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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. No, the chance life is the way it is happens to be exactly 1/1....
  2. Your religion is responsible, you support the agenda of your religion, evidently from what you've said so far with no question what so ever. I am awed by your inability to see your own arguments flaws and your willingness to project those flaws onto your opponent, i mean you are awesome in that degree, you do nothing but show your unwillingness to discuss anything but your own totally unsupported views, you assume we are ignorant of the truth, you assume we haven't even tried to understand religion, you assume we are somehow flawed in our thinking and then spout nothing but horse feathers in support of your own views, i stand in awe of your own willful ignorance... I have no problem with those that choose to believe, it's the assertion that what you believe is the truth, a truth so evident that in your mind it supports it's self with no evidence other than it's self what so ever. It is so intellectually dishonest to assert this truth in this manner that you claim it stuns me... Believe if you must, if you need, if it feels right for you, then have at it, but to assert that what you believe is the truth with no supporting evidence as adamantly as you have is... dishonest doesn't really cover it... but coming to a science forum and proclaiming your beliefs as the truth in this manner is... delusional is the kindest word I can really think of.
  3. God Trek
  4. Hmmmm.... not ETI, TTI... From our own future... how else could they look so human...iod.... On the other hand, wouldn't a time traveler have to cover many light years of space as well as travel in time? If I were to go back in time to say 70 million years ago and I stayed in the same place i am now, the Earth would be many thousands of light years away ... wouldn't it?
  5. I think all the real UFO's, not the fake and misidentified ones, are the result of one time traveler, who has been bouncing back and forth through time for possibly thousands of years from our perspective but only a few years at most for him.... Poor guy, he only wants to go home.... TT go home.... I'm in a silly mood, it's just technobabble from Star Trek...
  6. You guys have obviously never heard of Chronoton particles.... oh well back to watching Star Trek Voyager....
  7. Actually i have looked at images of that painting many times and wondered if that was true, it looks like a brain in cross section in general shape and the bits and pieces of people inside it remind me of the convolutions in the brain and other parts as well. Not an absolutely accurate portrayal of the brain but to me at least highly suggestive Michelangelo was portraying illegal information to tweek the noses of the leaders of the leaders of the time with information they could not understand. Much like his painting of god that showed god's butt....
  8. Dovoda, you act like you are the only person who has ever read the bible and knows what it means, I have news for you dude, you are not, most around here are very familiar with religious texts. many actually believed until the contradictions and out right horse feathers of the bible simply became too thick to be believed any more. You are seriously welcome to your beliefs, as long as you don't use those beliefs to try and control other people I don't care what you believe but I see no reason what so ever to think you are somehow in possession of any special knowledge. In fact so far you have shown yourself to be quite ignorant of the reality surrounding the bible and yes I am talking about both old and new testaments. The old testament is so full of wildly wrong information is it easily dismissed. The new testament can be shown to have been edited, added to and taken away from many times, it sources books and or gospels that it no longer contains and the so called words of Jesus are really what other people claimed he said or wanted him to say. There is really no reason to even believe he existed in any way much less the way he is portrayed in the new Testament. If you are truly interested in the truth of this matter I suggest you try google and stay away from sites that want to convince you of it's truth, they are not neutral, a biased source is not really a source of anything but the bias. I am going to suggest, yet again, that you stop with the condescending attitude and stop quoting your holy book as though it was absolute truth, it is not and can easily be shown not to be. I for one am very tired of the same ol same ol, you can search this site for other threads where this stuff has been discussed many times or google it for yourself, i suggest your own search, if you are not delusional you should be able to at least consider the faults of your holy book. I do not suggest you abandon it out of hand, you obviously have considerable time and effort invested in your religion. On thing you should really make your self aware of is that there are other holy books, much older many more complex than yours. The followers of those holy books have just as much evidence for their god or gods as you do, in fact the parallels between those books and yours are often quite interesting. One thing is for sure, your book is hard evidence of nothing but the ability of men to twist anything to their own means and on this forum it is not ok to proselytize and your book is not evidence of anything what so ever.
  9. We'd still be squatting in caves and being eaten by lions... The most obvious power of god is ignoring everyone equally...
  10. Moontanman


    Since we only have one data point to plot this... curve... on, i see no way to speculate about a planet with only plants, if we do look at the earth as an example higher plants only evolved after complex life evolved. A planet with out food chains would more likely, IMHO, be a world of bacteria much like the life on earth was for much of it's 3.8 billion year history. Even now bacteria share DNA across species easily and such things as antibiotic resistance is shared across quite different bacteria species... Sexual reproduction may have been the spark that started the fire of natural selection, species, and complex life... not to mention food chains...
