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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Yes, this is a classic example of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy, since all of the sects and or denominations I have described from the recent ones to the Baptists burning Catholics are indeed based on the teachings of Christ as read in the scripture of the Holy Bible the fact that you think they were based on incomplete or inaccurate interpretations of that scripture and only people who correctly interpret scripture as you see fit are Christians is a classic No True Scotsman fallacy.
  2. Sulfur Finding May Hold Key to Gaia Theory of Earth as Living Organism Is Earth really a sort of giant living organism as the Gaia hypothesis predicts? (Credit: NOAA) ScienceDaily (May 15, 2012) — Is Earth really a sort of giant living organism as the Gaia hypothesis predicts? A new discovery made at the University of Maryland may provide a key to answering this question. This key of sulfur could allow scientists to unlock heretofore hidden interactions between ocean organisms, atmosphere, and land -- interactions that might provide evidence supporting this famous theory.
  3. My wife and i met at work, in a grocery store, she was 16 I was 17, we became friends. I went on to marry someone else who turned out to be less than ideal for me and after that fiasco my wife and I started dating. We married a year later and now 35 years later we are still married and quite happy...
  4. True, but none the less what I said is true for most if not all religions, the passage you quoted is one of many contradicted by how religion really works. just quoting that passage does nothing to negate how religion really works, if your experience with your religion was more wide spread you would or at least could see that what i said was correct. It's why Religions often break into smaller and smaller little sects. Christianity is especially bad for this. in my area tiny sects spring up like weeds and die in a few months to a few years because they become so self centered they cannot persist in our society but they always reform someplace else and literally feed on this idea of superiority. They all kinds of insane things from beating children to death because a 4 year old was possessed by the devil to the preacher practically being a harem master. I remember one particularly popular sect, it lasted several years, it was called "The Rod Of God Ministries" the people in the congregation used long hickory rods, about 1/2" in diameter to beat each other during church services, there was a very strong sexual aspect to it as well. They were required to praise Jesus each time the rod beat across their backs. Now I know these are aberrant sects, at least I hope they are but each and every one, and there were dozens more or less just as weird, just in my area, they all based their sect on the bible, in fact the new Testament. The fact remains there are literally tens of thousands of various sects, cults, and denominations all claiming to be the one true church and all hostiles to the others. Before the Church was gelded by secular law these different churches persecuted each other quite vigorously and a good Catholic burning or a Quaker lynching was considered a good way to spend Sunday. You see a religion gelded by law, forced to tolerate each other by law, this is a secular law it is not some kind of sweet Jesus loves us all movement. The religion you see is not what it is but what man made it... See above before you make claims you cannot support, I do indeed know quite a bit about your religion and i learned it down in the trenches not in some ivory tower mentally masturbating over how wonderful Jesus is. And yet this is all horse feathers, no evidence what so ever, believe in something that has no evidence what so ever , believe in a book that describes god as a psychopathic monster or burn in hell, yeah, that works for me too... Wait a minute tar, isn't god supposed to be unchanging? isn't his word unchanging, his rule always the same, never changing? I've never put my hand on the bible in court, and under oath i always tell the truth... What truth does it contain? how many of the "truths" have been abandoned because they at some point it becomes obvious they were not truths? I agree with this, but how does this support the notion of god? of god unchanging? The idea that morals came from the bible or even religion in general has been dealt with many times here. I see no reason to go into details but as a social species we evolved a moral code, religion hijacked that code it did not create it. That is true many evil things occurred because of "THAT BOOK", women were used as sex slaves and sold back and forth as nothing more than property. Many men died for meaningless causes defined as truths in "THAT BOOK"... I would like to point out that "THAT BOOK" is not the only book, not the biggest book, not the oldest book either. other religions have books, some had books but the religion based on "THAT BOOK took great care to destroy all other books it could. just being the biggest bastard doesn't win "THAT BOOK" any points in "MY BOOK'... I'm not sure i understand this, please elaborate on why belief has any meaning in reality? A moral code based on Preserving human dignity maybe? Your house is built on the illusion of rock, a fluid shifting substance called belief, something that can change over night on a whim and prayer...
