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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Young fellas, LMAO All you are doing is cross referencing the Bible, I'll say it again, the bible cannot be evidence to prove it's self.
  2. Do you have any evidence of a virgin birth in humans? Can you show any evidence of this? Do you have any evidence that heaven exists? Musical proselytizing is not allowed either...
  3. That you don't have a clue as to what your own holy book says. How about actually reading it, not the small palatable bits given out in Sunday school, read it from cover to cover, read what it says, don't let some juju man tell you what it means. Read it and see what a psychopath God really is. I am really tired of having to show people what the bible says, I can guide you to several youtube videos made by people who know what they are talking about give the scripture for things like murder, genocide, rape , pillage, child molestation, all demanded by god. And Moses never existed the Jews were never slaves in Egypt and wondering around for 40 years in a desert that can be walked in a couple weeks is just plain silly.
  4. I honestly think that life will form spontaneously on any planet that forms, I think it was Thomas Gold that said that life was a natural aspect of the formation of almost any world. He suggested that any body in the solar system that had liquid water would probably have life and at some point all planets have liquid water, how long it actually takes life to develop is the $64,000 question. Mars, three moons of Jupiter and the larger moons of the outer planets almost certainly have water and life. On many bodies of the solar system under the crust exist liquid water and given water and enough time this means life. Even very cold planets like Pluto might have liquid water deep within them and therefor have the conditions for life. One of the small moons of Saturn, due to tidal stress, is not only shooting water out into space but complex organics as well. Some have suggested that life might form inside of comets but the internal conditions of comets is not well enough known to be sure. Given an earth like planet life almost certainly forms at some point in the evolution of the planet. that life might be snuffed out as conditions change but the conditions that exist on all planets big enough to hold an atmosphere at some point probably develop life. This idea suggests that life is just a naturally occurring chemical reaction that forms in places where there is an energy surplus and organic chemicals. Complex life is however something else, there are no primitive life forms on the earth, the first life on earth must have been much simpler than what we see today, even archea are vastly advanced compared to what the first life forms would have been. We look at bacteria and think primitive simple life forms but in fact bacteria are quite complex and advanced, not primitive. traces of life go back more than 3.8 billions years, this is just after the earth is thought to have cooled enough to allow liquid water. The swiftness of the development of life would indicate life forms easily and swiftly. Complex Eukaryota life took at least 1.5 to 2 billion years to develop, this might have been due to conditions on the earth not being conducive to complex life or it could be simply because it took that long to develop. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v384/n6604/abs/384055a0.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_evolutionary_history_of_life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromatolite The bacteria that form stromatolites had already developed photosynthesis almost 3.5 billion years ago.
  5. What do i believe... I believe I'll have another beer...
  6. zorro... The bible is not evidence of anything... It's a book written by bronze age people about the legends of gods that were believed at that time. Much of it can be shown not to be true, think about that, much of it is nothing but tall tails, most of it is just a rehash of other religions from that era. None of it can be shown to be true... none of it. Yes it does in some instances describe real places and maybe even some real people but the rest is fiction. It's no better than a novel written about aliens invading New York City and using real people places and events to make it look good, it cannot be supported by any evidence. If you have evidence that can be confirmed feel free to show it but to claim the bible as evidence of it's self is simply not going to fly...
  7. No, a shot to the head in the proper place cannot not include pain, your link is about a firing squad, if your brain is destroyed before the pain impulses can get to it you feel no pain...
  8. That is a concern, difficult to be sure, mostly i like porn made by ordinary people but that can be simulated as well... From my experience i would have to say that is true... on censorship
  9. No i would not and i think it's appalling... You have yet to demonstrate that killing equals pain, a direct shot to the brain results in death with no pain, the brain cannot feel pain and the shot travels faster than pain impulses.. it is just not true that killing results in pain... As i have no idea of what the conditions your family keeps it's animals i cannot dispute that and yes veal is pathetic, i do not eat it ever... My spell checker wouldn't pick it up, i thought you had misspelled something I didn't recognize, thanks for the lesson in google... yes he does and totally unbiased too i bet... I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this, i know i am not going to convince you and I know i am not going to be convinced, good luck with the rest of the world, i think i am quite liberal on this, very few others are...
  10. My all time favorite singer and song, oh god where did 1976 go and why did it have to go so fast... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDwKuYWVMvo
  11. Moontanman

