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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Radioactive dating of the Earth? Again, how much expansion and what evidence do you have to support the notion of the Earth expanding? Why do you think the Earth expanded? Current models explain the current state of the Earth very well and require no mysterious processes that cannot be explained...
  2. You claimed that the present arrangement of the continents is a result of an expanding Earth, your lack of belief in plate tectonics was the driver. For the Earth to have it's present arrangement of continents from a super continent like Pangea via expansion would require the Earth start out the size of Mars. This happened in 150,000,000 years. With out this premise there is no reason to think the Earth has expanded at all. No, the available evidence suggests all the continents were in one place 150,000,000 years ago, not billions... No matter what there remains the fact that no known process could possibly expand the Earth significantly due to a rise in temperatures. Your premise is trivially falsified...
  3. The Earth is less cold now than it was millions of years ago? Less cold enough to make it expand by 200%? That much less cold would cause the Earth to be incandescent... is that better? From this angle it looks amazingly like horse feathers...
  4. Do you read what you write? Think about what you are saying, heat input causes the Earth to expand from around 4000 miles 150,000,000 years ago to around 8000 miles today? The earth would be incandescent from that much heat input over that period of time. This simply makes no sense. What does this have to do with an expanding Earth... ? I think it's safe to say that the Earth could have migrated to a five day orbit around the sun and not expanded that much....
  5. I'll take door #2 for the win Alex....
  6. I'm not sure how to figure it but I'm betting that you wouldn't need a super computer to figure it out. For the idea to be real at all the Earth must have expanded almost 200% in the last 150,000,000 years *due to heating but if you go with say .01% in say 1,000,000 years I'm betting the energy required would extinguish life on earth. *Rich_A12 main mechanism of expansion
  7. Really? WTF? We have refuted every half backed "mechanism" you have come up with so far... So you pulled this out of your ass two days ago and expect us to solve the problem for you? Your assertion of an expanding Earth is nothing but horse apples... If you are to assert that an expanding earth accounts for the spreading of the continents then the Earth must have been the size of Mars just a 150 million years ago or so.... Now you have one parameter to deal with... explain it... that would mean the Earth is expanding on average about 21.45 millimeters a year... maybe not, i can't seem to get the same answer more than twice today for some reason but the rate of expansion is big enough to measure easily for sure. Looks more like .4 millimeters a year... I'm not doing something right, maybe... ok, I dropped a decimal point, it's 39 millimeters a year...
  8. No, what i am doing is trying to get you to explain your thoughts on this. You make a very vague assertion "The Earth is expanding" You have proposed several things that simply have no bearing on the idea of an expanding earth. Again, if you raised the temperature of the Earth enough to expand the earth significantly the Earth's surface would vaporize, at the very least the oceans would boil and all life would die. I am trying to get some idea of what you are talking about so some kind of model can be built to see if your ideas have merit, so far they do not... You have to be specific, the standard expanding earth theory says the earth was much smaller, about the size of Mars sometime in the last half a billion years or so and gravity was much lower then as well. Is this part of your idea? Expanding Earth theory proposes that mass is being added to the earth in some way that allows the earth to expand but does not disrupt the surface enough to wipe out life. You need to tell us what your expanding earth idea is about, How much expansion... How fast did it expand.. How big was the Earth before it started expanding... How long ago did it start expanding... And last but not least, why did it expand... What is the mechanism that allows and or causes the expansion?
  9. No, the problem is that so far you have presented nothing that supports your idea... First you really should point out why your idea is better than plate tectonics, you have failed to do that in any way so far. Then you have to propose a mechanism that would allow the Earth to expand, so far you have presented nothing to support that assertion. A temperature increase big enough to make the Earth expand would vaporize the surface of the earth... Pressure does not necessarily equal expansion, but if you raised the Earth's temperatures high enough to cause the planet to expand you would vaporize the surface of the earth and it would still be a minuscule amount of expansion...
  10. Again, what does that have to do with an expanding Earth? The core of the Earth is about 10,000 degrees, it is still a very dense solid despite the heat due to pressure. How much temperature increase are you talking about? 100c? 1000c, 10,000c? Any temperature change great enough to significantly expand the earth would result in a rock vapor atmosphere...
