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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. It looks like 129 other people on this forum shared my birthday today, but I am the oldest... yeah! i win...
  2. So, either he is getting his "energies" from a Sun God, in a way that cannot be explained except as supernatural instead of chemical energy like all other animal life on the earth. Or he is a fraud... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say... lock him in a closed room for about 90 days and see how holy his corpse is when you go back to see him... Seriously, if he is real he should have no problems with it...
  3. This is so cool, a retro dirt bike! Take everything good about, 70's dirt bikes and add modern technology! I loved to hill climb back then... http://www.gizmag.com/husqvarna-concept-baja/21181/?utm_source=Gizmag+Subscribers&utm_campaign=a064634896-UA-2235360-4&utm_medium=email
  4. The most obvious thing that changed between now and the time of the dinosaurs is the CO2 content of the air, it was much warmer then, although not during the entire age of dinosaurs, I'd like to see some evidence it was 120 on average at the equator but it still got cold near the poles. Not cold enough to support permanent ice caps but it was very cold in the winter, cold enough for ice and snow, and yes dinosaurs flourished there as well. I'm not sure about the air pressure being 2X what we have now, that would be difficult to explain, but I would be open to mechanisms for this drop in pressure. As for mammals, it should be noted that dinosaurs had much longer to evolve large land forms than mammals have and that dinosaurs seem to have been pre-adapted for large size to some extent due to the way they are put together and hollow bones and a more efficient respiratory systems might have helped as well. I don't think it can be argued that humans have not had a huge negative impact on large animals around the earth, both by killing larger animals and by introducing animals and their diseases outside the native range of these animals. I think that some of this effect also had to do with minor extinction events like super volcanoes and meter impacts as well but the science on their effects is not clear, it could have just been humans in the last 35,000 years or so or it could have been a just natural disasters or more likely it was a synergy of both... here are some links, some supportive and some not so supportive... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesozoic http://www.dinodatabase.com/dinoage.asp http://pubs.acs.org/subscribe/archive/ci/30/i12/html/12learn.html http://www.lakepowell.net/sciencecenter/paleoclimate.htm
  5. Genetic manipulation has produced some crops that can live in brackish water but this might be a faster way... http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2009-05/01/irrigation-system-can-grow-crops-with-salt-water
  6. It is exciting news that this is promising enough for NASA to look into it but before I get completely erect over this I'll wait for the results from NASA.
  7. No, use the quote button.... Word of god or the word of bronze age goat herders? Please explain your logic, are you saying that when the bible says days it means something else? BTW the genesis myth was borrowed from other cultures nearby, it is not unique to the bible and the other cultures predate the bible by quite a bit... First of all Noah's ark is impossible, it could have been as big as a nuclear powered aircraft super carrier and not been big enough. we can show that all animals on the earth did not go through a genetic bottle neck 6,000 years ago or 100,000 years ago. How did Noah get all the animals from say Australia? How did he get them back? where did all the water go? and finally really the death toll for that particular myth, echinoderms, cephalopods, and salamanders, along with thousands of other animals they completely falsify Noah's ark. If you can't explain how they and all the other plants and animals survived your Ark is simply not possible. Do you understand that most animals are unique to the continents they live on? Do you understand that South American animals are not the same as African animals? Or North American animals or Asian animals? The ark would not have been big enough to hold all the land animals much less their food supply for the time required for the water to.. well go where ever it went, it's a myth dude, a myth... nothing more stranger things have happened, unlikely events do happen, it does not prove god is real....
  8. Dude, learn to use the quote button, while I don't agree with Athena, this is her thread and she is getting her point across so I think we need a new thread for your ideas... Then why did you reply derisively? Dude, have you ever read Genesis? It does indeed say the earth and everything else was made in six days, read it then come back to me and tell how it didn't say six days... No it doesn't make sense, neither does Noah's ark... but it is what the bible says... As do I...
  9. If he comes back I think his post should get it's own thread, Athena has worked pretty hard on this one, no need to derail it... probably a one hit wonder anyway...
  10. Yeah, new evidence means new theories for sure... Quote mining God, how refreshing... I agree, set them straight... I would love to hear your proof that god exists... I certainly cannot prove he does not...
  11. Don't hold anything back, tell us what you really think... I think if you ignore religion it's a more of haves and have nots thing than eastern vs western....
  12. I wish you were too,
  13. If you mean a city that flies through the air then there is only one way, a giant hot air balloon, I've seen some studies, some place, about it, it's feasible, given a power source but of course the devil is in the details, there is no appropriate power source available at this time...
