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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Yes i know how much of the scriptures that has been uncovered is true... 0... nada... none, nothing.... Do you really think that because i am an atheist i have never read scripture? That I have never attended a church? How condescending, I was raised fundamentalist Christian, raised to quake in fear of doubting anything the preacher said... I have read the bible and quite a bit of other holy books, it's all made up horse feathers, if you know differently please feel free to show some true scriptures that could not have been known by humans and had to come from god... can't do it? God got your tongue? Oh i have to believe before i can understand, horse feathers, I once believed, but I made the mistake of really reading the bible and I realized i was being asked to worship a psychopathic monster and that absolutely none of it was true in any way shape or form, come on give those true scriptures.... horse feathers...
  2. This is total horse feathers, it is not evidence of anything but your propensity to spout bullshit. I said that yes, something has always existed, now you need to show some evidence of god... any god... anything supernatural would even be better than your brand of bullshit...
  3. Hmmm, what if i genetically engineered the coral to excrete tequila?
  4. I look at it this way, if our universe is all of existence then something has always existed. To suggest nothing exists is no better than suggesting something before existence. There are hypothesis that suggest what we call space time is just part of a bulk dimensional space but again you run into the same oxymoron if you suggest something existing before anything exists. Anyway you look at it something has to exist for there to be existence. How do you define something before existence? That is why i say something has always existed and nothing can not exist....
  5. I can grow coral in a shot glass, does that qualify me as an expert?
  6. What bothers me most about the creationist type theist or those who seem to think their holy book, what ever it is, has to be absolutely true or there is no god and that if you don't believe it to be true then you have to be an atheist. While I am an atheist it is not because I hate god or that i want to feel good about rape and pillaging the next village for what ever it really bothers me that there are a considerable number of people who feel like that god is the only thing that keeps them from immoral behavior. In this particular case I went out on a limb and answered his really unfair question but he still refuses to give any positive evidence for god. Some how he expects me to give him two examples of evidence to why there cannot be a god when he is the the one making a positive assertion. I do not say there cannot be a god, I just say I know of no positive evidence that there is a god. Just because there is at this time no evidence of where the universe came from it must be god. this is not only not true it has been shown not to be true over and over through out human history. At one time lightning was thought to be proof of god, no one could explain where those bolts of destruction came from so it had to be god... no one could explain where volcanoes came from so it had to be god, no one could explain where earth quakes came from so it had to be god. HORSE FEATHERS! At one time mushroom fairy rings had to be supernatural but they weren't, the tides had to caused by a god but they weren't. So it must follow that since we don't know anything about where the universe came from it must be god... Really? There is the smug attitude of i know something you don't and I am going to rub your nose in it as long as i can because you don't know and i do.... yrreg either show some sort of actual evidence for the existence of a god or as you are saying the christian god or simply admit all you have is your need to believe and faith you are right and go on, I'll give you respect for just admitting it's just what you believe, i don't want to convince you god is not real but I do what to see the so called evidence. Show me why there is a god, then show me why it's your god or admit you don't know like an honest person should, isn't lying a sin btw?
  7. I am going to go back on what I said but only to point out I answered your question and said why I answered it the way I did, btw, most everyone doesn't agree with me on this idea that nothing cannot exist. I stuck my neck out to answer you as truthfully as I could and you insulted me by trying to give me bible lessons. your argument is nothing but dishonesty, and in the dictionary I am quite sure troll is beside your name. either give us some evidence, for the definition of evidence please see the video below.... Or admit you have no evidence and withdraw your assertions...
  8. Of course it hurts, you're being f*#cked by an elephant...
  9. This conversation is over...
  10. I wanted to see what his evidence was going to be before I explained my answer but i truly think that in a real sense something has always existed. if the universe we know as space time is all there is then it has always existed because there was no existence or a "before" space time to measure. if you think the theories of time existing before the universe are valid as in the ekpyrotic universe then again something has always existed. Nothing cannot exist. existence implies something but I see no reason to connect this with a creator or god or anything else.
  11. I will say this one more time, adults should never be sexually involved with children, childish sex games are just that for children and no adults should ever been involved, an adult sexualizing a child always results in some harm, if not physical then mental harm that results in a twisted view of what sex is, often poor self esteem and an inability to function as an adult sexually. I was sexualized as a child, i know intimately what it does to you, how it affects your self worth your self esteem and your own sense of what to expect from partners in adult sex. It totally fucked me up and prevented me from having the confidence to go to university. If you are thinking of doing it don't! If you are doing it stop and turn your self in so you and the child can get counciling, there is no excuse for it...
