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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. A lot of ifs in that question, the more amps (i think) the thicker the rubber has to be, extreme high amps can jump a huge gap, rubber or not. Low amps can be insulated by your own skin. I'm not sure there is a precise "answer" to your question. I think we would need more information about the exact conditions of the experiment.
  2. I wondered about that too, possibly the moves were preprogrammed into a small on board computer?
  3. According to planetdesigner.com the maximum mountain height on the Earth should be in the neighborhood of 16570m (54,000'), on the moon it would be 124,000m or so. I'm not sure if that is figured as above sea level or from the center of the earth but having part of the mountain under water should allow for more height or would it? I'm not sure if the support of water would be significant to a mountain.
  4. Does anyone think we might have made the wrong decision by going to a uranium/plutonium cycle for nuclear power 60 years ago as opposed to the thorium/uranium cycle as proposed in the video?
  5. This is so awesome I had to share it, fantastic RC Star Ship Enterprise video!
  6. How are you doing?

  7. Where I live we actually have trees that grow out in the water, the roots and up to several feet of the trunk permanently submerged, examples would be bald cypress, and water tupelo, a great many other trees only grow in soil that is periodically flooded or grow better than other trees under such conditions. here is a link that may have some of the information you are looking for. http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/nwep7i.htm http://forestandrange.org/new_wetlands/wetland_plants.htm
  8. Here is a shortened version of an hour long talk on LFTR reactor technology, if you want I do have the link to the long version on my you-tube channel under "safe nuclear power" list.
  9. Your classification is out of date, only blue green algae, that are now called cyanobacteria, are prokaryotes, my links point this out, the other algae are all Eukaryotes and complex plants not scum... they are sometimes hundreds of feet long and have complex structure, reproduce sexually and most importantly are Eukaryotes just like trees and other land plants.
  10. I would assert that yes fish are conscious, they do have behaviors that suggest they are aware of themselves and their surroundings.
  11. I rather like his posts, I seldom have anything to add but it's wild reading.... be interesting if some of them prove to be true... makes me want to learn the language of math just so i can understand what he is asserting...
  12. The feature wasn't working quite that way for me, it would assume what I was looking for, go there and then refuse to let me continue to type what I really wanted to see. I like the spell check part (with out speal cheek i looks like the idzot I relly iz, lol) and even the suggestions of what I might want but going there and refusing to let me type anything else was a bit annoying, thanks Stringjunky for letting me know how to disable this wonderful feature. I have to admit I do like google and even though face book is the biggest social network to date I think google's youtube will eventually rule the world! (by the way marat, my wife does me the same way)
  13. Google is driving me nuts ( I know short trip for me) when I try to type in a search before i can get more than 3 or 4 letters typed in it goes with what it "thinks" I am going to type and gives me suggestions that have nothing to do with what I am typing and google more often than not takes me to some topic that has nothing to do with what I want to look up! What gives? has bing driven google over the edge?
  14. I think you are missing something of huge importance, even 1.2 billion years ago algae had evolved past the "scum" stage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_algae By the cambrian period marine algae had evolved into what we would call "seaweed" Marine plants were already quite complex before the first land plants and marine algae are still more important as far as the oxygen levels of the Earth than land plants. I am not trying to be argumentative here but marine algae are far from slime and by the time marine algae began their assault on land they would have been recognized as higher plants by us had we been there. I think the evolution of marine macro algae is somewhat ignored by most people when they think of evolution in favor of the exciting creatures we call animals.... while not exactly a scientific term seaweeds are a diverse group of complex organism that had already diversified greatly in both complexity, size, and numbers by the time plants began to appear on land. Think of a kelp forest instead of scum.
