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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. The technology exists to watch everyone, if not all of the time, a great deal of the time. I know it sounds crazy but it does worry me, no I don't believe there are cameras in my TV but the technology exists to make it so, a theocracy just might have the will to make it happen...
  2. I hesitate to start this irreducible complexity horse feathers... but here we go... again.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreducible_complexity Your examples of things that cannot evolve fail miserably, are easily refuted. Have been shown to be horse feathers many times on this forum. The tactic of simply telling the same horse feathers over and over will not make irreducible complexity true...
  3. Actually, and this really is true, it's cheaper for a business to provide health care that includes contraception than it is to provide health care that does not... It's cheaper for the insurance carrier due the cost connected with pregnancies... This argument has nothing to do with actual costs... it's because of the religious right and their opposition to any form of birth control because it might empower women, hard to keep em bare foot and pregnant if they can take birth control... God help us if a woman can actually have sex anytime she wants, the world will come to an end...
  4. If a beer finds me I hope it's Sam Adams cherry wheat...
  5. It would have to be a pretty damn big tree but no it would not kill the tree to hollow it out, it might make it weaker and result in the tree being blown down...
  6. I live in the middle of the bible belt, I understand exactly where you are coming from. When I meet a person for the first time often one of the first questions asked is "where do you go to church" then if you say you don't go or that you go someplace they feel superior to they begin active proselytizing. To me it's astounding that other wise intelligent people suck this slop up like it was cream and strawberries... I see no reason to hunt a baited field, we get plenty of people here asserting their personal brand of horse feathers... The real trick is trying to figure out how the republicans can field candidates who are no better than Moe, Larry, and Curly... And people are behind them like it is the best thing possible...
  7. Sho nuff...
  8. it might be interesting to not only know the out of date phrases but what they have been replaced with as well. Drugstore Cowboy = Poser... If you ever come to Wilmington, NC let me know, I'll take where they still do that in the original parking lot/small building of the drive-in restaurant that has been in operation here at least fifty years, my wife's parents ate there when they were dating... they still serve the same flat burgers... Ok, it's that kind of attitude that ended my career as a polyester maker, I was very good at making the finest Dacron, oh yes....
  9. To become the sole beneficiary of a wealthy Nigerian prince, click the green.... Ok where is my money? do i have to kill him myself?

  10. Indeed, that was seriously trollish...
  11. I am absolutely in awe of your argument... I mean it, awesome points and counter points...
  12. Is this far enough? I doubt it is...
  13. Quite the contrary, I think you'll find all gods have been tested and found to be real...in the legends or writings attributed to that god at least...
  14. Watch part two and three, he has wings already...
  15. Well then I will have to add insult to injury, religion, all of them, are nothing but superstition, sometimes dressed up but a pig dressed up is still a pig... To be quite frank Yes.... Discussing it doesn't show it is flawed, in fact there is no reason to suppose no possible event can be uncaused... Under the correct conditions yes i can argue that life comes into being through natural chemical processes, those processes while not as well known at this time as the causes for the diversity of life are quite well formed and point very strongly to life being a natural byproduct of complex chemical reaction under the conditions of the early earth. As to why we have not seen other planets with life, how can we know, we haven't been to any planets like earth yet... Are you aware of any theories of the existence of the universe that do not require a starting gun? I suggest you learn to use google, google is your friend..
  16. Uh uh... sure it did... At least I know what Grok means... make a stew out of me when i die so you can grok me in fullness... Oh there must be a god and he hates me, that sounds like what our parents said!!! But then again... Oh yesssss, 1973..... cob nobbler lmao
  17. Indeed, it does have a suspiciously greasy "to good to be true" feel as though it were planned by the religious conservatives but I doubt there is that much real intelligence behind them... They don't seem to see that path leads to further and likely much more derisive competition between various religious sects, the most powerful dominate the little guys, it is a not a slippery slope, i suggest it is a cliff we are teetering on at this very moment. Modern technology almost certainly favors the powerful, religion meshed with government, banks, the military industrial complex... in our modern area will be the largest power concnetration in history of the modern world, we will bow down to big brother and the TV sets will have cameras in them.... They could now, the technology is there, just not the will to do it, but these people think they have the will of god. If I was a NAZI skin head i would still vote Democrat in the next election because the Republicans who are running are clowns, like Moe, Larry, and Curly running for president...
  18. I guess I'll have to give you two Drugstore cowboy but it alwasy meant the same thing as poser does now to us when we were young although originally it referred to a guy who dressed like a cowboy but had never ridden anything other than a stool in a drug store which way back when they had soda fountains in them. a car hop is waitress who serves food to people in their cars at driveins... We still have one here in Wilmington, NC called Merits Burger House, my wife's parents went there on dates... Then of course there was the quarter girl...
  19. he had a 4 speed in it at first but later put a quick shift auto but it keep destroying the auto...
  20. Aren't knickers still used in the UK? It's been a long time since i heard dungarees, pantaloons only in novels, the others I hear regularly... Lots of good ones there, of course some are still used but if I called my wife my old lady i might sleep alone awhile. Oh God, i remember party lines...
  21. You got one right... My uncle had a Goat with a 427, it could raise the front wheels in the air under hard acceleration... Hmmm, I still use all of those...
  22. The Christian right will not stop until they control everything.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominionism
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