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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think it's amazing how this stunningly stupid idea keeps popping up... I can't even see how it could be misunderstood data, nothing points to it's validity... everything points to it being horse feathers... I love the idea that somehow gravity was lower 180,000,000 years ago due to the Earth being smaller and that allowed dinosaurs to be large and how does the creation of the moon have anything to do with the earth 180,000,000 years ago? I've honestly tried to see how this idea could gain footing in the modern world and I can't see it.. it truly make no sense at all... Although some creationists seem to really be pushing this...
  2. Yeah I can't wait for my designation to be God...
  3. To show this thesis has merit you will have to show how progress can be anything but what it is. How can scientific discovery be metered out by deciding how dangerous it is? Should Einstein's theory of relativity been censored because it showed matter can be turned into energy? Who makes that determination? Should germ theory be banned because of biological weapons? How is the idea that progress should be halted in any area that might be used as weapons even plausible?
  4. Anyone with any intelligence wouldn't bother to contact us...
  5. I wasn't trying to ridicule you, I just can't make any sense of what you are saying...
  6. Has to be the top side, the bottom side is on contact with the ground and would impede air flow... btw it's not the curvature of the wing it's the angle of attack...
  7. If you apply enough HP a brick will fly, what is your point?
  8. Shine on... shine on harvest moon, up in the sky...
  9. Your argument is nothing but horse feathers, if not for nuclear weapons we would probably be on WW10 by now, nuclear weapons made wide spread warfare to dangerous to be practical. The power to wipe out continents would almost certainly make other advancements possible as well. What would you do, put us all back in caves, with a sharp rock and living in fear of cave lions? There is no way you can predict how advancements would be used but we humans have made some stunningly good decisions, not waging nuclear war was one of them. We have weapons that are far more dangerous than nuclear weapons, and far easier to make, when it gets to the point that going to war on another country is almost certain to cause damage to your self as bad as your enemy it gives most knowledgeable people pause and despite the childish nature of the behavior of large groups of people reason has won out as knowledge has increased. Nuclear weapons have come to the point that they are almost nothing but phallic symbols too large to use and only good for masturbation fantasies... In fact i think it's quite possible to assert that ignorance is far more dangerous than knowledge, in modern terms the people who want to limit knowledge are far more dangerous than those who seek it... The most dangerous people on the planet are religious fundamentalists who want to take things back the middle ages, which religion doesn't matter it's the dehumanizing influence of ignorance that is dangerous...
  10. Zoo farms? Farm zoos? Black market steaks? I can see it now Canadian meat cartels...
  11. None the less what does dark matter have to do with the moon holding an atmosphere or any other body for that matter? Ummm yes... True, including your next line... If frogs had wings they wouldn't bust their little slimy asses when they jump... what does this mean?
  12. Why would it have to? Why add yet another layer of complexity? What do you gain in understanding by doing so?
  13. I would want a very fine chain mail, it prevents sharks from biting, add a infusion of polycarbonate and a layer of kevlar mesh and it should be quite effective.
  14. What does dark matter have to do with holding an atmosphere? Artificial gravity can be the same as Earth's gravity... Cold fusion is nonsense... This make no sense...
  15. I define the idea of a soul as horse feathers...
  16. This is disturbing and NC is rapidly becoming a crazy place...
  17. I would like to avoid the whole Ancient Astronaut thing, there is another thread for that but it is true that UFO like objects have been reported since ancient times. I have talked to a US Navy fighter pilot that said he and his wing man chased a shiny metallic object object they could not catch when they were scrambled off the deck of an aircraft carrier when it was detected on radar approaching the ship. These type of reports are not uncommon and of course are just hearsay. Pictures and videos are a bit better or would be if not for what seems to be a world wide contest to see who can fake them better than anyone else. Any modern pictures or videos are doubly suspect due to this "contest" It is still fun to discuss the evidence and there are sightings that are simply impossible to explain and not due to lack of information. One of the best reports... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident
  18. This is true, some reports could very well be secrete aircraft, but some were seen well before there were any flying machines. Some have said that is the reason why the USAF was so keen on debunking UFOs, some of them are aircraft in development. I'm not sure how this could apply to most sightings or the videos posted here.
  19. One of my fav vids
  20. UFOs I would not be willing to say it's impossible, I really try to keep belief out of it, there is a considerable amount of evidence and while most of it is circumstantial or eye witness, a significant amount is difficult to simply dismiss... I would tend to agree with you, either they are fake or absolute proof of unknown flying machines, that is the discussion I hope to have, and while it's difficult not to be a little bit humorous this has nothing to do with aliens building megalithic structures for humans. Can you elaborate on why you think they are fake?
  21. Ancient Astronauts, while I think it's quite possible that we were visited in ancient times and even influenced by them I see no reason to assume they built megalithic structures. There is a thread for Ancient Astronauts material, in this one it is off topic. Here is yet another film that is supposed to be recent, i have my doubts, but i think it's important to look at these things critically least we be guilty of the same hand waving dismissal that is the last resort of religion and pseudo-science. This film is interesting because the UFO is a shape that is often caught on film or photo shopped on film...
  22. Here is one use for that waste.
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