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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. What? You have no sense of humor either? Bragging about being banned on multiple forums is absurd and does nothing but show your own ignorance of the subject material. So far you have failed miserably to show any of your ideas as having any basis in reality what so ever. You are so deep in that river in Egypt you would have to be buried in the mud at the bottom. You ignore everyone who attempts to point out the problems with your arguments and keep repeating your self like a small child demanding candy in the check out line. I've got news for you, repetition does not show you are correct, repeating horse feathers over and over does not make horses covered with feathers...
  2. No, human populations have not been isolated for tens of thousands of years, race is not what you seem to think it is, please see these videos for an explanation of this lack of isolation...
  3. May I suggest a continuation of that proud tradition?
  4. Excuse me, where does it say birth control equals killing babies?
  5. Pretty much says it all... It's science for the win!!!
  6. Pretty much says it all.... ooops wrong thread...
  7. Oh yeah!!! Great song great images....
  8. The truly sad thing about this is that most of these fundamentalist theists, and yes I know we have theists here who do not subscribe to this extreme view, but the thing is that they get their science from people who's job it is to defame any science they can, who lie and misrepresent science. There is a huge amount of money involved in this and if the marks see they are being told lies it falls apart so they are fed just what the purveyors of this stuff want them to hear and advise them that anyone who tells them different is lying and wants to deceive them. They come here and assume we have never bothered to read the "good news" so they go about educating us in not only what religion says but what science says as well. They cannot allow themselves to look at anything that disagrees with their world view and assume science is telling lies at best and a conspiracy from the devil at worst not to mention the assumption that none of us knows anything about their favorite religions perspective and the books that give them the no kidding absolute truth. I have taken the time to investigate religion and always found it wanting but I am always open to new evidence but if they are not going to bother to even look at what science really says why should I bother to take them seriously? I think they honestly fear bothering to look beyond what their lying religious leaders tell them because the actual evidence terrifies them... or because the lies are easier to wrap their minds around because the real evidence is difficult to understand. They then make grandiose claims about how we just can't quite wrap our minds around what they are saying or that is so complex that we cannot grasp it, horse feathers... it's simpleton crap that allows you to give the appearance of knowledge with out actually doing any real effort to understand anything, god did it i believe and that settles it... so sad...
  9. Gotta get me a pair of them biblical glasses so i can wrap my puny mind around those horse feathers...
  10. And what precisely would that reason be? te he he he....
  11. It's quite possible to believe that god is in control of everything through naturalistic methods, it's not God or even religion that opposes science it's creationists who insist that what the bible says has to be true, in effect they claim that either god did things exactly the way that the bible says or there is no god, it's their main claim and it's false. They create the strawman that to believe what science has discovered makes you an atheist, it does not...
  12. So, if you believe that what we know about the universe so far you cannot be a religious person??? All science says for sure is we don't have the evidence so far to say how the universe came into being. It's not an atheistic view point it's simply what the evidence points to so far. Could a god have brought the universe into existence? maybe then again maybe not, if you prefer to believe a god brought the universe into existence it doesn't change the evidence of the expansion of the universe, science simply says we don't know, because we don't have any evidence of how the universe came into being, the religious say god did it with no evidence to support that assertion.... science is more honest in my estimation but science does not say god could not have done it.
  13. No that is not how evolution works, seriously njaohnt, you really need to watch this guys videos and stop listening to what people who don't know jack say science says... I am not being insulting, you don't know enough to even ask the right questions, at least I have read the bible and spent many years trying to under stand religion. spend an hour or so trying to under stand how the world works... watch the entire made easy series... there are 11 of 12 of these videos, watch them, then ask questions
  14. Great video, I have long supported the idea that life forms inevitably and is not some far fetched highly unlikely event. Thomas Gold also supported a similar view in his book The Deep Hot Biosphere...
  15. I may not be sophisticated enough to say the question is somehow invalid but I know that every debate we have here on SFN puts me further and further into the camp of "Theists are insane" I know they are not all not really crazy but the need to define god with science or to somehow twist ancient documents into saying what science says or demanding that texts like the bible are absolutely true word for word when the world around us easily falsifies that notion is so bizarre to me I am inclined to think they are broken somehow. Giving control of your life to people who without religion thier best efforts would be multi level marketing scammers is a little bit difficult as well. The idea that religion is an infectious meme appeals to me because it suggests these people are not insane but motivated by something that has taken control of them. Religion is a powerful idea, the idea that death is just the beginning of another life of worshiping god, singing hosannas for an eternity is a bit less than appealing except when you compare it to death. The Mormon religious texts are, if you are a man, rather seductive, you get to make your own planets and populate them with your own offspring.... sounds like something that could hold my attention for many many years. Personally I'd rather make whole universes, with laws of physics that allow a Star Trek like civilization to exist. maybe lots of different types of life forms based on things other than carbon that would allow almost all planets to have life... But i am suspicious of things that are too good to be true and God certainly seems like one of those things, like a prince in Africa who it turns out is my great great great great grandfather and I am his only living heir and $1,000,000,000 is waiting for me to pick it up.... yeah sure happens all the time... But if i start my own religion i can get that $1,000,000,000 by revealing the truth of what god wants, yeah, we guys get to make our own universes, god told me this, we guys get to have as many wives as we want, sorry girls but someone has to have the babies and i can't do that, I'd at least make childbirth orgasmic beyond belief, probably have to drop the females IQ points by about 75 or so, they have to be happy and that's the easiest way, make them equal to men not doing it for you? Oh well i am too old for that harem shit anyway...