  14. If I find myself there i am going to kick the devil out and take over, he hasn't seen anything like me, i am not your average idiot... Sadly the average intelligence of people seems to go down as the number of people increase. For some reason religion seems to attract the lowest level and everyone who believes seem to fall to that level.
  15. Proper conduct by who's standards? I agree, education is the key No the problem resides with religion, it has far too much power over people, you won't find atheists bombing people because they feel slighted because some one is disrespectful to their lack of belief in god or what ever... They are doing that, but they only want their religion taught, no others can be tolerated, you seem relatively naive about this, the religious fundamentalists who are causing the problems will not tolerate anything but their own religion being taught, it's the basis of what they believe, they believe they are correct and everyone else is deluded by the devil or what ever. They want only their religion taught as reality and then they will go about fighting among themselves to show who is doing their religion correctly. It's a never end process of evil in the human race...
  16. If frogs had wings dude, if is a mighty big word, if only....
  17. Yes I can, I'd bet my life on it, lock him up in a room so he cannot possibly eat, never mind the water, give him all the water he wants, he can drink it or bath in it or what ever, make sure no one can possibly give him food, come back in 90 days, you'll have a corpse, not a holy man... he is making the positive assertion, he must prove it, he cannot....
  18. That he claims to have not eaten in 70 years pretty much says it all... He's a liar...
  19. While I applaud what you are saying sadly it doesn't work that way, extremists, much like a squeaky wheel, seem to be getting the attention of the world. This is not just because they make more noise but because they are more than willing to apply violence to get that attention. We can sit back and say how tolerant our societies are right up until the bomb goes off. If and when our civilization falls it will be due to religion, not a lack of religion, many religions not only believe that god is coming to destroy all the unbelievers a great many people are doing more than praying for this to happen, in the USA fundamentalist religions are actively trying to bring about what they call Armageddon. They want it to to happen and actually allow this belief to guide their political agenda. From my point of view, living in the middle of these... people... it's very scary and real... and they gain power every day, if a republican wins the White House they will see it as a sign from god they are succeeding... all of the republican candidates profess to be creationists and fundamentalists... so yeah, i feel prejudice but not toward east or west but toward those who would bring down our first world civilization...
  20. Mining is space would be costly to set up but not necessarily costly to do once set up, but moving stuff around in slow orbits would easy, if the "stuff mined" was used in space then it would fantastically less expensive than bringing it to earth orbit from the surface of the earth. There is really not much point in bringing stuff back to earth due to costs but transporting say pig iron to the surface would be relatively easy to do compared to bringing materials to orbit from the earth or any other deep gravity well, at some point mining will become much more expensive than it is now on the earth, at this point these colonies become potentially cost effective but not before. Transporting excess population from the earth is not going to work, we reproduce far faster than any conceivable method of doing so. Freely orbiting colonies once established could be moved around the solar system quite easily as long as speed isn't required. Places like the Lagrange points of Jupiter have enough material to build lots of stuff as long as it contains lots of carbon. orbiting colonies will be made of primarily of carbon fibers or nano tubes not metals. Orbiting colonies is the next step IMHO, not colonizing Mars or any other planet. Artificial gravity made by rotation torus shaped colonies will be possibly the preferred method, possibly moving these things by magnetic sails. But the Earth is not going to benefit from population wise from this but raw materials and manufactured goods could conceivably be transported to the earth by using atmospheric braking, if there are valuable goods that can only be made in orbit I can see some sort of trade merging but real trade would be between colonies. Mars does have the advantage of allowing a space elevator to be built much easier than on the earth, if i remember correctly Kevlar is strong enough to make a space elevator on Mars...
  21. Here is what you need to make cities fly.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spindizzy
  22. This is easily demonstrated not to be true, ever ride a horse? Horses sweat as do many other hairy and hairless mammals...
  23. Much if not most of this depends on how you define god. If you define god as the power that created the universe but that's it, then saying he cannot exist because of evil in the world, it's a bit of a stretch to show that. If you define god as most religions of the world do then it depends on who suffered and whether or not you think that god thinks those people deserved it. then there is the concept of the devil, if you believe all evil comes from the devil then god is scott free and all the bad stuff is due to the devil. But then that seems to put some limits on gods power or his benevolence at least. I think iNow is correct, define god then we can talk....
  24. Six to twelve years to reach maturity which is not maximum size is not typical for mammals, deer for instant reach maturity and pretty much maximum size with in a couple years, dogs within a year, Humans are odd in that we mature slowly but elephants take several years as well but not as many as humans. I'm not sure why you would say 6 and 12 years to maturity is common in mammals...
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