessarily mean they cannot be cross fertile. We can and do mate different species in captivity and in rare cases they can be fertile and cross fertile with the parent species. It would be easy to simply declare Great Danes and Chihuahua different species due to the fact that reproduction is not naturally possible between the species, because we know they were recently the same species and is a result of artificial selection instead of natural selection the idea of simply declaring them different species is not well thought of. There is also the problem of the dog genome being so plastic that left to natural forces most dogs will over time revert to a less "artificially selected" form, if say for instance Chihuahuas were left on some island isolated with no humans to select their form they would not be Chihuahuas after many generations... no artificially selected dog breed would breed true in the wild removed from the pressure of selection by humans... since the selection pressure is artificial and not natural by definition the idea of species is blurred in these and other domestic animals... I think it is safe to say that few people would mistake a domestic cow for an auroch or a mouflon for a domestic sheep. Again, that is a strawman argument since indeed we do know how speciation occurs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciation
  15. How could this philosophical dribble possibly confirm the veracity of the new testament?
  16. i agree, the rules to seem to be skewed in the direction of us males for sure. I think a pretty good argument could be made that the old testament is the story of an alien overlord breeding a certain group of humans for some purpose.. but I am a little weird in that direction...
  17. Zombie thread... get the shotgun...
  18. Moontanman

    GM crops

    If you seriously do not understand that native peoples of the Americas were not all or even mostly hunter gatherers and actually lived in cities and had a thriving civilization, actual stone cities, although in North america the settled peoples used wood instead of stone, I seriously do not think I am qualified to teach such a complex subject. But small pox pretty much eliminated the great North American cities of the Mississippi culture. The Cherokee Nation was not hunter gatherers or a slash and burn culture, they actually lived in houses made of logs, actual permanent settlements, towns, the Appalachian Mountains from Georgia to New England was their homeland. later they were concentrated into smaller areas by the USA and later forcibly removed to the Midwest "Indian Territories" Native American culture consisted of quite a bit more than wondering tribes... In Central and South America they had huge stone cities and built pyramids of stones, seriously are you just baiting me? Most of North america is shown as hunter gatherers on maps but there were some tribes that lived permanent settlements. The Most advanced were in central and south america but the Appalachian mountains and Mississippi river valley contained tribes that lived in permanent agricultural settlements. Early Spanish explorers spread small pox that for all practical purposes eliminated the settled tribes that depended on agriculture. Even in the desert south west many tribes were permanent agriculture based tribes. I will admit this is not universally accepted by many historians, the Mississippi culture was ended by small pox and never recovered. Most of the actual development of things like potatoes, tomatoes, and corn was done in Central America but it had spread to North America well before Columbus. Tobacco was developed by North American tribes but it was not smoked the way Europeans eventually used it. It was smoked ceremoniously and used in sweat lodges. Sadly the most well known cultures of North America were indeed hunter gatherers but they had spread greatly die the to death of more permanent tribes due to the small pox epidemic that eliminated the settled tribes. These wandering tribes had taken over much of the old territories by the time Europeans moved into the majority of North America. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanaceae It's interesting to note that many different plants are related to potatoes, including peppers tomatoes and tobacco, not to mention many varieties and species that are quite deadly. http://archaeology.about.com/od/plthroughpo/a/Potatoes.htm
  19. yes i would be interested in the details of this.
  20. None of us have memories long enough to remember to reply...
  21. WOW! Talk about an embarrassing mispeel...
  22. The LED lighting is interesting to me, I keep marine reef aquariums and lighting is a problem, the best lighting is metal halide, but of course is it hot and expensive. Newer LED lighting is what I am considering for my next set up. Wave length is important as well as intensity. Very expensive is the word I would describe commercially available Aquarium LED lighting. Do you have technical expertise in LED lighting? I like to "do it your self" this type of thing...
  23. Moontanman

    GM crops

    You said they were a slash a burn culture who could not have developed the varieties of domesticated plants when in fact the image of Native Americans as less than civilized is a product of Hollywood and the Europeans who waged a constant warfare of deception and extermination against the native peoples. Actual biological warfare was used against my own ancestors as well as armed conflict and a constant war of dehumanization resulting in the modern day assumption that they were not civilized and somehow only benefited by being tamed by the white man... yeah, i am a bit touchy about it sometimes, tell a black man how he is better off to have had his ancestors dragged to North america by the white man and you'll get a similar reaction. The native people of North, Central, and South America were, even by European standards, quite civilized when first contact occurred, disease and constant warfare winnowed the natives in North America down until only the natives of the open plains were left to be immortalized by Hollywood and prejudiced historians. The Cherokee Nation was robbed of their homeland even though they were "officially" civilized and allies of the USA, the discovery of gold on our homeland resulted in this betrayal, google the Trial of Tears to find out more... That's mighty white of you... the civilization of the Americas had been cultivating corn for more than a 1000 years by the time the white man had arrived, they had large cities and cultivated a great many unique crops and had been doing so for thousands of years... Biological warfare and deception is the hall mark of the Europeans and it was the down fall of the civilizations of the new world... I apologize for the miscommunication...
  24. Moontanman

    GM crops

    You would be mistaken, I suggest you do a little more research on this, I am a Native American, Native Americans developed corn, they also developed potatoes... Not all Native Americans were savages... The Cherokee Nation not to mention others were not slash and burn culture... Again you are mistaken. Since you did not I can not...
  25. We are Americans, lower your self respect and surrender your culture, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated...
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