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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. The only writable drive on the w 98 machine is a 3.5" floppy, it does have usb ports on the back, no monitor but I could hook it up to the monitor I am using on my other computer.
  2. No Dimetrodon was a mammal like reptile an off shoot of the direct linage from reptile to mammal, it was not on the tree of reptile to dinosaur. It has to do with the skull and teeth, if you look at dimetrodon you will notice it already has dentation more typical of mammals, dimetrodon even had canine teeth, the teeth of dinosaurs were more reptilian and the shape of the skulls are different, if wiki was up it would be easy to find illustrations, i miss wiki. Dinosaurs grew fast like mammals, not slow like reptiles, the growth rings in the bones of dinosaurs and the blood supply to those bones indicates very fast juvenile growth like mammals then a slow down like mammals. I think this shows up even in the sauropod dinosaurs... It is also true, that how that growth could have been maintained in the sauropods is puzzling...
  3. I'm not sure how this helps, i know the names of the files, how do i transfer them?
  4. I appreciate the information but my computer uses windows xp and the old computer is windows 98, do you know how I can I do from those computers?
  5. That is an easy way to falsify Gardons "theory" why does gravity still work in a vacuum chamber? "Tide goes in tides goes out, you can't explain that!" Maybe Gardon is Bill O'Riely
  6. Can I transfer the data from my old computer into the one I currently use? How is it done?
  7. We've had probes crawling around on the surface of Mars for years, how did they get there? We have pictures of the surface of the Moon and Mars close ups that could only have been taken by space craft, how do you explain that? We have a probe that is currently in orbit of the asteroid Vesta, in a year or so that probe will move to the asteroid Ceres, we've sent probes to all of the planets expect Pluto, we have close up films of planets and moons that could only have been taken by space craft. Regular people like you and me can set up radio recievers to pick up the broad casts of some of these probes, the entire network of global positioning satellites are out side the earths atmosphere (not to mention the ISS and all other satellites) , how do you explain that? Space travel is real, the evidence it is real is overwhelming, your "theory" is trivially falsified... Again you are asserting something that is nonsensical, the air you keep talking about is held to the earth because of gravity. Air does nothing to hold you down... Solar heat has nothing to do with tides, it cannot be sued to predict the tides or shown to be responsible in any way and yet you still assert the suns heats causes tides... open your mind to reality Gardon, reality is beautiful, not scary. You're an idiot... your questions are nonsensical.. several illustrations have been given that shows how the tides work, insisting the tide has to go someplace makes no sense what so ever... Gravity is real, how it works is a theory, stop being willfully ignorant, space travel is real, the air doesn't hold you down, we have shown you many times how and why you are mistaken, open your mind to reality dude... By that definition you must defend your position with facts, if you cannot do so then your assertion is at best a failed hypothesis but really more of a delusion... How does religion refute space travel? The holy book you refer to is easily shown to be false and no matter how many religious nuts think science is wrong doesn't make science wrong, reality is not a popular vote, no matter how many people refuse to believe in reality the reality never changes, and you using religion to refute science is simply a waste of yours and our time...
  8. This subject is so full of urban legends and myth it's difficult to separate out fact from fantasy, wikii is down today so i am having problems finding a starting point that isn't grossly prejudged in some manner. I do remember many years ago reading in playboy magazine that semen has almost no nutritional value and contains at most 15 calories per "serving" and while it does contain much of the same substances that other human body fluids contain, semen is not a great source of anything but sexual fantasy... I know that playboy is hardly a science magazine but if they had been able to link anything positive to swallowing semen I am quite sure they would have reported it. When wiki comes back up all try again but right now I went through several pages of google and found nothing but contradicting answers, most based in sexual fantasy... Yes, your bodies immune system takes are of it to some extent. but the fact remains that since it's nutritional value is trivial it's loss is not a big deal to the human body. My argument would be why would anyone care if celibacy prolonged your life by a couple years, in the long run I would trade a lifetime of good sex for a couple years increase average life expectancy... Humans are a bit unusual in that we live a long time after our ability to reproduce has diminished, has to do with having grand parents help with the raising of such helpless infants if I recall correctly. Do you have some sort of anti-sex ax to grind or something? Ok, but the fact remains that semen is not high in nutritional content, that is a sexual myth or in some cases fantasy. I have seen some research that seems to indicate that women who do swallow semen are less likely to have an specific allergic reaction to their partners semen which can result in infertility in some women.
