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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I do indeed know about the star child skull, no alien DNA was found in it and your assertion that is had been found in a skull threw me off. Your assertion that is is an alien skull is not supported by the evidence. I have not argued against the idea of alien contact in ancient times i just don't see any evidence they piled up rocks for us. It doesn't matter if they look exactly like us that doesn't mean we share any DNA, BTW i suggest you read your own link... *oops my bad, it wasn't your link but i suggest you read it none the less. I never suggested that there could not be intelligent aliens, i just said they could not mate with us and produce off spring and i see no evidence they piled up rocks into pyramids....
  2. Possibly i was a bit too vague in my last post.... Visitation by ancient aliens does not equal them piling up huge stones for us. Even for aliens it would be a colossal undertaking. We see no signs of their presence, but we do see evidence of thousands of humans living there as workers. So far i see no reason to connect aliens with megalithic structures other than possibly inspiring the ancients to build them but even that has little if any supporting evidence. Do you have any evidence of that skull other than your assertions? The idea of aliens reproducing with humans is absurd, it would be easier to mate with a pine tree, at least we are related to pine trees. Even if aliens were humanoid in appearance it doesn't mean we could reproduce with them, their DNA or what ever they used in place of it would have no connection with humans.
  3. Ok, I'll bite into this one, Ancient Astronauts, i happen to think that religion is at least partially the result of contact between aliens and humans, I have no real proof but that is another thread for sure. But I'd really like to know how primitive humans moved 800 ton blocks of stone much less carved them.... But aliens did it? How did they do it? Magical technology we can't understand? maybe... but think of this, for us to move such stone blocks would require huge amounts of equipment, machines and the trained aliens to run them. Can you imagine a human construction crew building the Pyramids and not leaving behind traces of them being there? All the traces we see are traces of primitive humans. Can you imagine aliens caring enough about building such monuments that they would go through the trouble to ferrying the equipment necessary down to the Earth? Such an undertaking would be immense not to mention meaningless... If such help was given they were immaculate in their clean up methods, they left behind no traces what so ever, no pieces of broken machines, no traces such gigantic machines would leave behind, no lost articles of technology? Can you imagine a human construction crew not loosing a few rings watches or other similar items, nuts and bolts at least? Aliens might not have worn watches you say? maybe not but i feel confident that aliens, real physical beings, would have left behind atavistic items that would stand out like sore thumbs today. i think humans built everything we see today, when you have thousands of slaves you can use like pieces of equipment you can do some pretty awesome things if you don't care about the workers much. Human determination and ingenuity is awesome, asserting aliens did it is insulting... Those 800 ton blocks of stone are troubling but not an indication of aliens...
  4. Mostly via lies and deceit, the fundies mobilized a huge ad campaign aimed at churches, by strawmaning the debate they managed to make even moderates follow their plan. Moderates seem to be crippled every time someone claims to be defending Christians or some aspect of Christian belief. The fundies basically shamed the more moderates into supporting them. You under estimate the effectiveness of this tactic. Sadly, this did not work where i live, the evangelicals have far too much influence over the moderates and use shame, guilt, and fear to manipulate them. Millions of dollars were spent trying to show this distinction but what was preached from the pulpit was believed not the truth. How do you manage to do that? In politics that is impossible, lies and deceit are the coin of politics... What is post abortion? How it is relevant to this issue?
  5. This happens to be one of my lines of interest, I would like to see some support for your assertions of advanced technology being used other than they couldn't have done it. Ancient humans were not stupid, they did some amazing things. While I agree that life on other planets almost certainly exists, yes even intelligent life but you have to provide some idea of how and why they came here. It's difficult to imagine even a 4.5 light year jaunt just to screw with the natives... Visiting aliens is one hypothesis, as far as I know it has little support, if you have info to the contrary I suggest you post links to it. I would assume technology of some kind but I wouldn't assert it as fact until i had more evidence. Yes, I understand the implications of such reports if taken at face value, something that is difficult to do in the face of zero evidence. Again, i see your point but can you support your point with anything but conjecture? Again, I understand your assertion but do you have any evidence to support it? Again can you support that assertion with anything other than your own assertion? I call bullshit on that one... I'm not sure I understand what eating the seed means but most of the stuff you claim as organized lying on a grand scale can be more easily explained by ignorance, stupidity, and the fear caused by religious indoctrination with out any hidden alien agenda being present. And by the way 50 ton carved blocks are not the largest stones quarried and moved and put in place by humans, 800 ton blocks were also done this way. http://ancientmystery.info/Baalbek.htm
  6. Many scientists are religious but they know that god is not quantifiable. The idea of god is no better than my titanic creature excreting universes, it's not falsifiable...
