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Why is there a reputation system?
Moontanman replied to Aethelwulf's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
No sense of humor dude? I apologize if my attempt at humor was obtuse... oh and no the - rep didn't cause my panties to get into a knot... -
If I remember correctly Darwin was troubled by the lack of transitional fossils but he did predict there would be such fossils and today we do have a plethora of transitional fossils. While Darwin was right about many things he didn't know at the time just how right he really was. There was no knowledge of DNA which meant that the mechanism of heredity was a mystery at the time and only the effects of heredity could be seen. I think it's amazing how close to right he really was considering the available information of the time.
Many people seem to think The Bible contains or is a work of genius due to things like prophecies that appear to come true. i think the real genius is in how people twist what the bible says to make it appear to be predicting the future. One particular supposed prophecy was and or is the rebirth of Israel, I remember this being used to scare people into believing the Apocalypse was near because the bible said that so many generations after the establishment of Israel the world would end and that it was imminent. There was a lot of fear and apprehension involved and I was a small child, it was very terrifying. It turned out that to make the prediction appear to be true they had redefined what a human generation meant among other things. This was accompanied by rumors that a couple of the revival leaders claimed that hitch hikers had been pickled up by several people only to suddenly claim in a loud voice that Jesus was coming soon and vanish out of the back seat of the cars. They had people whipped up into a real frenzy. It was almost 50 years ago now and I don't remember the details very clearly but I found out years later that the people in the revival movement at the time had lied just to torque the minds of the people who came to the tent revivals who really didn't understand what was being asserted.
For some odd reason a potential Zombie attack seems to be a big worry in recent times and Hyundai is ahead of the curve with it's new car! http://www.gizmag.com/hyundai-zombie-survival-machine/23064/
yet another wonderful change in education...
Why is there a reputation system?
Moontanman replied to Aethelwulf's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
suck up... -
There is more, you have been watching too much Star Trek, I love Star Trek, it is literally my favorite TV show but independent evolution on another planet, or even this one, will never produce human beings again. I think it's possible that intelligence might be vaguely human shaped but there will be no human alien hybrids and you know I am not talking about aliens in the sense of someone from another country. Again, you know that is not the context we are using alien here. It's so tempting to post a you tube video of a song that describes you perfectly but the Empress of everything says we need to be nice so i will... There is more, you obviously do not have a clue as to what heredity via common decent means. Humans cannot evolve independently on another planet... Now will you show a tiny bit of decorum and actually discuss this issue or are you going to pop off again like a 12 year old? and there is some question about why we have a reputation system...
At least NC isn't the only stupid state... Louisiana seems to be right in there as well...
The operational word here MrAndrew1337 is "if" there is no evidence of any gods or gods much less the one who supposedly inspired this stuff.
In Matthew 27 and no place else, in the bible or other historical records. 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Zombies are coming!
Again, looks, no matter how similar, are not evidence of reproductive compatibility. This is just insulting, when i was young I was really into the whole ancient astronauts thing, suggesting i only see one side is an assumption you made about me, it doesn't make it true. You come across like a religious zealot assuming anyone who disagrees cannot have really looked at what you believe. I was first made aware of the starchild skull many years ago, it was interesting, but later evidence shows it to be a hydrocephalic human infant and DNA confirms this. I'm not sure what your point here is, your rabid belief in this most closely resembles the belief in magic under wear than science... Lot of things are possible, some things that may be possible are so improbable as to be realistically impossible. No being who evolved on a planet other than Earth has any chance what so ever to successfully reproduce with a human... It's possible they might resemble us closely, the idea behind this being that intelligence is more likely in a certain shape much like an ichthyosaur and a dolphin. but reproduction is just not realistic. it's possible that aliens obtained specimens of human beings and bred and trained them for use in communicating with humans but I think it's more likely that humans anthropomorphized their idea of gods to resemble humans because they invented them. I do how ever think it's not only possible that aliens influenced humans in ancient times (the idea of humans being in league with aliens is possible even today) I think some of the art and writing of the ancients and even to the middle ages suggest aliens were interacting with humans in some way. "If" this is true some questions must be answered. Where did they come from How did they get here What are they doing here (i think it's important to consider how long they must have been here for these interactions to have taken place over such a huge time span) But it make my point clear, no human alien hybrids are possible and building megalithic structures would logically involve a huge effort, machines, and things like encampments for the aliens. No trace of anything alien has ever been found leading to the idea that they must have been neat freaks to not to have at least left behind their garbage and such. I think i can answer those questions and give a way to falsify the presence of aliens in our solar system....
I've had many discussions with people about homeopathy and deep into the discussion i realized they had no clue as to what homeopathy meant. I think there is wide spread confusion about what homeopathy is and to some extent i would be willing to bet it's intentional. Most people I've talked to seem to think it means natural or organic or some other less than accurate term. When I see homeopathic I read horse feathers...
Why is there a reputation system?