  9. I know lots of men like to think their semen is great in many ways for a woman to swallow, I remember the old "it's good for you" or "makes a great facial moisturizer" horse feathers but the fact is that these things are lies made up by egotistical men to convince reluctant women to give fellatio, semen has little real nutritional value, is not a great face cream, it's just a lubricant and the transport fluid of sperm. Again, the facts do not support this contention, vasectomies do not stop production of semen or sperm, a vasectomy prevents the sperm of ejaculation from getting to the glands that enter sperm into the semen stream, but with each ejaculation the same amount of sperm is released, it just doesn't go into the penis, in fact the sperm are released into the mans body instead of his semen. I would need to see some supporting evidence for this, it's far more likely that such differences in average life spans has more to do with, in the case of women, removing the issue of child birth which even today can kill a woman or removing the huge hormonal fluctuation that pregnancy induces. For both men and women being one of those monks or nuns or what eve can be shown to be due to the eating habits of these people, life style is the main driver of these differences not celibacy. Eat less live longer seems to be a key ingredient to living longer. I am not sure that the connection can be made to the examples of things like worms or fruit flies since many of these creatures are genetically programmed to die after mating, mating is the end all be all of their existence and once mated their is no need for those mated adults to continue to live and compete with others of their kind for food and or other resources. Then there is the issue of just because you, as human male at least, are going to ejaculate whether you are mating or even masturbating or not, if you repress your sexual urges you will dream about sexual things and ejaculate in your sleep, happens regularly to people who do not have sex or masturbate... It continues more or less at the same rate or pace regardless... you can ejaculate enough to out pace sperm production quite easily resulting in semen that contains very little sperm... I think you might be thinking that semen and sperm are the same thing, I've had a vasectomy, the volume of my ejaculate is (or was) the same before and after my vasectomy, sperm is a very small part of semen volume wise...
  10. Dimetrodon was not a dinosaur and stegosaurus were more than big enough to be gigantotherms, theropods are thought to have been endotherms, saurpods were big enough to generate their internal heat just from being large as well.
  11. I feel a little sorry for this guy, he is under the control of powerful mind altering memes, he cannot see reality with out the filters of his memes and he has fallen prey to some of the worst memes of all and is liberally mixing them with the meme of fundamentalist Christianity, he is one lost puppy for sure....
  12. Awesome effort DH, great information, i learned a few things i didn't know...
  13. I'm guessing the answer is that exercise is good for you....
  14. I think it's quite possible there might be civilizations millions of years old, maybeeee billions of years old but 14.5 millions would put them before the origin of the universe, doesn't make much sense, but for one individual being 14.5 billion years old... well i hope you didn't by any bridges from him...
  15. I'm sorry but woo whooo? Really? Why? He is a delusion is far more likely... I would say no, not necessarily, but the opposite dose nothing to support your idea either. Appeal to authority and a strawman? Sayssss you? immortal, I can honestly say i am glad for you if you found what you were looking for but thinking that concentrated physical and metal exercises show you god is just not what is going on here. All sorts of willfully created delusional or if you must illusional states can be induced by such effort, some people are naturally more easily affected than others. over time a person can, if they really try really hard, convince themselves of many things, I've seen some stuff in chruches that makes you terrified that something is happening but once you realize these people have been whipping themselves up into a hysterical frenzy for years over this stuff, yet nothing ever come of it but senseless babble and drool. In your case it was evidently something else but the delusions don't have to be the wild frenzy of some fundamentalist church, perfectly opposite reactions can just as profound and meaningless as well. Until you come up with some knowledge you can show is real your argument has no more merit than any other concept of god or religion.
