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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. This is just a tad off topic but during the American revolution hundreds possibly thousands of barrels of pine resin, 5 to 50 gallon wooden barrels, were dumped into the Cape Fear River and now are buried under many feet of sediment in tens of feet of water in what is technically a river but it really a deep peat swamp. Would this resin have had time to turn to amber by now?
  2. Yes, Fox will survive, it has no heart to drive a wooden stake through...
  3. Umm, who said anything about hay fever being an infection? Beaver fever is a parasitic infection you get from drinking water from those clear mountain streams
  4. What have we lost from those clear mountain streams? How about beaver fever? A not very pleasant infection among many not to mention the actual various flukes and worms we can get from un-purified water. What do we loose? In some people it would seem that a reasonable parasite load tends to make you less allergic to things. Not sure by what you mean what have we added that's not good, a tiny bit of chlorine is not harmful ( your stomach acids already contain chlorine) and ozone dissipates fairly quickly, especially when exposed to light, I think I'd risk a little ozone to avoid cholera.
  5. How can sex be used as a weapon? I'd really like to know, (edit, I should have said how can a woman use with holding sex as a weapon, clearly a rapist is using sex as a weapon of terror and this terror is what he wants and needs, my apologies) And how would everyone being promiscuous stop rapists? Sex as common as a hand shake, I still can't past that one, hello how are today, hike your skirt up and bend over for a sec there girly, I can't even imagine kissing in place of a hand shake, swapping slobbers with a stranger? Rape is violent, I am sure many rapists try to justify their actions with the idea of women withholding something or being stingy or selfish but that is a pubescent boy attitude, not a mature adult or even a half way mature teenager. It really makes no sense to defend the rapist in any way, if someone really thinks that rape is justified by anything, I MEAN ANYTHING, they need to be proactive and see a shrunk before they end up doing some one harm and ending up in jail. BTW, she might be pretty but in jail so are you Did you think i was disagreeing with you there green?
  6. The Terror belongs to the terrorists, they bear complete responsibility for it, no one else is responsible for it.
  7. Ok, I don't understand the basic premise here that woman are with holding sex, what planet do you come from? You really think that sex could be no more emotional than a handshake? How often do you think sex is "required"? Since my late teens i never lacked for sexual partners, while I didn't have sex several times a day (well at least not with someone else) I always had girl friends and if you treat them with some respect and dignity and are careful to date girls who are mature enough to want to have sex and if you are mature enough to actually be in a relationship instead of a expecting a quicky out side a bar when ever you want with no emotional investment and if you don't require every woman you have a relationship with to be a playboy center fold prospect it shouldn't be a problem to find someone who will make love to you regularly. I honestly do not see women with holding sex in any realistic way. I think you should establish just what you mean by with holding sex, do you mean you think you should get a quicky from any girl you meet any time you want? If so then I can see why sex is being with held is part of your world view. I also can't see how not having a sexual partner leads to rape, while sex is important you are not going to die or experience any pain if you don't "get it" and unless you have some philosophical reason not to masturbate any over whelming sex urges should be taken care of in the privacy of your own domicile. And if your philosophical leanings do forbid masturbation I would look into modifying them a tiny bit at least. I can honestly say that most if not all women I've known well enough to be aware of their sexuality seem to like sex at least as much as I do and many made me very envious of their ability to "enjoy" sex... Fat bottomed girls, You make the rockin' world go round. YEAH!
  8. Most of the really mysterious SHC cases were in the rather long past when forensics was pretty much "Yeah, he's dead" Typical case http://www.dbskeptic.com/2009/02/28/spontaneous-human-combustion-and-the-wick-effect/ While not all of the details of every SHC case are the same and a few have been shown to be murder SHC is not as mysterious as anecdotal accounts would have you believe. The shrinking skull thing is often told as a sign of SHC but I could find only two cases cited where that occurred. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_I._Mott http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Reeser http://www.ukskeptics.com/article.php?dir=articles&article=spontaneous_human_combustion.php
  9. Thanks, I was looking the wrong way evidently, Boron polymers area good start for sure.
  10. The gravitational pull of the Earth falsifies this assertion.
  11. Ok, one thing needs to be said here, the effects of what is known as spontaneous human combustion can be effectively reproduced in pig corpses and has been seen in action in human bodies as well. Burning a corpse in a crematorium is not the same thing and is not comparable. An effect known as the wicking is what allows human bodies to burn slowly with a small smokey flame. Clothes catch fire, and yes the people are though to have been dead or so far gone they couldn't resist and in most cases it is considered to be evidence of murder not an accident or some sort of supernatural thing. As the clothes burn, usually with an accelerant like alcohol, they begin to wick the fat from the body and much like a human candle over many hours the body slowly burns as the fat is wicked by clothing. Water slowly boils away as the body burns in a low temperature flame via this wicking effect, even bones contain a large amount of fat and will burn up as well due to the wicking effect.. The room is filled with a thick black smoke but no other objects are usually burned. If you try to burn a body fast as they do in crematoriums the body dones not burn as completely, crematoriums do not want to wait many hours and they try to burn the body fast using a hot flame of usually natural gas. This boils away the water and fats and makes the body harder to burn and often leaves behind hardned bones which have to be ground up. Spontaneous human combustion is not spontaneous and has been explained. It is usually murder or an attempt to get rid of a body. No, not if the person was killed and set on fire with in moments of death...