  16. Waters? As compelling as you think that interpretation is i see no reason to assume you are correct, in fact I do not see this at all. How could there have been light and dark with no earth, no sun and no moon? Water is outer space? That a pretty big leap of faith don't you think? There is no either, and water is not space, space is a vacuum. The firmament is clearly the sky, there is no water above the sky. There is no water above the sky or heaven. I see no mention of any of this in Genesis. Mosheh Thezion, while I respect your right to your own beliefs, i do not respect your right to your own reality. you are simply twisting scripture to fit your own beliefs. you are changing the meaning of words to make your need to believe in god fit. If you believe this even though it is obviously a twisted interpretation of scripture then have at it, but the bible does not say these things or at least not what you seem to think they mean. You cannot have your own reality. The bible clearly does not mention galaxies or super clusters or even stars as anything but lights in the sky, in fact the bible clearly says the stars can be moved by storms and come down and fight with humans. Your web site failed miserably as does your interpretation of Genesis, I can't even give you points for trying, you leave out much that conflicts directly with reality and twist the rest to fit. epic failure but believe what you will... yes it can, the bible is clearly not true, if gods supposed word is clearly not true then that is evidence he does not exist, god is made up by men as is the bible. you cannot have it both ways, either the bible is true and as such evidence of god or it is not and as such is evidence against the existence of god. This is simply dishonest, either you are using the bible as evidence or you are not you cannot do both. You claim scripture as evidence then say you do not... which is it?
  17. That is quite seriously none of your business, I am a member of this forum, i understand the discussion quite well. Yes, i am, and so is she i am quite sure, both of us as well as many others are able to do so. Then why would you post such obviously flawed writings to support your god? I can use them to show you do not have any idea of what you are talking about. They fit not at all with out a considerable amount of misinterpretation. Any one can respond here, this is not a private forum or thread. I suggest you start at the beginning, take one thing at a time, and lets see if what you are asserting has anything what so ever to do with reality. Well, the devil is in the details and what you say it says is may not be what it in fact does say, who are you to say what god meant? One thing Mosheh Thezion, please stop using all the special fonts and sizes to express emotions, it proves nothing and makes it more difficult to respond to your questions. i have to wade through all the extra stuff just to get to your stuff, lets keep this as simple as possible.
  18. njaohnt! oh how i wish i could say i am glad to see you back but sadly i cannot. You come back with the same condescending attitude you left with. Again assuming that none of us have ever given any thought to this at all and big brother njaohnt is here to show the realy really really obvious truth of the matter. Horse feathers, it was nice and sunny here on good Friday, beautiful day, the weather on any particular good friday is no different than the weather on any other particular day. I am assuming this was ajoke on your part, have you now become an atheist and just funning us? What you think is irrelevant to this discussion, evidence talks horse feathers walk my friend. My genetics and my experiences are what made me ... me See above... You honestly think this is an argument? it's childish nonsense at best, insanity at worst. Much of this is simply lies. if you want me to take the time to refute each one independently you will have to take the time to type each one. Again what you think is not relevant, evidence points to a naturalistic cause to the world around us, if you disagree show evidence of why, your inability to see it is meaningless. Why would you expect people to have grown wings?
  19. No Mosheh Thezion, you have not shown how the bible fits with science, I have been following this discussion very closely and so far you have made that assertion several times but failed each time to show any such thing. I read your link, it was wrong and had little or no resemblance to what can be easily shown by he fossil record. You have not shown any convincing facts what so ever. if you really think you have please show us again because unless I cannot read and comprehend the English language you have not. I will be most happy to show you the error of your assertions. Your interpretations of evolution are childish and totally wrong, your assertion that there are no transitional fossils is wrong, your correlation with the big bang theory and genesis is wrong. To be honest, so far i see nothing you have asserted as being right, you are so far off the mark I saws no reason to entertain your assertions at all but if you insist i would be glad to show you in detail where you are wrong, personally i thought mooey was being nice to you, I am more than willing to tell you like it is. have faith and believe if that's what you want but to assert the things you say as the truth is just... not even close enough to be wrong, silly is closer to the mark... I honestly thought you were a child trying to get attention...
  20. It seems to me there are a lot of scattered thoughts on this forum but this thread is the only one that claims it's self to be scattered honesty is a virtue....
  21. It can be shown empirically that each type of land animals did not evolve independently from a different fish, in fact fish evolved into amphibians and on to reptiles to dinosaurs and mammals and on up. Each currently living life form did not evolve independently on it's own from fish. While it cannot be shown that god does not use naturalistic ways to guide evolution there is no evidence he does. The idea that the universe has to have have some guiding influence is not supported by evidence. While you are welcome to your beliefs and yours is interesting it can be shown to be false, assuming i understand what you are saying correctly, if i am wrong and you are not proposing that all animals evolved independently from a separate fish please inform me of what i am getting wrong. Not only are missing links not missing intermediate forms from monkey to ape to man have been found, in fact we can trace our ancestry all the way back to Cambrian times at least.
  22. Care to show some evidence of Jesus before you go claiming he shared knowledge from god with anyone? Where? when? who?
  23. I am pretty sure all UFOs are not seen in America, in fact some of the best or most compelling sightings have been in Europe, Russia, China, in fact UFO's are indeed a world wide phenomena... Also not all pictures or films are blurred and or fuzzy... And what appears to be structured craft can be seen in medieval paintings usually associated with religious themes... and some cave paintings can, without much difficulty, be shown to portray classic disc shaped UFOs in the background of the usual paintings of wild animals and people... I would like to point out that this is weak as evidence goes but it is intriguing...
  24. Both of these have been so muddied by misinformation, attention seekers, and hoaxes I doubt either one can be objectively said to be real or not. This is an interesting video.
  25. I have shown that I did not lie nor did I quote some one else who had lied and I also showed the slavery information was not invalid. How about addressing this issue instead of insinuating I am giving false information...
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