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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. So far pretty much every post you make, so far you have refused to address the arguments of nearly everyone who has has shown evidence that disagreed with your version of what you believe your religion says. Right now, as you stare cluelessly into your computer you are committing an abomination. Can you take along hard look at your self and guess what it is?
  2. That is truly sad, if your religion taught the flat earth theory (which indeed The Abrahamic religions basically do) should you be allowed to pass if you refuse to study geography? Or that the Earth revolves around the sun? How can you say you have an education with out a basic understanding of reality? Actually quite a bit, if you don't understand the whole action and reaction part, just to name one basic simple aspect of it, you could end up killing yourself while working on a car. There is no excuse for allowing religion to trump reality in school. How can a doctor do something as simple as prescribe antibiotics without understanding the evolution of acquired resistance to the drugs? Evolution applies to everything in biology and being a doctor without a basic understanding of biology is unacceptable.
  3. Well i could wrong but we all know that can't be right... I am pretty sure I am confused on this due to something i thought I read cannot seem to find again. The real point I am trying to make before I went off into crazy land is that most scenarios assume that to colonize a star requires there be a habitable planet around that star. Since it is almost surely correct that all stars do not have habitable planets around them this limits the ability of a star faring species to colonize the galaxy. The following example assume a habitable planet every 5 light years, only certain types of stars are also assumed inhabitable, in my scenario even hot relatively short lived stars could be targets of colonization. http://www.geoffreylandis.com/percolation.htp My idea is that planets are not only unnecessary but actually not desirable due to gravity wells and the energy needed to bring things up from the surface and own to the surface not to mention dealing with native life forms. In my scenario all stars are colonizable and the entire galaxy might very well be colonized already but not the inner parts of star systems just the ort clouds and or kuiper belts and asteroid belts. The debris around stars would be more desirable than the planets. I think this would not only speed up the process of colonization it would mean that inhabited planets are by passed and there is no reason for aliens to contact us even though they may very well already be "here" The clouds of debris around stars are so vast that many different species could colonize each star as well. This scenario would allow for the galaxy to be full of alien life forms and for us to still not be aware of them. It could also account for why aliens would land in farmers brown field late and night and then leave with out doing anything constructive like "take us to your leader" a quick trip to check out the earth wouldn't be the imminence endeavor that traveling to the sun from another star would be so quick trips to sample a cow or dirt (both of these things have been reports by UFO witnesses) or to anal probe bubba would be more reasonable. It also explains why they haven't colonized the earth already, way before we came into being... A small group of alien scientists from each species might specialize in studying up and coming intelligence's but for the most part we are simply not interesting enough for most of them to care. If this scenario is true falsifying it should be trivial, it's much harder to get rid of waste heat in space than to keep warm, the IR emissions of colonies should stand out like a sore thumb to a telescope able to detect them.
  4. Either I am completely crazy, always a possibility, or I'm not expressing my self correctly. The "Ideally spherical", front of colonization encompasses space faster than the speed of light but only because the front of colonization is moving in many different directs at one. More stars are encompassed by this front than you could visit even if you were traveling at many multiples of the speed of light even though individual ships never exceed .01c.
  5. This video has a good explanation of evil and it tells how Satan as christians think of him didn't exist until around 3 or 4 hundred years after the Death of Jesus. There was no being the opposite of god in the old testament.
  6. Again you are missing my point and thinking linearly, nothing even information will be traveling faster than light. But the spherical front of colonization when all the progress is added up mean that eventually in a year the spherical front of colonization will cover in a year more light years than light could travel in a year but since it's in all directions and not just in one direction nothing actually travels faster than light. If you had 15,000 colonies all traveling at .1c their combined progress in a year would be more than c.
  7. You thinking is too linear, think of it this way, one intelligent species colonizes the space around it's own star, in 1000 years it manages to colonize two stars, in another 1000 years they each manage to colonize two more stars and so on. How long before the entire galaxy is colonized? Remember no habitable planets are necessary only the resources in orbit around stars... Eventually the speed of the colonization front will exceed the speed of light because it's going in so many different directions at once even though individual ships are far slower than light speed... http://www.nicap.org/papers/gemert-eth.htm Of course this still doesn't explain why they aren't already here, unless of course they are and are not the least bit interested in planets...