  11. Crack babies are an urban myth, the real problem was and is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...
  12. ? What do you mean? The expanding earth theory was discredited a century ago, so far none of the mechanisms you have suggested are connected in any way to the idea of an expanding earth. Again, what does that have to do with an expanding Earth?
  13. It's not possible... Yes bonds can be broken and yes a large percentage of the Earth is made up of chemicals that can be gasses under standard temps and pressures. But under the temps and pressures found inside the earth oxygen is never found unbound, it might change partners but it is never free. Yes planets do migrate toward their stars sometimes but the planet does not expand... The atmosphere might puff up some and in the case of gas giants that makes them look bigger but not Earth sized planets!
  14. What is your point? These elements are chemically bound.
  15. No! Not when gas is dissolved in solid rock!
  16. None the less how does a release of gas from within the Earth result in an expansion of the Earth? Jupiter is gaseous to begin with it has no solid surface and no matter how close you moved it to the Sun it would never be 10X it's current size... your argument is nonsensical...
  17. Ok, one more time, how would a release of gas cause the Earth to expand?
  18. So you know this how? Have you conducted polls to confirm this attitude about The Holy Land? So you think this conflict is only of interest to Jews and Muslims? You know this how?
  19. When did this happen and where did all that gas go? Oh yeah, and how does a release of gas equate to an expanding earth?
  20. John, have you ever heard of the tyranny of the majority? If 90% of the population decides you should marry a man and refuses to allow male female couples to marry then is it ok to suppress your rights? Now I have to admit I have no idea how it works in Australia but in the US not only is religion behind the push to deny gay marriage and civil unions it's simply not true that churches will not marry same sex couples. Some do, a great many as a matter of fact. No one is suggesting that all churches be required to marry gays. The most disturbing thing here in the US is the denial of civil unions to non religious couples as well as gays, the church doesn't just want to prohibit gays from being married they want the whole enchilada, they want to control marriage, birth control, education, morality of everyone. some are actually advocating rounding gays up into concentration camps and allowing them to die off since they cannot reproduce. Stupid narrow minded controlling people who lie awake at night worrying that some place some one is having a good time... and something must be done about it. The most disturbing thing to me is how so called mainstream religious people can't bring themselves to call bullshit on this crap, they don't understand that they enjoy their own religious point of view because of laws limiting the power of religion to interfere in their daily lives and what the hell does NAMBLA have to do with this?
  21. No!!! The Earth is not a balloon! It is not puffed up by internal gas pressure, if all the gases on the Earth including water, were somehow re-injected into the ground the earth would not expand. The gases would be compressed... Again, why is the expanding earth theory better than plate tectonics? What does it explain that is not explained better with plate tectonics? You have no evidence, no mechanism, no observations that are explained better by the expanding earth claim, you have nothing but your own inability to understand plate tectonics... Why do you think the Earth is expanding is better than the theory of plate tectonics?
  22. How is this related to an expanding earth? Gasses pouring out of the earth does not make the Earth expand... yes, but the guy who's pure thought led him to conclude that urinating on the fire would make it burn better was discredited. I think aliens live in the ort cloud, I can think it all day long, all my life, but it's just a thought, no evidence supports it, it's just a thought. But it is possible, does that mean it should be seriously considered? So far your idea isn't even possible, you show no reason what so ever why we should consider the idea of an expanding earth.
  23. Rich_A12, you assert the earth is expanding but you fail to not only show evidence of any expansion you give no viable mechanism for that expansion. There is no evidence the earth is expanding, if you have any evidence of such an expansion please give us that evidence. Gasses expanding inside the earth is nonsensical, such gases would rise to the surface and join the atmosphere not stay inside the earth make it expand. Measurements of the earth are accurate to an incredible degree, any expansion currently taking place would be obvious. You need to give a reason why you think the Earth is expanding and a mechanism for that expansion not to mention evidence of that expansion, you fail on all three accounts...
  24. Gasses inside the earth, causing the earth to expand? Heat from the sun is going to matter to an earth's interior that is hotter than the surface of the sun? Equally meaningless link to another science forum... Come on Rich_A12, can you support this with anything other than your disbelief in an non expanding earth?
  25. Do we want a draft dodger for president?
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