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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. What does this reply mean njaohnt?
  2. Good grief is right, i can't believe anyone actually took this thread seriously, i didn't for sure...
  3. Now this is something I would really like to know about, care to share the specifics of this information?
  4. Yes, but belief cannot define reality with out evidence to confirm that belief...
  5. You get the same thing I do when you die, nothing... If you have evidence you most certainly have not posted it i this thread, i suggest you do so... I asked for clarification, you have already stated your stance, why do you feel that way? God didn't create the earth? That I would have to agree with...
  6. Please clarify this, you don't think the formation of the earth has anything to do with religion? Maybe because you share the god delusion?
  7. Earth's core. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_core Then you have the inner inner core? http://www.spacedaily.com/news/earth-03k.html
  8. I'm only 11... no wait that's the length of my... antenna... yeah that's the ticket...
  9. You can also easily see the curvature of the Earth by watching a ship sail over the horizon, it slowly disappears from sight, the bottom first them the super structure until only the tallest mast is visible, it doesn't just fade into the fog...
  10. njaohnt this is how the earth was first shown to be a sphere, a man called Eratosthenes used the shadows made by sticks and math to calculate the circumference of the earth. This knowledge did not come from god it came from a man who was intelligent enough to ask questions about the world around him instead of blindly saying "god did it" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes BTW, that picture you posted clearly shows the curvature of the earth....
  11. Dovoda, until you actually demonstrate your "reveled knowledge" it is irrelevant, your belief it is true is irrelevant, as is any appeal to authority such as Einstein and his views or lack there of for religion. If I only had a dollar for every time someone has claimed to know something but he can't demonstrate it because it's too complex to show or to understand or it will be ready next Tuesday... Evidence talks, horse feathers walk dude...
  12. I've spent many hours driving rear steer fork trucks and clamp trucks, they were both front drive and rear drive, they were hard to corner at anything but very slow speeds, trying to take a curve sharp at any speed throws the rear end way out and can spin you around. We used to race them around the warehouse...
  13. You did quite a bit of preaching before you gave us your "special information", don't violate the 9th commandment Dovoda, it looks bad for a Christian to break his own rules and going back and getting those posts is quite easy to do. We can say that because you don't, if you did you would have presented it, so far you have presented no evidence at all. BTW, a personal experience is not evidence of anything... When you are referring to the reality of something you have no evidence for then yes. This on the other hand is your opinion, an opinion I do not share, i think that demanding respect for your own opinion and not giving people who disagree with you respect is childish. Demanding respect for religion is debatable, i see no reason to show respect for your religion over and above any other religion or belief system. i respect your right to hold your beliefs as long as they don't impinge on anyone else's rights. Asserting something you have no evidence for as the truth is dishonest, only religion gets such a pass in regular society, if anyone but a religious nut claimed to have heard voices he was basing his life on he would be locked up. If something cannot be verified then there is no reason to assume it exists, if it was anything but religion you would agree on this but because it's your favorite faery tale it gets a pass? I don't think so personally and on this forum it doesn't either... Potential truth? Religion at best is hearsay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearsay
  14. The only honest answer is "at this time we do not know what caused the expansion of the universe, nor do we know where it came from". "God did it" is not a viable explanation anymore than "faeries did it" is a viable explanation... Science has done a pretty good job of explaining the universe, most of the gaps god was hidden in by believers have disappeared, are you honest enough to admit god doesn't exist if this gap is closed as well or will you push god into yet another and probably smaller gap? Must be uncomfortable for god, being pushed into those ever smaller gaps...
  15. Yes it does. No, the brain does no thave send a signal to make the swelling happen the swelling is a reaction to chemicals in the bite and bacteria.
  16. No reptiles can have heat vision because their own bodies are cooler than their surroundings and that allows them to use heat as vision better. Their own body heat doesn't interfere with their heat vision. A mammal with heat vision would get lots of interference from their own body heat, it's why really sensitive infrared telescopes use liquid helium to cool their detectors.