  5. Is there any argument you would feel is valid? I can debunk very nearly everything in the bible, Matthew 22:37-39 Contradicts what I said? In what way? In what way does Matthew 22:37-39 give any credence what so ever to the idea that god is real? How does that passage negate the horse feathers being spouted in every church on the planet? What does that passage have to do with believing something with no evidence being broken? How does that passage negate what i said? Be specific, how does pointing out the crap that theists insist on have anything to do with that passage? I have sat down and read the bible cover to cover at least four times in my life, if you count all the times I've read it in parts at the direction of some theist who was sure his favorite little section proved something I am sure it was far more than four times. how many times have you actually sat down and read the holy bible cover to cover? Did you pay attention to what it actually said? where is the justification for your belief in that book, where is the evidence that god, that particular god, is real? In my experience very few believers have ever actually read the bible, most read the little sound bites their pastors tell them to read and then instead of actually seeing what is written let someone else tell them what it means even if what they say is so far from what is says it defies meaning... Most theists have no idea what their holy book actually says, they rely on what someone else tells them it says, that is sad....
  6. After watching all but the very last of this video, i am currently watching it, I have to say i can show just as many scholars that say the exact oppisite in fact i would say they ones here that support the bible are indeed so steeped in religion they cannot possibly be neutral on this. in fact these biblical scholars make the claim that morals only come from the bible which is demonstrably wrong... That i can agree with. The world view of the bible in relation to where we came from is wrong, it's demonstrably wrong, these so called biblical scholars say so much that is so wrong and I don't mean point of view wrong but demonstrably wrong it's very sad that such learned people can fool themselves so easily... This is true, but why would a real god allow it's self to be forgotten?
  7. All hillbillies go to hell rigney, it's a familiar place for most of us... If there is a god, for there to be hell he has to be a specific god. the concept of hell is not universal nor is it ancient. Christians came up with the concept, Muslims liked it so much they incorporated it into their religion as well. I would prefer, if I must believe, to believe in a god who is more just than the concept of hell allows for.
  8. I didn't know that, i got it from a less well known source. I have asserted in the past that our best prospect for exploration of the solar system was a long term voyage of a large space craft that could support several people for several years as they traveled around the solar system much like the "five year mission" of the Enterprise. My take on it was a torus shaped craft that would rotate for gravity and travel in slow energy efficient orbits and carry nuclear powered landing craft. I'm not sure a craft built to imitate Star Trek in shape as well as function is credible...
  9. I can point you to someone who knows much more about this than me but the evidence for a real Jesus is totally hearsay, nothing written by anyone else in that time frame mentions Jesus as real, all of the writings were written after his life not during. (edit) While it is true that all the writings of Jesus were written after his life, it is also true that no one other than his followers wrote anything about him what so ever.... It has been suggested that at the time there were many small Jewish cults that claimed to be led by men who claimed to be Jesus and the people who wrote about him combined stories of these cults into a coherent whole that matched what was claimed about the prophecy in the old testament. In a strange way i don't think this negates the idea of Jesus or the things attributed to him, just the supernatural aspects of it. I will be the first to admit that the teachings of Jesus were several steps above the horrific psychopathic monster god was portrayed as in the old testament. As for the rest, some of the bible is set in a historically accurate era but so is the stories of Zeus, Thor, Krishna and the rest. the Gods themselves were fiction but the times they were set in were not. The Bible is the same way. As we have discussed before and you have admitted, you have no evidence, and the assertion that religion can be used to find out the truth of our origins flies in the face of reality, please show us how religion can show us the truth of our origins. If you cannot back that up immortal, honesty demands you retract that statement. The idea that those religions are dead would seem to be an indication the god or gods they represent never existed. i will admit that is my take on it and I am open to any evidence that contradicts that.