  12. There is nothing arbitrary about the values of mirror matter, they mirror matter, in fact they should be identical in every other way, even to having anti-mirror matter. How can the values of the mass of mirror matter particles be arbitrary when they in fact must by definition be the same as matter?
  13. Women are asking for it? That would be funny if not for the horrific consequences of such thought processes. Men who rape do so out of anger, not sexual need, as long as a man has his fist sex cannot be denied to him by anyone (well hand cuffs behind the back might do it, lol) I think to some extent culture is responsible for the idea of "women asking for it" you don't have to go back very far in western society to find this idea well entrenched, 100 years ago in the USA a raped woman was scorned as a fallen woman who somehow asked for it. If she was in the least bit unconventional this unconventionality was used to blame her in some way, simply being in an area that was considered bad in some way was reason to say she was asking for it and if she wasn't a virgin then she was even further ridiculed. The idea that a hooker cannot be raped is still with us and has even in recent years been used to allow rapists to go free. Woman can force sex on men but it is rare and usually not a violent act and men seldom even consider reporting it. Several years ago a man near where I lived tried to charge two women of raping him. They tied him up and had sex with him repeatedly over a weekend while torturing him as well. It never went to trail because he couldn't prove he didn't enjoy it or some such bag of crazy. They claimed he had paid them to do that to him and while many of us would find that a crazy assertion to begin with others of us know that sort of thing does indeed happen. Men are also programmed by society to think that turning down a woman's sexual advances is some how unmanly and besmirches their manhood in some way, mature adult men know this is not true but younger less mature males sometimes have problems understanding this. Any woman should be safe anywhere in our society, no matter how she is dressed or undressed, if any man cannot control his sexual urges any better than that he needs to go for therapy or be locked up. I live near the beach, i get to regularly see woman dressed in ways that might make a hooker blush but while I enjoy the sight to think they are asking me to have sex with them, even consensual sex would be incredibly egotistical of me not to mention just silly. A psychopath or possibly more accurately a sociopath will use any justification to get what he or she wants, to him or her every one else exists for no other reason than to serve their needs, all the excuses they use are just window dressing to try and convince others they are not doing anything wrong or that they just can't help themselves, this includes many behaviors other than sex as well so we should help them to prison where they can socialize with their peers...
  14. Well Wassermann can assert anything he likes but shadow matter theory postulates that shadow matter is identical to matter in mass, does he show any reasons he has to assert that somehow shadow matter protons neutrons and electrons are lighter in mass than matter? I can assert there are whale corpses on the moon but that doesn't make it true.
  15. I think this video explains why religion does not necessarily make this a better world.
  16. The engineering the vacuum part seemed almost star trek like, making light go faster by using zero point energy fluctuations seems a little unusual...
  17. It's in the same category as the rabbits with antlers you see on the walls of some places, it's a totally made up creature by using taxidermy to put it together.
  18. The first thing to know about shadow matter is that it does not interact with matter except gravitationaly. Any shadow matter on the earth sinks directly to the core, you could not hold a chunk of mirror matter (shadow matter and mirror matter are the same thing, the term mirror matter is more accurate and was coined before the idea of anti-matter being mirror matter was brought into popular culture) nor could you have parts of your body made of mirror matter. "Mirror matter" or "shadow matter" could not interact with matter chemically. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter Any mirror matter on the Earth has long since sunk deep into the Earth. Dr. Foot's book http://books.google.com/books/about/Shadowlands.html?id=3evE2K-ylVIC I have read his book and i have exchanged e-mails with Dr, Foot and he has assured me that mirror matter would be short lived on the surface of the earth, tending to sink deep inside the earth. Mirror matter would be invisible, completely invisible, not just transparent. If the sun was a mirror matter star the earth would still orbit the same but we would receive no heat from a mirror star since it gives off nothing but mirror photons, from our stand point we would appear to orbit around a point in empty space. An interesting thought model of mirror matter and matter would be a planet made up of equal parts of mater and mirror matter, from the stand point of anyone on the surface the planet would appear to have twice the gravitational pull it should have by it's apparent make up, the topography of the matter and shadow matter parts would not necessarily coincide with each other so where the matter part had a mountain the mirror part might have a sea basin. It's really an odd thing to think about. Due to their non interaction except by gravity such a planet would be unlikely, matter and mirror matter would not condense the same way out of a gas and dust nebula and would not be associated with each other or interact with each other the way they interact with themselves.