  11. Again your assertions are an epic failure, you provide no evidence other than the book you want to be true, whistling in the dark, it's sad to see some one that unable to understand a that a book of unsupported claims is not viable as a method o supporting it's own claims. Epic failure Dovoda...
  12. yes, i am sure you are grateful for the small gaps in human knowledge, it gives you a place to hide your favorite sky daddy... This is a bold assertion, please show some evidence of this that is not simply a quote from your book of fairy tales... Actually since there is no evidence for god or this assertion you are whistling in the dark... Another assertion with no supporting evidence... yet another unsupported assertion... You need to stop quoting a book of fairy tales to support your belief in those fairy tales... Yet another unsupported assertion... Care to show some support for this other than your opinion?
  13. You have absolutely no evidence to support any of this.. and you know it... BTW, do you have a youtube channel? No you are simply assuming the no true scotsman fallacy, anyone who does anything you cannot equate as right cannot be a true son of god, this is highly improbable since there are no doubt many millions of people of many religions including Christianity who do not think someone like you is a true son of god....
  14. yeah, that is the word I was looking for...
  15. He seems to be a bit more cognizant of what is going on than most to me. Most of the ones who come on here who are that much of a true believer sound a lot more unreasonable than he does from a religious view point, almost anyone would identify them as less than sane before they started with the deep religious belief, he talks a pretty good line and doesn't deviate into insane rants, he sticks with his book pretty close and makes it sound almost reasonable. It made me pause a couple days ago, he seems a lot more aware of things to me, almost as though he knows he is wrong but is desperate to make others believe with him, hard to really put my finger on it. I hope you are correct...
  16. I was trying to decide if it was appropriate to mention this as well, we might be lighting a fuse to something very bad by just talking to this guy. Most of the religious we talk to here are either completely and obviously crazy or relatively reasonable people we can at least agree to disagree with but this guy sounds reasonable but is totally delusional. He really worries me.... I bet he has followers, i wonder if he has a you tube channel...
  17. How to detect baloney... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3qLv-l0Cwc
  18. I call horse feathers...
  19. Not really true, the earth gains mass all the time and most of it is heavy elements used by life... http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=470
  20. I have asked this question before, no good answer, it's for sure that simply mating wouldn't do it, but could it be done in a lab? I see no reason to do such a thing but one way to think of it, a horse and donkey can be mated the offspring is in many ways superior to either parent.... Kinda scary to think about...
  21. Zeti Reticuli of course....
  22. I honestly do not understand what you are asking... Where does the ability to sing come from? or where does religious belief come from? Where does talent come from? They all are part of being a human being...
  23. Yes i would yes i would Noah's ark, all of genesis, just two of my favorite fairy tales that are obviously not true. I offer no evidence that god does not exist, i honestly do not know if your god or any other god or gods exist, but I see no positive evidence of any gods existence or of anything supernatural. In the lack of evidence the default position is that there are no gods...
  24. No Davoda, religion splits people it does not unite them, faith and belief are not part of science, you have no knowledge what so ever, you have no idea what science is or how it works, religion has never added to the store of human knowledge religion blows up school children and flies airplanes into buildings, science puts men of the moon and feeds the world. Religion restricts the human spirit, glorifies liars and subjugates people with fear and keeps people drowning in ignorance, you have nothing but myths and twice told tales that have no basis in reality. Religion is an infectious meme that does far more harm than good, humans will leave you and people like you behind as we grow beyond the need for imaginary sky daddies... Science shows us how reality works, science requires intelligence, religion requires ignorance, religion requires you to surrender your intellect to fear and superstition, you are wrong and sadly you will never know just how wrong you are because your mind is closed to the truth by a book written by bigoted misogynist bronze age desert goat herders. I pity you...
  25. No organism could obtain enough energy for locomotion through photosynthesis exclusively, it would have to be close to 100% efficient, a chemoautotroph might be possible, i am not sure about the energy density for that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotroph As i said, the efficiency is just not great enough, the energy conversion for light to carbohydrates is just not enough , it's possible it might be dormant most of it's life cycle and store energy to walk around in short bursts but the energy density is why we see no walking trees on earth and I have to assume the same laws of physics apply every where... That is a machine, it uses very little energy, doesn't have to support a biological metabolism much less a brain...
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