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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. What is this? Another one hit wonder? How about a link to this info?
  2. BTW, that would be whore house and yes modern religions are to one degree or another whore houses especially creationism....
  3. No you are saying it could not have slowed down enough to cause snowball earth and you might be correct, it could very well be that volcanism had nothing to do with snow ball earth. unicellular plants may have been the cause by removing CO2 from the air faster than volcanoes of the time could put it back but once the earth was iced over such removal whether from weathering or photosynthesis stopped. This allowed CO2 to build back up in the atmosphere no matter what it's source but volcanoes would be the most likely source of such CO2, it would have taken a lot more CO2 to raise the temps with a snow ball earth due to the albedo of snowball earth than it would take with out the ice. But on the other hand it is indeed demonstrable that volcanism is indeed variable, you seem to think it is not. A huge uptick in Volcanism has almost wiped out life on earth at least twice, I see no reason to assume there could not have been long quiet periods of volcanism as well. Is has been suggested that we are now living during what amounts to a relatively quiet period in the geology of the Earth. I think I already addressed this but why do you think that volcanoes had to be putting out more CO2 than could be removed by weathering 650,000,000 years ago? Ok, i gave it to you... I know what it sounds like you are doing but I won't go there until we sort this out as closely as possible. I am currently addressing this thread.... here are four videos that do a good job of explaining this process #2 and #4 are probably most pertinent to this discussion..
  4. I have three paddlefish remaining alive at this point, i lost two to avian predators when I put them in a 6500 gallon outdoor pool. But I moved three months ago and the water here at the new house is terrible, one of the paddlefish just rolled over and died immediately after being put in the new water the remaining three were stressed pretty badly but have survived and now are doing well. A note on paddlefish feeding behavior, mine are still eating small fish when they can get them, their efforts are not as successful as most large predators but they will grab and swallow small fish if they are given a chance. The paddlefish started out exciting only due to their rarity and the oddity of seeing them swimming around in a tank but they are growing on me and i intend to dedicate a large aquarium to their care as soon as possible.
  5. Volcanism is not constant, there are times of relative quiet and times that nearly everything seems to be erupting. But even if volcanism was constant the weather of the land could indeed remove so much of it that the Earth could freeze (remember the sun also had a lower output them as well) but if the Earth did freeze over then weathering would all but stop, CO2 could build back up till it overcame things like high albedo caused by the ice. It's a positive and negative feed back system, sometimes it gets out of kilter. The more ice you get the more heat is reflected out into space, even with high CO2 levels, so once the earth froze over it would take very high levels of CO2 to bring her back out of the deep freeze and the records left in rocks seems to indicate the snow ball earth was followed by very high temps for a short while. Of course much of the details is speculation but there is evidence of a snow ball earth at least twice in the geological record, once it was triggered by life removing CO2 and replacing it with oxygen.
  6. It's not that dark skinned people need to stop reproducing it's that all people need to stop having more children than the land they live on can support. If only one person lives on average on a square mile of land and it takes ten square miles to feed him and he insists on having 12 children then some one is gonna starve....
  7. Back in the "good old days" when the USA was expanding, snake oil was a common term used to describe something someone was selling that was of unknown origin or content. A great many people would mix up "elixirs" and sell them as cures for what ever the customer was afflicted with, some of it was best used to remove stains or kill insects, A Rocky Mountain Cliff Diving Turtle is fictional of course (but the Washington Coast Tree Octopus is real ) but "snake oil' salesmen were famous for making up exotic ingredients to claim it was contained in their medicine so no one else could make the same claim. Of course the ingredients changed as the salesman moved from one area to another. "Snake Oil" is an euphemism for something (usually medicinal) not really what it is claimed and possibly harmful. If you pay attention to TV commercials you will often hear them claim nothing is better for this or that from pain to hair gloss but you will seldom if ever hear them say their product is better than everyone else's. I love those nutty commercials promising to do everything from grow hair to make your penis bigger, they are often so funny it's difficult to see how the manufacturer could be serious.
  8. Volcanism is not constant and a snow ball earth would have allowed released CO2 to build up when a non iced up earth would have removed it via weathering.
  9. Hmmm, an anti anti freeze, that is a challenge. Maybe you should try this experiment, I'm not sure how you would lay it out but you can use salt to freeze water.... Oh and another thing, aspartame, or at lest diet soda seems to freeze faster than regular soda, that could be a starting point to investigate.
  10. I'm getting to the point that i hate these sensationalized "science" stories....
  11. Are you saying salt has a lower heat capacity or that salt water has a lower heat capacity? It might be very true that your instruments are not sensitive enough to measure the difference, try super saturating the water with salt and see what happens. Although salt crystallizing out of solution as it cools will have an effect I would think. (are you using sodium chloride or sea salts?)
  12. My Paddlefish are doing well, the three that are left anyway, I am currently looking at building a 450 gallon tank for them.