    A Wish

    Colbert is a comedian not a news commentator... if he hits too close to home then take it like you want but he is in the comedy business not the news business... Again not a news network... but i do like to watch fox news occasionally, if you are really up to date on the reality of what is going on, seeing them assert batshit crazy lies as the absolute truth is funny...
  12. That is a problem but by definition to be alive it must be able to reproduce by a method that allows variation, anything else is just a complex chemical system... at least that's what I understand... Yes, i was loosely using the definition used by NASA but of course there are things on the edge that really don't fit...
  13. Moontanman

    A Wish

    No, in fact I do not, Fox Noise can be shown to quite deliberately lie continuously on many topics and twist the truth far past any recognition on most if not all others... I see no other net work do this... period... and it's not just an assumption because I disagree with them...
  14. http://science.slashdot.org/story/12/01/18/0118213/multicellular-life-evolves-in-months-in-a-lab
  15. Nonsense, cow heads are valuable, they have to make pink slime out of something... And you know how cows think... how exactly?
  16. Moontanman

    A Wish

    so one batshit crazy liberal paired to an entire news network full of them?
  17. I've raised a lot of cows, you generally don't see people ignoring a human who is drowning or a child who is in trouble but not theirs... Cows are not with out some sort of mind, mostly they are contrary and react to things unseen and seem to have no concept of anything but what they want right now... wow what a bad direction to take this argument
  18. First of all, i will concede that such practices are indeed cruel but not those are not farm animals, such "meat factories" are far from what a farm is. I challenge that the raising of animals for food is inherently cruel and leads to suffering, the people who raise them can be shown to suffer by your broad standards. Again i will concede that factory type farming is cruel but that is not farming any more than hydroponics is the same as farming in the natural environment. And I assert that simply raising animals to eat is not cruel and does not mean suffering by definition. Oh no, you opened that can of worms with your quote from Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animals I cannot argue with that and I will not try to, but I like meat, fish and sea food especially, but beef as well deer is good, pork, chicken, turkey and I, like many others, will want to eat it at least occasionally and legumes and beans and lentils are still vegetables in the context we are discussing... Horse Feathers you are creating strawmen faster than i can fight them... Oh contrare, your views on farming are totally disconnected from reality, you read farm and you see a factory, not the same thing... That's true but I do get my eggs from chicken that actually run free, you can tell by the yolks if they are eating things like bugs, but I do know where my eggs come from. What does nociception mean? Would Kobe beef be ok? They actually give the animals massages and beer to drink.... it's only relevant if you agree with him, he is a vegetarian, of course he feels that way... it's like asking a creationist to say why he doesn't believe in evolution and using his views to justify not believing in evolution... Ethics is a very subjective thing, some people think that keeping pets is unethical...
  19. It is of course a continuation of old traditions, in some places dogs are eaten, in some places cats or horses and I would not eat either unless I was really starving. Cows are stupid creatures, we have bred them to be so, just a look at what they were bred from will show how far they have come to be our "food beasts" and while pigs might still be smart an encounter with a wild boar will convince you really quickly that domestic pigs are lacking quite a bit compared to their wild brethren. The sad thing is that we have lost contact with the animals we eat, we no longer take care of them or even see them as animals, they are just packages of meat, this i agree with. Everyone should try to raise and eat your own meat, rabbits will do, once you see the emotional investment that goes into actually raising a food animal I think some people might tend to not be so quick to think of meat as just a package like carrots of broccoli. But i honestly don't see killing a food animal as unethical... mistreating it while it is alive i can see as unethical, i can't imagine not being moved by the killing of an animal...
  20. Not having a penis is my first clue... This is true but more and more women are getting into a more visual medium... True, but since porn is shall we say, anonymous, who knows what who really looks at? I am rather fond of erotic literature, I write some of it as a matter of fact...
  21. Moontanman

    A Wish

    While I admit the possibility of what you say I'd like to see some examples of bat shit crazy liberals on mainstream TV...
  22. Seriously? You continually equate farm animals and killing with suffering, are you aware that humans created these animals? They are not just wild animals that were taken from some idyllic life and forced into servitude. We bred them to be passive, to be easily killed and have limited awareness. I will be the first to admit that all animals deserve not to be horrifically treated but with out us they would not exist, in some ways we are more like parasites on them than predators. I can't see why you think that killing to eat is unethical, it suggests that we are somehow immoral for killing animals to eat, that somehow we are better than animals in some way or maybe it's superior I'm not sure but you have failed to show why this would be relevant. The argument that raising beef is ecologically unsound is easier to support than it being unethical.
  23. Archaic reference to having too much fun to be allowed...
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