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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I am pretty sure it is illegal, in my state at least, maybe where you live it isn't but that is a moral issue not related to the discussion of you trying to train your dog to give you fellatio... Sexually transmitted diseases come from having sex with other people who have these diseases, saying you got genital warts or some other disease from your dog is lame and disgusting not to mention dishonest . I'm not sure why you are saying these things unless you are drowning in a river in Egypt... I agree, you get STD's from humans, which are animals... Only to you dude... No problem for me if it's not for you... I am sorry but what is your point? Respectable girls don't do fellatio? Come on, you have warts on your penis and you are trying to explain it away as something that happened accidentally be a man, own it, you did something with some else who had genital warts and you got em from them, it's just how it works... No, you are in denial, these things happen, own it and don't transmit it to anyone else...
  2. Ok Gardon, I'll assume you are serious and not just trolling for some weird conspiracy, in turn I expect you to seriously answer my questions. #1. Why would you suggest that space travel is impossible? #2. If you seriously think the tides are explained by solar heating think about this, I live in an area where the ocean temperatures vary by as much as 60 degrees Fahrenheit on a yearly basis, yet the tides increase and decrease on a monthly basis and tidal activity can be shown to be directly linked to the moon and it's position in relation to the earth and sun not the oceans temperatures. The tides are not the same every day, tide height and can change drastically when compared to the phases of the moon but temperatures do not increase or decrease on a daily basis more than 1 degree Fahrenheit, usually much less and no temperature increase or decrease can be used to predict the height of tides. On another note, yes onshore or off shore winds can affect the tides but cannot be used to predict the tides in advance like the effects of the sun and moon can be. The tides still occur no matter what the temperatures are doing. #3. the crystal dome remark was regarding the religious assertion the earth is a flat disc covered by a crystal dome submerged under water. Sorry but it was a snide remark about silly ideas. #4. Did you not see the remarkable illustration posted by grandpa?
  3. Define god? That which can not be felt, seen, touched, tasted, sensed, or detected in any way but still has control over everything....
  4. Actually, there is such a population of humans, a small group of islanders who spend most of their lives on boats and dive for fish have developed the ability to focus their eyes underwater. They are just as human as we are but they do have these small adaptations...
  5. Which one were though to be largely exothermic? Dinosaurs were too active and large to be exothermic. Many mammals are somewhat less than warm blooded but we still classify them as mammals and as endothermic... btw, warm/cold blooded is not an accurate description and may be the root of our miss-communication... And none of these would have been dinosaurs.... mammals and dinosaurs are distinct groups, that evolved from reptiles, once they became mammals and dinosaurs there were no long part of those groups. Bats are mammals the same way birds are dinosaurs, there weren't bird like reptiles, anymore than there were bat like reptiles, there were bird like dinosaurs...
  6. You use unsupported notions to make assertions about things that might be real then you go on as though your totally unsupported notions make the things you are asserting real? Evidence talks, horse feathers walk dude.... so far you are drowning in horse feathers... I can make a better case for UFO's being alien space craft...
  7. This is almost certainly true, it can be demonstrated by fish populations as well. You are aware that dinosaurs are no longer though to have been exothermic aren't you? Some are considered to have been gigantotherms (sp?) but then so are some mammals, the larger stomachs thing is valid and that would require larger predators like allosaurus or T-Rex but dinosaurs, like birds are thought to have been endothermic
  8. I have to ask, why do you think that link supports your assertion of god? It says no such thing. There is no reason to assert god into any of this. You remind me of a UFO buff who says he has absolute proof that UFOs are alien space craft, then says it will be sometime in the future before he can show proof but then goes on to say that things like the number of planets in the galaxy means his idea has to be true but he never comes up with anything but mind games to prove his point. Could there be a god or gods or even something we might identify as a god or gods, sure, the moon might have pools of chocolate pudding hidden under ground but I see no evidence for it at this time and speculating on it is not only meaningless it is nothing but speculation, it certainly doesn't increase the likely hood of those pools of chocolate pudding by saying we cannot at this time prove they don't exist...
  9. That is one of the most dishonest videos i have ever had the bad luck to watch, shame on who ever made it... Nothing but horse feathers, it proves nothing and makes assertions that make no sense what so ever...
  10. Then why are you pushing a supernatural agenda? Typical supernatural horse feathers, it can't be replicated every time or very often which then turns into well maybe next time or the next, it's silly and it has no informational content except that the supernatural is well imagination and nothing more... When you come up with that then I'll consider it but your claims so far have no merit what so ever. If something is real then it is real, you are doing the old demon in a box argument and requiring we accept it because you say so, that is just not good enough... Horse feathers, there is no reason, no evidence that god is necessarily at all, none except your need to believe.... Because there is no evidence for it what so ever... Are you really going with the god of the gaps? We used to think lightning was vengeance of a god or gods, now we not only know it is not but we can keep it from striking, every time science advances theists push god into a smaller and smaller box.... Scripture? Really? you are going to go there? name anything about scripture that has reveled something we couldn't have already known, scripture is horse feathers with a side of chicken lips... As far as I know it is not meant to satisfy anyone, it's what the evidence points to that counts, not what is satisfying... So now an appeal to authority? So because these people weren't, according to you at least, satisfied with the evidence we have god must be in those gaps in our knowledge? I think it used to be called demonic possession as well.... bind them with chains and drop them in the water if they float they are demons if not they die and go to heaven, MBE for sure...