    1. Moontanman


      Oh yeah, I got my camera back so i might be posting more exciting videos of paddlefish swimming around, lol

    2. Leader Bee
  13. Quantum Physics First: Physicists Measure Without Distorting http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110602143159.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail
  14. From your link
  15. I know! I am so good at so many things I bore people to death No matter how smart you are or think you are there is always someone who is snapping at your heels at least and probably more ahead of you hoping to stay ahead, genius is mostly hard work and inventiveness, take either one away and you will miss them greatly.
  16. I think it's reasonable to say that birds did at one time have a tail fin, they had long tails that dangled down to provide stability, it didn't stick up like a airplane but it served the same purpose and it was lost in the evolutionary struggle at the K/T extinction and only birds with the rudimentary tails they have today made it through that bottle neck, the birds that all modern birds descended from lost their tails, possibly due to better brains, so they no longer needed them?
  17. I read the link, the experimenter seems to be saying that the hypothesis is that salt water will cool faster than freshwater. I think this is flawed, salt water is denser than fresh and so a liter of salt water would be heavier than a liter of fresh so the salt water should cool slower. The salt water should cool slower due to evaporation from the salt water being slower than evaporation of fresh water as well.
  18. What! You don't believe the oil from the rare Rocky Mountain cliff diving turtle will make your hair shine like the sun... shame on you for rejecting capitalism... snake oil has been a big part of our reality for a very long time, it used to be a lot worse and the idea of buyer beware was your only protection. Now there are at least rules that (mostly) keep them from being able to make dangerous claims but I agree using a model for beautiful hair who's hair has probably been that way since birth and using her good genes to sell a product by claiming the product will make your hair look as good as hers is despicable.
  19. It was a complement Phylis, and I agree, family is a huge part of what makes us who we are and if your Dad beat your Mom then his sons will be likely to do the same thing and his daughters will tend to seek out abusive men. Blaming it all on the Mom seems to me at least to be simply more of blaming the woman for what the man does.... I knew it was Momma's fault
  20. I'm not sure how much real science is involved in this study but what about the Dads? Dads can have a huge influence for good or bad on their kids, nice pic btw, you remind me of my Mom.....
  21. A cool link, i didn't know there was missing baryonic matter, cool to know for sure.
  22. I don't know about you Marat but i think I'm a bit of a Wiener,,,,,
  23. The Casimir effect used to create photons! http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-researchers-create-light-from-almost.html
  24. Absolutely awesome! I really want to see if anti-matter is the same in all ways as matter, gravity, spectrum, this is really heady stuff to me.... So many questions
  25. I think this is reasonable evidence that elephants have and need a culture similar to the way humans have and need culture and the culture of chimps, whales, and some other animals. I am defining culture here was behavior that is not transmitted through our genes but through adults teaching children who have extended childhoods and cannot survive well if at all with out this information, this information tells them how to behave, where food and water is at different times of the year, any complex information they do not get via simply being what ever animal they are and has to be passed from adults to children and to their children on and on. I think it is part of the reason animals with complex cultures tend to have large brains and intellegence. I would like to question the idea that Elephants and rhinos get along, in the wild they are not exactly pals, Elephants are quite intelligent creatures live in large, long term family groups and generally do not harass other animals that leave them alone, rhinos on the other hand are dangerous, irritable, and apt to charge and gore almost anything, elephants included. Elephants are sometimes killed by rhinos, in the wild Elephants give rhinos a wide berth. I have honestly never heard of the opposite happening. How about a link to this info? Can you be a bit more clear on the unusual sexual behavior?
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