Indeed, it does have a suspiciously greasy "to good to be true" feel as though it were planned by the religious conservatives but I doubt there is that much real intelligence behind them... They don't seem to see that path leads to further and likely much more derisive competition between various religious sects, the most powerful dominate the little guys, it is a not a slippery slope, i suggest it is a cliff we are teetering on at this very moment.
Modern technology almost certainly favors the powerful, religion meshed with government, banks, the military industrial complex... in our modern area will be the largest power concnetration in history of the modern world, we will bow down to big brother and the TV sets will have cameras in them.... They could now, the technology is there, just not the will to do it, but these people think they have the will of god. If I was a NAZI skin head i would still vote Democrat in the next election because the Republicans who are running are clowns, like Moe, Larry, and Curly running for president...