  16. Sadly while it might to you be the worst possible answer it is indeed the truth, I tried to discuss this with you as seriously as i could but you are being willfully ignorant, you accuse everyone else of being disingenuous while you assert idiocy as the truth and then you anchor it in, of all things religion, on a science forum. you accuse me of being close minded while you fully ignore anything that disagrees with your totally unsupported assertions that are trivially falsified... I'm betting you don't have much use for deep time or evolution either, am i correct? Are you going to tell us the earth is 6,000 years old next? You sir are full of horse feathers...
  17. Gardon, I'll tell you the truth, i have pointed out the scriptures of the bible that assert a flat earth so many times i grow tired of telling people what their own holy book says. Here is a series of short videos that tell the truth very accurately and explicitly, please take the time to watch them. The water goes back out into the ocean, I have watched it go in and out most of my life, the water flows in for about 6 hours and flow back out another 6 hours or so, there is no mystery here... The water flows inland, sometimes hundreds of miles up stream, then goes back out to sea, why is this so difficult to understand? If? If space travel is a hoax? What if religion is a hoax? If frogs had wings they wouldn't bust their little slimy asses every time they jump... There is no conspiracy, space travel is real, you are being close minded... Yes there are photographs... how does anyone not know these things in this day and age? Again, I'll say, the ocean temps do not have anything to do with tides, if they did why is the position of the moon and sun able to predict the tides years in advance? you damn sure can't predict the weather years in advance on a daily basis... not only the tide times can be predicted but the actual height of the tides can be predicted.. years in advance... Why because I don't let my brain fall out?
  18. Wouldn't it make more sense to just make the original drug legal and control it?
  19. There is an old science fiction book called "The World at the End of time" by Frederik Pohl that deals with what you are suggesting, i think it does. It's about a star system accelerated to nearly the speed of light so that by the time all the stars in the universe have gone dead this one star is still shining due to it's speed...
  20. If there were only a hand full of theists they would only be a quaint bunch of misinformed people but the reality is that they are billions strong and we are few and they don't mind pointing it out regularly. I don't go to theist forums and assert science why do they come to a science forum and assert religion?
  21. So the dog licked multiple dicks??? lmfao
  22. I think you need to consider it again... No, these are precisely what people used to believe, it is indeed in many holy books and it is trivially falsified and yet believed.... in fact it is what the holy book you profess to believe... I am sorry, but the tides goes no place any more than any other ocean wave goes someplace, after it crashes on shore, the tides goes back out after it comes in, i don't see what point you are trying to make... On a daily basis the ocean changes not at all, your point makes no sense... where is this enormous temp change? How can it account for tides of several feet every day? True but it is not a constant predictable effect, we can predict the tides years if not decades in advance... This makes no sense, did you mistype this? yes you have and are overlooking my points... Please do so... Actually no, there is no more evidence of this than the idea of the earth being a flat disc covered by a crystal dome which is also what you must believe if you believe those bronze age myths... Please do explain this since you are a scientist...
  23. Great posts about the tides, it is a shame that the person you looked that up for didn't give you the respect you deserved for it...

  24. I have never had an atheist come to my door to tell me the good news, I see no churches of atheism, in my town I have seen one bill board supporting the concept of no god (and people very nearly shit enough bricks to build a new church), if you eliminated the bill boards that assert theism it would negatively impact the economy of the entire area. The idea that one relatively well known man asserts his disbelief in no way equals the literally millions of theists aggressively proselytize their beliefs, hundreds of TV shows, hundreds if not thousands of radio shows, millions of street preachers, the constant yammering that never stops about how great god is, how god will solve all your problems if you just believe and give your money to them and it's all completely horse feathers and you want to compare a few people who try to point that out? Seriously?
  25. We can't get along because theism by it's very nature needs to recruit new members to exist. Most religious teachings require that others be made to join, many times if not always this conversion is by sword point, or gun, if necessary, atheists to not fly airplanes into buildings because others do not agree with their religion. Atheism does not require imposing your belief on others, religion lives by coercing others into belief, believe my way or die and burn in hell forever, atheists don't have or want that going for them. You don't see atheists standing on street corners proselytizing their cause. Atheists don't go house to house giving out blank pamphlets. Theists have to convert others or their particular meme dies, atheism is not a parasite on society that needs to reproduce...
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