  15. Whoa! ydoaPs! Sorry to hear that, if my house was robbed the computer would probably be the only thing left behind... But if you registered the numbers with the companies there should be some record someplace of the serial numbers, I'll see if I can do a little investigating and if I find a route for you to go I'll let you know. I keep all the warranty cards or papers for everything I buy, I must have a bushel basket of that crap from the last 20 years or so, probably take me a month just to find the toaster oven's papers, lol Ok, I talked to my wife, she is a pit bull when it comes to this stuff. She said if you sent in warranty cards or registered with the companies they should have the records and be willing to give you the serial numbers. Also the debit or credit cards that you bought the equipment with should also have some records to help you with establishing they are yours. Sometimes this type of stuff is part of her job, she says that while some companies will be reluctant to do the work necessary to get you those numbers they do have them. It's even possible the places you actually bought the equipment from, Best Buy or what ever would have records that can help as well.
  16. I have a lot of respect for DR. Rocket, he is correct but only partially, there are two basic types of creationists, the sheep and the shepherds, they call themselves these labels so it's not derogatory to use their own terminology. The sheep are people who believe for what ever reason in the absolute truth of the word of god as written in what ever religious book they use (there are more Muslim, Hindu, and Zoroastrian creationists than Christian ones but their delusion is generally the same even if the details are completely different.) Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs as long as it doesn't disrupt our society. The real wackos are the shepherds who knowingly and deliberately use lies to convince other people to believe their "absolute truth" often they are making a very lucrative living, private jets, multiple mansions, luxury cars, yachts, they live like most of us have trouble even dreaming of all on the backs of the sheep they are lying to so the sheep will give them money. Hmm, maybe they are not wackos after all, i could use a mansion and a few luxury cars too, several million dollars a year for just getting up in front of people and convincingly lying to them sounds pretty easy... but as Dr. rocket points out their real scam is convincing people that anyone who disagrees with them is an atheist and will go to hell so you have to believe what they say or it's human fritters on the deep under the earth grill.... Time to turn so you don't burn....
  17. Yamaha and Suzuki produced Wankel powered motorcycles, the Yamaha never went past the prototype phase but the Suzuki was put into production, it wasn't very reliable and didn't last long in production, three years or so, For some reason the Suzuki wasn't very powerful and it's reliability problems doomed it. The Suzuki was a single rotor engine and the Yamaha was a twin rotor engine ( a Yanmar design) and was supposed to be very powerful but the lack of success of the Suzuki and air pollution standards looming on the horizon doomed the bikes as sure as it doomed two strokes. later innovations lowered the pollution problems of the Wankel but were too heavy to put on a motorcycle. Now is you want to talk motorcycles lets start another thread, i have some doozies that were never never put into production and if you had one you could ask any amount for a Wankel Yamaha or Yamaha GL 750
  18. It's really difficult to get a handle on this due to the number of gospels that were rejected, something like 16+, from the New Testament by the Beginning of the Catholic church. So many ideas, were lost or suppressed I'm not sure it's possible to really say yes or no to this with any real confidence.
  19. I just got in from watching a journey Tribute band, "fronteirs" they sounded just like journey! Great concert! had a blast!

  20. No, evidently you do not know what a theory is in science, it is never an unsubstantiated guess, a theory is always supported by a body of evidence, in biology nothing makes sense with out the frame work of evolution, would you question gravity because it is a theory? Does music theory need to be proved? You do not know what theory means in the context of anything but a guess and that is not what it means in the context of science. Well then give us another guess... but watch this first.. http://www.youtube.com/user/potholer54?ob=5#p/u/31/EEKqqrfWevc'>http://www.youtube.com/user/potholer54?ob=5#p/u/31/EEKqqrfWevc Again i suggest you watch this http://www.youtube.com/user/potholer54?ob=5 This series is very good too, AronRa gives plenty of sources for his material you can look up if you are interested. http://www.youtube.com/user/AronRa#p/u/112/KnJX68ELbAY
  21. You quote mined me! Did you think I was too stupid to know? How insulting! Typical dishonest creationist tactic, at least you could have given the entire quote and not one part of it out of context.
  22. Reminds me of a book about something called slow glass, great stuff, lets you see back in time....
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