  17. As you have been told before the bible is not evidence, the bible is wrong, it is wrong abotu almost everything is claims, using as evidence is not acceptable. The concept of hell is unjust, that is my assertion, the same punishment for all crimes is unjust, your answer to that assertion as stated here makes no sense and does not address the issue of Hell being unjust... This true, there are rules and you do not follow them... You need to support that assertion with some evidence, so far all you have done is make claims with no supporting evidence... Books of the "scripture" have indeed been lost, the bible has been changed so many times by humans with an agenda that none of it can be trusted as original much less accurate. Just saying god does exist cannot be verified either and just because two people make the same claim is not evidence and the bible can be shown to be wildly inaccurate. You claim special knowledge from god, what is it? If you cannot show any evidence of that claim than it is meaningless. More unverifiable scripture and I have to ask why is your scripture any better than the scriptures of Lord Krishna? Or any other "holy" book? Another baseless assertion... So telepathy is real? Please show some evidence of this, anecdotal evidence is not relevant and telepathy has not been shown to be real... We should, i do, you however do not seem to be using your intelligence but instead are relying on fairy tales and inner voices? If you believe then good for you but to assert your belief as reality is simply wrong... Are you asserting that the answer to how gravity works is goddidit? Pushing god into the ever smaller hole of what we do not yet understand is kind of disrespectful of god isn't it? i have said this more than once but it is still relevant to anyone who is trying to use the god of the gaps argument. At one time we had no understanding of what lightning was or how it worked, the standard explanation of that time was God did it, lightning was gods wrath. Anyone or anything that was struck was assumed to have offended god in some manner. Then we discovered how lightning worked and we developed ways to prevent lightning from striking, we puny humans could prevent the wrath of god! a great many people of religious persuasion refused to believe it was anything else but the wrath of god, it was rather embarrassing that churches were hit more often than other buildings but science explained that by showing lightning was a natural occurrence and not supernatural. Eventually even churches were equipped with lightning rods and god was pushed out of another gap in our knowledge. When gravity is understood to have a natural mechanism that is demonstrably not supernatural what will you do with god then? Push him into a smaller gap in our knowledge? What happens when the gaps disappear? Do you see how illogical this god of the gaps argument is?
  18. Can you show us some evidence the rules of science are impossible? They seem to work quite well, you are using a computer and an international computer network that is based solely on the rules of science.
  19. And someone did, arete's post was very informative...
  20. No, it's not that simple, reality is not up to the individual no matter how many times you say that it will still not be true... Can you provide some evidence for this? If there was real empirical evidence i would... Do you have any evidence to back up that assertion? Quite a bit, simply showing himself to be real by providing some evidence would be a good first step... Can you show some evidence of this? No doubt, what is your point? All these things are easily shown to have naturalistic causes, no god or gods are needed for these things to happen. Show me the evidence, i do give credit where credit is due, reason tells me I need evidence, reality gives me the evidence i need to show everything happens due to naturalistic causes, no magic is required... Again you use your book as evidence of what it claims... not cool dude...
  21. You are mistaken... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusor
  22. I beg forgiveness for not believing in magic...
  23. It was not me in that instance, i can show you why, i can still give you neg rep for that post, you can't give neg rep to the same post twice, watch me give you neg rep....
  24. hmmm i can't prove you wrong, you must be the creator of the universe!!! All fall down and worship Tres Juicy!
  25. Forgiveness for what? What debt, what evidence for this debt do you have? One punishment for all crimes is not fair to begin with, eternal torment is cruel and the sign of a psychopathic monster not a god. What would be your evidence it wasn't true, how would you determine that? So drug use is at the heart of all our problems? Drugs cause all aggression? Fanatics are the cause? ... pot... kettle... black... Dovoda What is who doing for us? you have made the mistake of judging modern Christianity with What Christianity really is, support for slavery, burning people at the stake that didn't follow your particular flavor of Christianity much less anyone who didn't believe, secular governments have gelded the God of Christianity and we are all better off for it... Show me some evidence of this, prove you are not just delusional, you cannot make such a claim with out evidence, you have none...
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