  11. Well like I said earlier, i have an invisible dragon in my basement that no one but me can see or touch on any way, prove me wrong... It is a silly argument, you can't really disprove the supernatural but that is no reason to believe in it either or even assume it might be correct. Evidence talks, horse feathers walk...
  12. That has nothing to do with god, is is society and culture you are talking about not god.... We need to define the concept of god, i really don't think we have the same thing in mind which is the reason why the concept of god is so dangerous to personal freedom and liberty, secular governments gave us freedom and liberty, not religion or god...
  13. You are correct and your point is a very serious one, once you say god told me to do it anything becomes ok, the concept of god can be used to justify absolutely anything....
  14. I honestly don't see what you are trying to say Athena, the concept of god only decreases personal liberty and power, how can you see it any other way? And saying something about the written word of god does not mean the Christian one, lots of other religious writings, books, books even bigger than the bible so just because some one says something about the written word of god doesn't mean the holy bible...
  15. If indeed someone showed me evidence of gods I am willing to change my mind but so far in my life i have seen no evidence what so ever nor do i see any need to acknowledge the possibility of gods... or anything else supernatural...
  16. Because the written word of god or gods is all we have, other than crazies who hear voices. Athena, do you understand that the government is what stopped things like witch burning? yes at the time religion was seen as the government, only when secular government gelded religion did such things stop. Hitler was very religious and thought he was doing gods will. you seem to have the idea that god can be what ever you want him to be and maybe for individuals that can be true but no one not even the ancient Greeks thought that way, they all owed allegiance to corporeal gods. Once the idea of god as a higher power comes into play then who decides what his will is? Who decides what god sees as moral? Does god stop by and say "oh by the way that witch burning thing has to stop" No... humans had to stop it, secular humans who did not believe that god had the authority to demand such immoral acts. Your moral indignation at what is happening to your friend is not based in gods morals, it's is based on your morals, morals you have accumulated over time from being exposed to our culture. if you had been a part of a different culture then throwing babies into volcanoes would seem moral to you. Morals do not come from god, they come from us, and yes some people are psychopaths, but most people take on the morals of their society... The concept of god is a very dangerous thing because it allows people to justify anything..... Just say god told me to do it and you are scott free....
  17. I can't give you evidence of a god or gods doing anything what so ever but I can show how messed up their fan clubs are...
  18. I have to agree with you, i have seen my kids to similar things but that didn't really surprise me but I also have raised 7 basset hounds, supposed to dumb as stumps as judged by most other dog breeds but these dogs do some amazing things when it suits them. i think they are just stubborn and no dumb. One of mine saved my life another one of them would pretend to be asleep beside his dog bowl and catch squirrels that came to steal his food. I've seen them to some amazing things, but probably most amazing is how they train people to do their bidding, that is the best, we currently have three of the short legged things and they have trained my wife to give them treats at both 9pm and 11pm, I have no idea how they know what time it is but they come and get her to give them treats. It's really funny to watch them use her love of them to manipulate her. Of course they do me as well but I almost never give them treats so they ignore me on that front... One time, one of the smartest of the lot was out in the yard with me, he had never chased a ball and I thought it would be interesting to teach him to do so and fun for both of us. So I got a ball and showed it to him made sure he saw me throw it and told him to go get it, he rushed out to get it and brought it back and dropped it at my feet. I praised him, I was genuinely surprised he had done it on the first try. So i showed him the ball again and threw it and told him to go get it. he sat and watched it arc through the air and watched it roll on the ground and looked up at me with this odd look and walked off. he never chased a ball again....
  19. They used the diamond tipped dome cutters silly.... all that water that flowed in was a bitch to get rid of...
  20. If you are looking for entertainment I suggest you read a book or go to the movies, or possibly post more than one word... Oh God, i can hear them coming now, where is my shot gun, oh no, they are riding unicorns!
  21. I think it's proper to mention that not only have we actually landed men on the moon, we have put probes on mars, and on saturns moon titan, we have sent probes to every planet but pluto (i think one is on the way) and currently have a probe in orbit of an asteroid. I would like this guy to explain again why he thinks it's impossible to travel in outer space...
  22. I know this wasn't directly asked of me but since i fall into the intellectually dishonest category because I actively believe there are no gods. If it makes me intellectually dishonest not believe in unicorns or fairies or dragons, zeuss, thor, jupiter or anything else supernatural i see no reason to not to disbelieve in any other gods either no matter how small the crack in reality they are supposed to live in....
  23. I live at the ocean, the tides do not come in and out the same times each day, if someone has told you this they have lied to you, it is not a published fact. The gravitational effects of the sun and moon are the generators of the tides. Solar heating has nothing to do with it, the tides are not dependent on the oceans temps. You do not believe in gravity?
  24. I don't believe it's even possible...
  25. I am genuinely curious, why would you post here before your website is fixed? This site is not going anyplace or is it due to delusions of grandeur keeping you from making rational decisions? And yes i have adobe flash, can't look at pr0ns with out it.... but of course you know that...
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