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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. It might also be evidence of colliding branes in a multidimensional bulk space or it might be an illusion of perspective or something else we are not aware of, it most certainly is not evidence of a creator... or it could be turtles all the way down....
  2. Can you show evidence of that? No, dragons, unicorns are silly....
  3. Not how it works, you have to show you are correct, so far you have shown nothing of note even though we have asked for it over and over, all you have shown so far is your inability to show anything but insanity... can anyone say rain man?
  4. Well then, since this image is trivially falsified as being the true image of what it purports to be then you are... how to say this delicately... not even close enough to be simply wrong? Um... no... Again... no... 3, 6, 9, the goose drank wine, the monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line, the line broke, the monkey got choked and they all went to heaven in a little row boat?
  5. And the existence of our universe is evidence of what other than it exists?
  6. I think his link did a pretty good job of that but if you want to get technical color is indeed in the eye of the beholder, it's how our brains sort the info of differing wave lengths of light. As for disproving the existence of God, disprove I have a invisible dragon only I can see or feel in any way and we can talk, until then I'll let the believers show some evidence God exists...
  7. In some ways I think the reason we look for life on Mars, or we why would like to at least, is the same reason the man was found looking under a street light for his lost wallet. When asked where he lost his wallet he said way over yonder in the dark, when asked why he was looking for it here he said "the light is better" To really find life on Mars we will have to drill down to the aquifer, assuming there is one on Mars it would seem to be the best place to look for life but also one of the more difficult placers to look as well...
  8. You do that too? Amazing how great minds think alike....
  9. Mooeypoo where are you? We need you now! I think you should stop obfuscating the issue and get on with explaining this, I hear the sword of justice... well moderation, already singing in the air.... ooo ooo ooo, i know, this guy is the reincarnation of Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller...
  10. Ok, I apologize, if you truly have knowledge from god please explain it to us, i for one would love to have real information from god and no a crystal dome would not look anything like that.... More like this
  11. Just once, just once, I would like to have one of these guys actually back his bullshit up, I mean is that asking for too much? I mean God can't give us a simple heads up about an earth quake or tsunami and he can't even make his mouth piece talk clearly and has to hide it behind snide insults to anyone who can't see it clearly. I have an IQ of, well god knows what it is I am sure so why can't he give it to me in a form I'll understand, why is it that when God speaks his chosen mouth piece spews horse feathers? Just once a clear message is all i ask, just once, hell I'll come over to the god side for the correct information, but no, as usual God's mouth is an insane asshole who plays word games with the most important information the world could possibly see... not impressed...
  12. He can't do that, he is God's mouth piece, when God speaks all us mortals have to grovel and try to interpret his word and then go about killing each other to prove what god really means while god sits up above the crystal dome of the earth and laughs his immortal ass off. I know I've given him some pretty good laughs over the years....
  13. Hehehe, I pos repped you feeding a troll, neaner neaner neaner....
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark_star
  15. God'smouthpiece, I think i'd be worried about what god is doing with your mouth, bad taste in the morning, aye? Sore throat or brown ring around it?
  16. Yes, but why would you care?
  17. Some pictures would be nice....
  18. This sounds reasonable, I'd like to see some evidence for it. This too is sounds reasonable but I have doubts it's quite as simple as this....
  19. How do you know he knew all along it would work?
  20. Ok then, what happened to them? Where did they go?
  21. I am trying to show that belief in a higher power has historically resulted in these things, not harming anyone is what you think but by simply asserting this to be a valid belief then others come and say their beliefs are just as valid and you cannot say they are not because you think everyone is entitled to their beliefs. In a perfect world i would tend to agree with you, if your beliefs do not hurt anyone then have at it no matter how weird they are but.... and I know it's the old slippery slope argument but once you allow for a creator that you define how can you justify keeping anyone else from defining their idea of creator? Who decides on who's creator is allowed? It's a five gallon bucket of poisonous biting worms.... and many people are willing to kill and be killed over their personal definition of creator...
  22. And yet religion can be used to justify these behaviors, I have 12 underage wives because god says i can. I can have slaves because god says i can, I can just grab a woman who is not escorted by a male and have her as my own, as in I own her, I can take female children in battle and use them to please me, the list is long and crosses many belief systems. Not being a male generally means you are property to be done with as a male please, lovely idea, i think I'll go out and grab a few young virgins for my self.... You think they are crazy but what you think doesn't matter, it's what god thinks and they "know" what god thinks because the thoughts of god are actually their own.... So you would put restraints on what people believe, only those whose beliefs you approve of are deserving of respect?
  23. Unless Jryan is a disingenuous troll who is only posting to sow discord i have to assume he is telling the truth as to his beliefs, we have crossed ideas on this before and he is a fan of the abrahamic mythos so he must accept those things as moral....
  24. Ok, what the hell is going on here, what is wrong with cats in microwaves? God shows himself to me every time one explodes, the clean up is messy but the sight of god in the explosion is wonderful..... Seriously, all the religious really want is for us to respect their beliefs, what can possibly be wrong with that? sorting out which belief is the one that needs to be respected is easy, depends on which one the guy with the sword belongs too... iNow gave what some seem to think were frivolous beliefs but buried in those were some real beliefs that humans have held and religion was used to justify those beliefs. The idea that there is some power greater than humans is a nice hobby horse idea, hard to see why it is not a good idea except when you think of who is doing the believing, humans, greedy, self centered, humans, once you get the idea of some greater power someone automatically comes up with the idea of using this belief to get what they want out of other people. The extremes are easy to point out but those extremes resulted from the belief in a higher power, that belief in a higher power always results in people being used and abused by the people who law claim to know what that higher power wants. I know that most of you say "well my belief is different, it cannot result in such abuses of power" but it always does. Sometimes the abuses are minor and easily over looked but those abuses grow, the old adage power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely applies to religion absolutely. Once religion gains power over people the road to hell on earth is paved with the good intentions of the believers. That is why the creators of the USA tried to so hard to isolate the government from the religions of the day and the future. I can honestly say there is nothing that religion cannot be used to justify, if you doubt the veracity of my statement read a few holy books, Start with the Abrahamic and go on from there. Human beings need to own the concept they are responsible for their actions, there is no higher power directing our actions, we do what we do for reasons that reside within us. Every time i discuss this i keep coming back to all the theists that have asked me "if I don't believe in god what keeps me from raping and pillaging to my hearts content". My answer that those things to not reside in my heart or brain and i have no desire to do them whether there is a god or not usually just gets a blank look of non understanding. Why we exist. We exist due to evolution, genes compete with each other to reproduce. This struggle has resulted in various species of living things struggling to reproduce the most and live to reproduce again. We exist due to this struggle and as far as complex animals go we are the species that is winning the war, we have swept all other complex animal species before us. Now we are mopping up and deciding which ones we will allow to continue to exist. What is beyond the universe? What could be beyond everything? What is north of the north pole? This is a nonsensical question and as such not only can science not answer it neither can religion. Why was there a big bang? There was a big bang because it could happen, why are there stars, galaxies, planets? We know they are due to natural causes we have gained that knowledge through science, the answers God's or religion have given us have been shown to be false, why do you assume the answer to why the universe formed cannot be yet another natural process we are just unaware of, how is the answer goddidit any more satisfying for the universe than it was for stars, galaxies and planets? we have some theories as to why it could happen but so far they are hardly better than speculation for the most part. But I can easily ask "Why would there not have been a big bang?" One thing is for sure no matter why there was a big bang if it hadn't happened we would not be here to ask the question.
  25. Well since I was replying to Jryan and not you i don't quite know how to answer this.
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