Moontanman replied to Aethelwulf's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
I have to ask, why the obsession with rep points? I honestly can't remember when I looked to see what mine are, I looked at a certain person's rep recently when I noticed him begging for + rep points, because it struck me as an odd thing to do not because i was worried about his rep points. The quality of his arguments reflected his rep points fairly accurately. I am one of those people who are here to learn more than teach since my formal knowledge base is fairly small I expect little in return as far as rep points are concerned. Some of my stances are odd to say the least and I have learned why those stances are odd and some of those stances had to be abandoned others have been shored up by the criticisms I've received. I've learned quite a bit and I am not the same person i was when i signed up for this forum. All in all i am a better person or at least better at making a point due to this and another forum. I was a mod on yet another short lived forum about a body of knowledge i actually do know something about so i do have a small understanding of how little mods are often appreciated. All in all the rep points are at best a guide to understanding your own flaws and at worst an annoying reminder that i know very little about a whole lot of "stuff" and if not for spell check I'd be thought an idiot for sure. I have yet to be able to predict rep points on my posts, some posts i put a large amount of time, energy and passion into were ignored as far as rep points were concerend and a few posts i thought of as just off hand remarks garnered several + rep points... go figure -
Why is there a reputation system?
Moontanman replied to Aethelwulf's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
I don't worry too much about - rep unless i get more than one on the same post, get four or five and you've said something stupid.... -
Well it cures boredom for sure.... one way or another...
This looks interesting. http://www.universetoday.com/95991/new-flying-tea-kettle-could-get-us-to-mars-in-weeks-not-months/#more-95991
You disappoint me "There is more" I agreed with at least part of your idea and I was willing to discuss it but you lump me in with people you claim are being unfair, the idea of aliens actually reproducing with humans is not rational, they might manipulate us on a basic level in some way, even be similar enough to have sex but actually reproducing is not possible. We cannot mate with apes but we are very closely related to them. Aliens would be related to us in no way shape or form, share no common ancestors, in effect we are more closely related to pine trees than any aliens and shape does not indicate reproductive capability. Could an ichthyosaur mate with a dolphin? They certainly look alike...
I once read a story about a guy who was being punished by the use of nanobot type technology that kept him from dying. He was set down on a planet similar to Cretaceous Earth and left with no technology but the nanobots inside him. Every time he was eaten by a predator he would rise up again out of the predators excrement, resurrected by the nanobots with his memories intact, especially the memories of being eaten alive... he had sex with his nemesis's daughter and the guy decided to get rid of him in a particularly horrific manner... but one death was not enough for the mans revenge so he punished him with being immortal...
These two things are mutually incompatible, humans are apes and by heredity monkeys as well, no felines are in the direct line of decent in humans. As for genetic structure humans would be more likely to interbreed with pine trees than humanoids from another planet... They might be able to mate, the sex might be wonderful but no reproduction could take place... Sorry, one more edit, many scifi stories have humans mating with aliens, in John Varley's trilogy titan wizard and demon the centaurs can and do mate with humans and have off spring but the centaurs are not an evolved species they are created as is by their god so they can mate with humans and have off spring.
Why is there a reputation system?
Moontanman replied to Aethelwulf's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
Since we only get one - rep per 24 hours I hesitate to give it out unless the person is really being a jackass because each time i do i find someone else who deserves it more. i do give out a lot of + rep points. if someone really tries to mount a decent argument I do give out points even to people I think are jackasses. I give + rep to people to encourage them, when you are new and can't find your footing it's nice to get + rep for an informative post. The carrot and the stick.... I think we should have 3 - rep points to give out per 24 hours but no one asks me -
If you had evidence of a miracle I'd consider it evidence but so far you do not. Name a few, so far all you have are coincidences and horse feathers Let's see, just to name two Noah's Ark and the description of the earth and the sky? No a lie is asserting something that is not true. No sin deserves eternal torture... I watched your video, it is not... how do i say this with out being personally insulting... evidence of anything and why would going to Israel prove anything? njaohnt almost 300 posts in the thread and so far no evidence what so ever, really and truly if you have evidence that is more than just empty claims from rabid believers please post it or admit you have faith and nothing else...
No njaohnt, you are lying right now, you insinuate that the Bible and what is in it has never been put to the test when in fact is has and the bible failed and I mean failed completely. If you have any evidence i suggest you show it instead of using falsehoods to undermine things there is evidence for. Seriously njaohnt, 295 posts in this thread and you have failed utterly to support your premise, time to admit you only have faith and from what I've seen out of you there is precious little of that in your arguments...
So now you know the mind of a man who has been dead for more than 100 years? Scientists of his day were indeed trying to show the bible was true, the established thought at the time that was that the bible was literally true so there must be evidence of what happened everywhere but it proved to be a fools errand, nothing that science examined then (or now) showed anything but that bible was lies because there is no evidence of God christian or other wise.... If you have some please feel free to show it but of course you do not, all you have is a desperate desire to confirm your own fantasy of god, it's sad njaohnt, sad that you don't have enough confidence to believe with out proof, sad that you consistently do your best to tear down reality in favor of a book of myths and fairy tales... I pity you, you are wasting the one life you have promoting a lie and trying to get others to believe the lie by making claims that are basically lies, misrepresentations, and fabrications. I hope you genuinely don't realize you are promoting a lie but even if you are delusional that makes it doubly sad... The fact that you think an eternity in hell is deserved by anyone who doesn't believe is pathological...
Evidence of Human Common Ancestry
Moontanman replied to Radical Edward's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
How about you read the rules you agreed to when you joined....