  10. it worked for me, try it again.
  11. Immortal, did you watch the video? the point was that there is no design...
  12. An engineer suggests building a space ship like the fictional Enterprise... http://www.buildtheenterprise.org/
  13. If you have evidence it is more than a "mere" concept now would be a good time to show it. Who teaches it? What religion teaches that everyone is equal in the eyes of god? No religion I know of, it certainly isn't any of the religions that totally dominate the idea of religion. You are one insulting human being, like most if not all believers you pretend to have knowledge you do not and can not have. You tell others you have this knowledge and insult those who question you. you do you best to intimidate anyone who don't "believe" your knowledge and make them feel like they are stupid for not believing your line of horse feathers. You have not made and argument to support god or religion, all you have is your assertions that you just "know" and the insinuation that anyone who doesn't know is somehow too lazy to have really really looked into religion. All you have are claims and assertions of reveled truths when in fact all you have is belief, belief with no evidence what so ever. That is broken and I don't give a bucket of horse feathers what country you are from...
  14. Can you tell me those wonders might be?
  15. Exactly what part of religious thinking are in favor of? Dehumanizing everyone who doesn't worship the same god? That is what religion boils down to, "I am superior because I know the true god" I don't get it. And Inow, I agree with what you said, the idea that if you don't believe the way i do it must be because you haven't really really looked into it as much as I have is insulting on a level that is difficult to deal with... I got into a discussion only yesterday about this in the real world, and the person i was discussing it with told me that reason the things in the bible seemed so horrific was because i wasn't looking at them through the holy spirit, if i had the holy spirit they would be understandable, i almost threw up it made me so nauseous...
  16. Anything from Fox News is bound to be dishonest...
  17. This idea of planets inside a super massive black hole also begs the question of would a civilization do it intentionally, insert their planets into stabel orbits inside the black hole? What happens to life as the heat death of the universe approaches? At some point quite along time before the actual heat death of the universe life will become, if not impossible, very difficult. As stars burn out and new star formation stops what happens to civilizations? Where do they turn for energy? If the inside of a black hole isn't too energetic, a planet in a stable orbit around the center mass of a black hole, notice I didn't say singularity, might the final retreat position of an advanced civilization. As the black hole pulls in matter from the outside and that matter goes into the center and gives off it's last gasp of energy could an advanced civilization take advantage of that to extend their existence? Long after collecting energy outside the black hole becomes impossible would energy be available inside the black hole?
  18. Awesome, great thinking outside the box...
  19. Obvious mistakes in the design of organisms.
  20. Here is a shorter more to the point video about thorium reactors
  21. i think the problem of plastics in our environment is a world wide problem and if is not now it will eventually be. The OT is would we be better off if we went back to glass and stopped with the production of most if not all plastic containers.
  22. Where I live the water that comes out of the ground is almost undrinkable and considered unhealthy, the Castle Hayne aquifer is semi famous for containing huge amounts of HS, sulfur dioxide, iron sulfides and other nasties like heavy metals but on a larger scale tap water is touted as unsafe by the manufacturers of bottled water. Some of the obsession with bottled water comes from this propaganda. If i had the money i would invest in a reverse osmosis unit and solve that problem.
  23. Could you please elaborate on that?
  24. Thanks for the heads up, i was under the impression that U-233 wasn't bomb grade material. Another plus on thorium reactors is that they can "burn" the long lived nuclear waster we currently produce and gain energy from it and reduce it's half life to the point that it would only have to be stored for centuries instead of many millenia.
  25. I think it would depend of what is possible under the conditions beyond the event horizon. I'm not sure if enough is known to even speculate. As for stars, I can see the possibly that life light exist in a star, it would have to be based on plasma interactions but i don't see any reason it would be impossible. maybe the entire star is alive and our ancestors had it right the sun is god? I know that would be another thread.
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