  7. I already know people who live that life style I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to make it legal although finding a unicorn is difficult from what i hear...
  8. Thank the founding fathers but the religious are doing their best to break that barrier between church and state...
  9. You don't know what your own religion really is, the Christianity you know is a pale shadow of what it once was. Even today you get the odd sniper killing a doctor, a bomber destroying a women's health clinic, even open warfare between Christian sects but before the enlightenment religion was law, think Sharia law, and people who didn't worship the way the powers that were said was the right way then you died. There was almost constant warfare between various sects, the USA was unique because there was no state religion, it had freedom of religion because it had no official religion. That sort of mindset cannot be allowed to get control of modern technology. In the USA the religious are pursuing the goal of religion, law and government being the same thing, you know... for everyone's own good, the moderate Christians, who are conspicuous only by their silence, cannot see how dangerous this stuff is. Since they only experience the gelded form of their religion they think it should be put back in power and everyone would be better off for it. This theocracy cannot be allowed to happen, even now the republican candidate, actually all of them, claimed to be creationists, it's insanity...
  10. Quite the contrary I didn't insinuate you had never read the bible I asserted that you didn't read the passages in the video because you claimed that because Martin Sheen was quoting from the bible in that clip that he was some how unqualified to quote from the bible! Just because an actor quoted the bible doesn't mean he is wrong, read the passages he quoted to see if he was correct, don't dismiss the quotes because someone famous said them. Actually very nearly every believer we get here has little idea of what the bible really says, all they have is what someone else told them. I am consistently having to point out that their assertions of what the bible says is bullshit. Sadly this is true in real life as well. So you only cherry pick the things you are going to believe? No, this is far to important to agree to disagree, religion is actively proselytizing the masses, they do this mainly by lies and deceit. They gloss over the horrific stuff and paint a picture of this benevolent god who loves everyone and that if everyone would just believe all would be right with the world but past history of religion clearly shows this not to be true. Until the enlightenment not agreeing could earn you a bath in boiling oil, burning at the stake or a nice ride on the rack. Abrahamic religion was gelded by the enlightenment before that religion had total control over every one and to step outside the limits imposed by religion was to risk a horrific end. Religion cannot agree to disagree, it's very purpose is to convert everyone, lies are ok, in fact the founder of the protestant religion said that lies were ok and when reality conflicted with the bible the bible must be believed instead of reality. If religion is given back power like the people in the US seem to want I would be tortured until I confessed belief and then I'd be burned at the stake. No, I cannot agree to disagree when it comes to something like religion that actively seeks to control our society via fairy tales written over 2500 years ago....
  11. ewmon, with this post you have exposed something I think is important. Most believers have no idea what their holy books says, they only read, if they read it at all, the cherry picked passages their Priest, Pastor, or Sunday school teacher tells them to read with no idea about what the rest says. Reading the Bible cover to cover is what started me on my road to being a non believer. I was about 14 or so when the Sunday school teacher told us about Job and how he was such a righteous man that he was willing to kill his child for god. This disturbed me quite a bit and while I'd had lots of questions from an early age, I knew Noah's ark was simply not true when I was 8, I still clung to the idea of a kind and loving god. The story of Job stunned me so much I decided to read the entire bible. It was insanity personified, very few books even in fiction are so bloody and have such gory details. Since then I have read it cover more times than i can actually remember but at that time I read it at least twice, stunned by what was in it and hoping against hope I had read it wrong. The stunning thing is that most believers allow others to tell them what is in the bible instead of reading it them selves or they allow others to tell them what passages mean instead of accepting them at face value or at least reading the entire passage and the stuff around it that puts it in context. If I had a $ for every time I've heard the whine of theists telling me that if I would only read the Holy Word of god I would see the error of my ways.... Well ewmon, i have read the bible, it is either the most violent, gory, misogynist, bigoted, arrogant, fiction i have ever read or it is a description of a powerful being who is nothing but a monster, a monster that lies, cheats, and demands people rape, kill, and plunder for it's own amusement. So please don't insult me further by insinuating that if i had only read the bible I would see how great god is.... The bold sentence in your post is totally unsupported bullshit... Oh yeah I agree that every one should read the Holy Bible, it's the best way to convert people to atheism...
  12. Actually i have read it, more than once cover to cover and many times if you count all the cherry picked passages I studied in Sunday school and I did indeed look up the passages quoted by martin sheen , which you evidently did not, I suggest you read those quotes out of the bible and see what they mean. I would definitely suggest you not assume things about me or anyone else that you do not and cannot know....