  19. Has any one else seen this? http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA426465&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf Lots of really unusual stuff And the really wild stuff starts at page 58, almost sounds like techobabble from star trek....
  20. Is anyone here familiar with boron chemistry and it's ability to form polymers and compounds similar to carbon? I have read where boron chemistry may exceed carbon chemistry in it's ability to form complex compounds. I have googled this but information about it is less than helpful in this direction.
  21. Lots of things can enhance or trigger symptoms in the mentally ill, I'm not sure that pot is any worse than things like alcohol or even cigarettes in that way but if your pot is very strong then you smoke less of it, one of the most important things you learn as a pot smoker is that strong pot lasts longer than weak pot because you have smoke less of the strong stuff to get your self to the level of "high" you like. The idea that strong pot is somehow worse or more dangerous than weak pot is really a weak argument. Obviously pot is not good for you, no way inhaling smoke can be good for you, lungs are not meant to inhale smoke, period. But for every bad study about pot there is a good one or more likely a neutral one, to me the real idea is how much harm does it cause to others. Once you get the idea of protecting people from themselves by law then do you outlaw cheese burgers? Make real butter illegal? Do you make very one be vegans? If you look at it unemotionally alcohol is far more dangerous than pot and no where near as addictive as cigarettes, I wouldn't suggest anyone use any mind altering drug but pot has to be the least harmful of them, you cannot over dose on pot (or thc) but you can on tobacco (nicotine) and alcohol, both of them can kill you if you use too much, small children are poisoned by the nicotine in tobacco regularly, and people die every day from alcohol poisoning, eat a couple bags of pot and you get dizzy and nauseous but you do not die. And yes pot is somewhat addictive, stop using it (after long term use) and about two weeks after your last joint you will feel a bit agitated for a couple of days, taper off and you don't even get that. The worse thing about pot is that is is illegal and the government, at least in the USA will do their best to ruin your life because you got caught smoking pot especially if you are young and under age so don't do it. My main problem about pot is you don't know how it was grown, under what conditions and if pesticides were used to grow it, makes you pause to think you are smoking pesticides, at least it does me. But that is just part of it being illegal, in the black market anything goes. buyer beware....
  22. People almost never fall down in their tubs and die but it still happens far more often than humans get eaten by wild animals, I'm betting that odds of being killed in your hyper city by another human would be far greater than being eaten by wild animals. As I said, you are in far more danger at home taking a shower than being eaten by wild animals and if you swim in the ocean then you have exposed your self to the danger of being eaten by sharks. No matter if you are in the south of England or any place else, even freshwater rivers are a danger due to cruising bullsharks. You cannot get away from danger no matter where you go or what you do, and in your mega city, yes even there things like accidents would be far more likely than being eaten by wild animals in a wild place. Alligators where I live are shy reclusive animals, not the ravening monsters you see on TV, as long as people don't feed them they do not see humans as a food source, very few animals really do, Tigers would seem to be the worst habitual human hunters or maybe salt water crocs in Australia (i knew there had to be something bad about Australia, lol) but disease is the worst danger and cities with the rats and such are far more dangerous than the wild not to mention human predators who kill in cities all the time. I would feel far safer walking a back trail in the mountains than walking the back streets of a city at night.
  23. And you are aware that those animals almost never attack humans? Lightning is far more of a hazard, gonna stop lightning? Even in the 18th century attacks on humans were very rare, about the same as today, you are afraid of wild animals aren't you? Do you swim in the ocean? Animals, almost every one fear humans, they do their best to not interact with humans, I live near alligators, i have swam with them many times, they try their best to get away from humans, recently a grizzly bear killed man in Yellowstone Park but it was clear she was defending her cubs, not attacking the man to eat him. You are many times more likely to die in a car crash, fall in the bath or be struck by lightning in your own home than be killed by wild animals in the wild. Rats which are a big part of the city you seem to like so much but they are responsable for far more deaths of humans than wild animals. We eleminate snakes becasue we fear them unreasonably but they eat rats, no other animals eats rats as effective as snakes but the rats muliply and bring on diesase that kills millions. Don't fool around with mother nature
  24. I was a safety manager for DuPont for a couple of years, if anyone is more obsessed with safety than DuPont I'd like to see them but this guy is safety OCD, unless the book case is high over head I'd say he's just f-ing with you.
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