  12. I have read the bible, more than once cover to cover and many times as little blurbs given to me by my pastor. I get tired of telling Christians what their own holy book actually says, I think i am qualified to discuss this with you. Again, you are assuming something about me that is only not true but it takes quite a bit of gall to assume such a thing on this forum. I doubt that but I will still attempt to do so. Of course not but you are dealing with an atheist who is quite familiar with the christian faith... yada yada yada I say yes, something has always existed... Again, i have and i say yes something has always existed no matter how you define something and existence... I am trying to do that but it would be easier to nail an eel to a tree. Now, show me some evidence of the existence of not only a god but of your god.... and do not insult me by saying that i insist that god does not exist, i say i do not know if a god exists but I can say i see no positive evidence of a god christian or otherwise... You can trust that i will not ask you a stupid question designed to humiliate the concept of god, I take the concept very seriously, if there is a god i want to know about it and what it wants but it will have to do better than just have faith and believe.... If you insult me one more time you can best believe this conversation is over....
  13. My ancestry is Native American, Melungeon, Scottish and African, my eyes are blue my hair is curly and white (used to be dark brown) what color am i? You are making up terms that have no real meaning...
  14. Ok, what are the correct sources to find that information? I am not into any god, gods or goddesses or anything else supernatural... Again, why is the christian god the only god that matters? Again, where is that information? Ummm, it's entirely horse feathers?
  15. scattered sheepel?
  16. I agree with you, i was just being a smart ass but a KT level event is survivable by humans, mostly because we have technology and can prepare but very few humans would survive and the world we would be in would be very difficult to live in but not impossible. With out technology humans would be very unlikely to survive. There is some contention on the dinosaur fossils above the KT event, some still argue a small population of ceratopsin type dinosaurs survived a few hundred to a thousand years but it is splitting hairs, all the non avian dinosaurs are gone...
  17. One of my favorite examples of symbiosis is certain organisms that live with sea anemones and sometimes stony corals, several species of shrimp, crabs, and fish do this to varying degrees. Some do it only as young and as they mature they cease to associate with anemones others cannot live with out the anemone and even lay their eggs in the protective area of the anemone. To some extent this is a chemically learned behavior, when switching to a new host anemone the fish has to slowly acclimate it's self to the new species of anemone or get eaten just like any other fish...
  18. Yes sickle cell anemia would be an example of a mutation that has spread through certain populations. it confers both an advantage and a disadvantage to individuals with this mutation. Each human zygote starts out with about 130 mutations. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1288368/ Most mutations are neutral and have no effect on the organism.
  19. Ok, we'll get to that after we answer your question and mine... Did you make an error in grammar? This is not a coherent question. I'm not trying to be obtuse, please reword this so it makes sense. Why would an atheist have the answer to this question? To answer this question I can with no hesitation answer yes... Oh yeah, I almost forgot my question, if there is a creator of some kind, why does it have to be a god and if it is a god why does it have to be your god?
  20. What if the asteroid is a rubble pile? Aren't many asteroids now thought to be rubble piles instead of large solid bodies? http://www.boulder.swri.edu/~bottke/rubble/rub.html I've got a special early warning hat, that is guaranteed to warn you if a meteor is going to hit you, it costs only $1000 and comes with a 1 billion dollar life insurance policy that automatically pays if the meteor hits you and doesn't warn you of the impact.... The policy is null and void if you don't wear the hat 24/7 Yes, a murder of crows visits the field next to my house every morning....
  21. No way Iron man could fly, where does he carry the reaction mass or fuel? It shows him out pacing a jet fighter, to do that would require a huge amount of fuel or reaction mass, the flying thing is a total fail...
  22. Are all exoplanets less dense than we see in our solar system? For your hypothesis to be true all exoplanets would have to be of such light weight and what about stars, shouldn't stars appear to less dense as well? Our sun is unusually rich in heavy elements, it would seem to follow that it's planets would be as well.
  23. I think that first we need to define what consciousness is, complexity of thought has to be one measure of one attribute. I would have to agree with this... but I would also assert you need complexity to have consciousness. I think that first we need to define what consciousness is, complexity of thought has to be one measure of one attribute. I would have to agree with this... but I would also assert you need complexity to have consciousness.
  24. Does this mean there is a ring around Uranus?
  25. Yes we can, bacteria are alive but are not conscious... I am both conscious and alive but I cannot reproduce...
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