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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I've heard that aspirin can be used as birth control....
  2. Again, unless you postulate some sort of magical technology it makes no more sense for aliens to have moved the stones than it does for our ancestors to have done so. All available evidence points to our ancestors doing it not some extraterrestrial power.
  3. There are many examples of this, many times it goes undetected but a woman giving birth to two children and one of them is obviously of African decent and the other blond haired blue eyed and very light complected is hard to ignore. DNA has also confirmed this but i wonder if fraternal triplets have ever had three different fathers? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfecundation
  4. In science the search for the answers is driven by evidence that supports the assertions and to question the results repeatedly. In religion the answer is assumed and never questioned. I think that is a huge difference... irreconcilable in fact...
  5. Actually I have a working hypothesis that explains ancient astronauts (and UFOs) and is falsifiable... It does not involve aliens traveling from another star each time they visit earth and even why they might want to mess with our minds but I can't explain the megalithic structures as anything but human dogged determination and ingenuity... many of the claims by the ancient astronaut crowd are very misleading, no ancient culture moved stones that were too big for us to move, they did things that were and still would be difficult but not impossible.
  6. One mother, two eggs, two fathers... but that would be quite rare, I would have to assume that sexual intercourse would have to be reasonably close together involving two men, most fraternal twins have one father and one mother. I'm not sure if there is such a thing as fraternal triplets but I can't see why it couldn't happen.
  7. Identical twins, one egg/embryo in the uterus splits into two embryos after fertilization. Fraternal twins, two eggs end up in the uterus and are fertilized separately. The two eggs can come from different ovaries or the same ovary... Fraternal twins can have different fathers...
  8. negatron? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negatron
  9. i think you are conflating the perceived problems of the earth with possible problems with the universe due to your earth centrism thinking... The Earth is not important in the grand scheme of things to anyone but us and nuclear weapons and pollution is meaningless on a universal scale... and if anything the concept of god or gods makes it much much worse for us here on the earth... Much of the contention and strife on the earth is associated with god concepts and the dehumanizing influence god has on society..
  10. I'm curious, do you know what a woman's ovaries are and how they work? There being two has nothing to do with twins or the likelihood of twins...
  11. Neither, a photon is it's own anti particle... there is no anti photon only photons...
  12. Yeah, I hate to do a me too but that really needs to be supported...
  13. I disagree, i don't think there was ever a point in time that there was a chicken and before that point there was no chicken. Being a chicken is a spectrum of states and at no point in time would you see a non chicken lay an egg that became a chicken...
  14. Aren't you assuming the absolute truth of quantum theory by asserting that scenario?
  15. I am honestly not sure what you mean by this... Of course there is a chance, i always try to keep an open mind in these things, but that chance that standard theory might be wrong always makes me wonder why people hang their religious belief on something that might change. I think it is the Catholic Church that has officially accepted the big bang as the way the universe was formed but there are other schools of thought, one of them postulates that there might be a greater "megaverse" that our universe is just a small part of, if I remember correctly it's called brane theory and our universe is the result of colliding branes in that "bulk" dimensional space, this would mean that time does indeed exist independent of space/time as we know it. I'm not sure what this says about time, would it indicate that time is a property that is independent of our universe or does it mean that time passes simply due to change occurring and has no reality independent of change? Anyway you look at it hanging your religious hat on the idea of a big bang could cause you to have to question your beliefs rather critically.
  16. We are going to have to agree to disagree on that, i have never in the years that I've been here looked at someone rep points before debating them or to see if they might be right. Evidence speaks volumes...
  17. Do you really think that adding religion to this improves it in anyway? I am honestly not equipped to comment constructively on that... but I would eagerly read what others who are qualified have to say...
  18. Ok, I'll apologize, and I mean it, I was out of line but if you really know what you are talking about - rep is meaningless and I've never seen anyone banned for having - rep. I would never allow - rep to change my mind if i had evidence I was right. I did you were correct and i apologize..
  19. i managed to pick three or four - rep points just for taking you to task on your attitude... I've been here for several years... go figure...
  20. Seriously Aethelwulf, I never pretended to be anything but the lowest of the low on this totem pole. I am here to learn, i have managed to learn a few things and try to share them, rep points truly do me no good what so ever, 10 to the 10th power + rep points will never change who i am or shore up my lack of education or knowledge... btw I did not give you - rep for that post, i reserve - rep for real trolls and I've given mine today to someone who really deserves it...
  21. I remember reading this post I thought you made some good points, at least the ones i am capable of understanding I was disappointed no one else took it up in discussion.
  22. I think I'll let a moderator decide that, (insert bad word here) might be slang but I am pretty sure it's not profanity... and since i did not make the assertion that he was an (insert bad word here) but was acting like one i don't think i attacked him personally. I was wrong, i apologize...
  23. This is a flawed comparison, the universe did not erupt in some empty space from a black hole no matter how big. Space and time it's self expanded, it did not expand into anything.
  24. Oh yes you were... Quite the contrary your opinions on the existence of god has nothing to do with the rep you got, it was the fact that you are asserting what is essentially a god of the gaps argument and failing miserably to support it. Unlike you - rep doesn't bother me, I view it as learning experience and do my best to understand why i got it, yes sometimes it's not fair or given because of lack of understanding, but you on the other hand whine like a small child... I did not claim you were a godfly, i just said that I didn't feel qualified to tell if you were a godfly or had the information you asserted but after reading the thread it became apparent you do not... I think someone else already pointed it out but your assertion of god adds nothing to the total sum of human knowledge and in fact simply adds another level of unnecessary complexity to the problem.
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