  8. I second that, happy Birthday SFN!
  9. So you are of the Rare Earth Camp? I'm not as sure as you they will never get here, it doesn't take Star Trek technology to colonize the galaxy, slow boats, less than .01% of the speed of light could colonize the entire galaxy in a few hundred thousand years, millions almost certainly. This is a very short time in respect to the age of a star or the galaxy. Why are you so obsessed with asserting aliens have visited us when there is no direct evidence of such a visit, even indirect evidence is very iffy to say the least. I think that religion, especially later ones who mention sky creatures coming down and providing laws, technology, and such might have been the result of such contact. there really are cave paintings that rather closely resemble modern descriptions of UFOs and some medieval paintings are very suggestive of space craft. The idea that our ancestors could do some very difficult things has no bearing on aliens ancient or otherwise. My own pet idea is that aliens already inhabit the solar system, they colonize the Ort cloud and Kuiper belt type places in star systems. and slowly move from one star to another using resources there to build habitats and eventually sending our more slow boats as they colonize the stars outer reaches. With no need for planets they might very well have little or no interest in creatures living on planets other than wonder about us from an academic point of view or possibly some worry about our reaction to discovering they had colonized "our" solar system. A properly build IR detector should be able to spot their colonies in the solar system...
  10. Base model of the new zombie machine... lasers are optional...
  11. I've heard that if you make a pyramid with three naked women it will keep your pencil sharp longer....
  12. I honestly don't know whether I should laugh, cry, or just be disgusted... By the way I am from Fomalhaut...
  13. I was curious about this question so I attempted to google it. It's amazing how many times this has been asked across many question answer forums and science forums. So far i have not found any realistic estimates, most simply say billions or trillions of years or say it will never happen because the sun will consume the earth far before it could happen... Evidently a very difficult question to even estimate much less answer exactly...
  14. You'll be disappointed, but it does appear the Dogon people did indeed have contact with a more advanced civilization. http://www.skepdic.com/dogon.html
  15. Which episode of which Star Trek?
  16. It needs four wheel drive too, big tires, a 6" lift kit, have to have four wheel drive or the zombies will laugh at it. More lasers too of course...
  17. That was what I had in mind but in practical use that only works for women whose lovers have normal to below normal sized penises, for those of us far enough outside the bell curve it's useless....
  18. I honestly can't take your assertions any other way, you seem to be applying definitions that are your own and no one else's... This is another assertion that cannot be taken at face value, how can you know that a creature has a state of conscious awareness or does not and how is intelligence automatically a part or not a part of self awareness? I am not trying to bait you, I think these are reasonable questions...
  19. Probably not but can you name one that is outside the paradigm of natural selection? This link is provided on that site http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Perspectives/Origins_and_Creation/Creation_vs_Evolution/ and there is no attempt to show it as anything other than a valid critique of evolution. The title of the site is, if not misleading, inflammatory. Neo-Darwinism would include all the possible mechanisms suggested by the author of the site, the site would seem to exist only as a way for others to advertise anti science views veiled in the cloak of real science.
  20. Why would "it" have to be intelligent of even an entity? Why could it not simply a natural process we are currently unable to describe? Good job ignoring my response to your assertions, you were the one who made the insinuations i was trying to clarify...
  21. This would seem to be an incredibly misleading assertion, the link you gave also gives many links to creation science which is not science but a denial of science. While "Darwinism" has changed over the years I have yet to see any evidence that anything guides evolution other than natural processes which are indeed covered if not explained in detail by the term "natural selection".
  22. No i don't think you will be able to get 20 hp from a 5hp motor, that is essentially what you are trying to do.
  23. Of course there can be nothing outside the universe, the trick is to actually define the entirety of the universe, we simply do not know if we know enough to say what you are asserting. i agree that within the bounds of our knowledge what we see as the universe is indeed the universe but saying that is a known fact is a bit misleading i think. I understand that you are approaching this from the point of view of the current understanding of the universe but any fundamentalist theist would immediately dismiss your point by saying God doesn't have to play by our rules and by definition is not bound by any rules what so ever. Are you suggesting that the opinion of the Vatican trumps Science? "get away with" Are you suggesting that popular opinion has a dog in this hunt?
  24. Can you elaborate on why you term this a "God-Damn particle"?
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