  13. So the Ten commandments can now be ignored?
  14. JohnB, as recent efforts by these religious people show there is no way to appease them, they want it all. As I have stated before in my state that "minority" has passed a constitutional amendment that prohibits not only same sex couple from marrying (they did this even though state law already prohibited gay marriage) that amendment also interferes with civil unions between heterosexual couples. They don't want to defend marriage they want to disenfranchise any one who is not religious. What about this is unclear to you? They don't want compromise, they are doing the will of God... While I don't know about the rest of the world but in the USA they must be a very powerful minority, they weld tremendous influence on the so called moderates and those moderates can't seem to understand that just because someone claims revelation from God it doesn't mean they are talking to anyone but their own egos... 37 states have already passed redundant laws or constitutional amendments to limit the rights of gay people, it's an easy thing to slide by the religious because they know the bible says homosexuality is an abomination so they are afraid to oppose these laws. So these people put on their polyester cotton blend clothes and go and vote against equal rights for gays and after they go by Red Lobster for Dinner and put up with their disrespectful children and smile and know they are following the word of god....
  15. If you area believer and think the bible is a superior moral code... read it!
  16. I wish i could be of help, I culture unicellular algae regularly as food for daphnia and fairy shrimp. I've been doing this for many years but the result is never a mono culture because I use naturally occurring algae spores. One of the most important things in culturing algae I've found Is phosphorus, i use "Navel Jelly" a rust remover as a source of phosphorus. approximately one tea spoon per 70 gallons of water. I know this is probably not much help but culturing algae is as much a skill set as it is science. What i am trying to say is it took me a long time to figure out how to consistently come up with "green water" on demand. Of course when you don't want it unicellular algae is everywhere you don't want it to be. Practice makes perfect....
  17. I thought Satan owned the place...
  18. The rights of gay people trump religion every time for me. Gay rights are personally important, my oldest son is gay. I will fight for his rights in any way i can. His worth as human being cannot be measured by the writings of bronze age savages nor should his rights as a human being be lessened. Your constant effort to associate the movement for gay rights and some insane group of pedophiles is as despicable as it is dishonest.
  19. There is no doubt that the same people that want to limit marriage also want to limit birth control, in fact they want to legislate morality, theirs of course, make their version of morality the only one allowed and it must be enforced by law. They are very dangerous, more so because they have so much influence over the mainstream who just can't see how good Christian people can harm anyone....
  20. Children do not have the same rights as adults, your comparison fails. You seem to have a real worry with this, is there a movement I am unaware of that supports child marriage? (other than the Mormon fundamentalists?) pot kettle black JohnB... So couple who are sterile shouldn't be allowed to marry? Even if you assume that most Christians do not have a problem with gays why do you think they right to control the word marriage? The church no more owns the word marriage than it owns the word moral. Simply stepping up and laying claim to a term doesn't make you own it... They're coming, they are spreading, they intend to Evangelicalize the world, they intend to take back society and as long as so called main stream Christians don't do anything to stop them they are as bad as moderate Muslims who don't condemn the radical fringes. Economic down turns allow these fringes to make more converts, it's downward spiral that has to be stopped and what better way than not conceding them the right to take stuff away from people they don't approve of. Pagans want the Christmas holidays back, they had them first, why shouldn't we take Christmas away from the Christians and give those holidays back to the pagans? Let the Christians celebrate their deities birthday some other time, it would still be the same wouldn't it?
  21. Come on JohnB, i know you can't be serious with that assertion. Child molestation has a victim, Gay marriage does not...
  22. No, we know murder is wrong because the social morals we evolved as a social species tells us it's wrong. Does this always work, no of course not, some people are not born with the social morals built in, we call them sociopaths or psychopaths. Some people are simply raised wrong and this broken training causes them to break the social morals we have evolved. But murder is considered bad because most humans think it so due to being a social species... Those of us to tend to cooperate and take care of each other are more successful in our group than those who are self centered and do not cooperate with the group.
  23. Yes, lets be honest, in my state that small minority managed to get the State constitution changed to disenfranchise not only gays but secular M/F couples who are not married but instead use civil unions. yes, they won't allow civil unions anymore either, gay or other wise...
  24. Does anyone know if the WISE telescope can detect temperature anomalies inside the solar system out to the Ort cloud? I was under the impression it could but lately I've heard that WISE is only good for objects far outside the solar system.
  25. You are still talking nonsense, rocky planets are not going to expand like a gas giant would. Why would you assert that the Earth has expanded? What does the expansion theory explain better than current models? You still have yet to show any mechanism for the expansion. You have yet to show any evidence of expansion. I am asserting that nothing will happen other than the surface of the planet will get warmer if a rocky planet migrates towards it's parent star. I watched your video and it was nonsense as i pointed out at the beginning of this thread. It seems a little funny that your video is now set to private and it can't be watched...
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