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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Play poke-a-troll! (get your own cattle prod!) No not really, i like to beach comb, surf fish, build aquariums, ride motorcycles, hike, swim, scuba, woodworking, growing cacti... Mostly the things I do for fun... I'm a house husband, I should be folding laundry right now but i am doing this instead....
  2. Of course dinosaurs have existed with men, birds are everywhere, but if you are talking about the creatures we all think of when we say dinosaurs then no, no human has ever seen a living dinosaur. btw, where is your video?
  3. Oh "Brave New World" ? I would think this is probably more natural for humans but who decides what is natural depends on the culture and our culture seems to be lurching about as far away from this ideal as we can in recent years. I do know some polyamorus people, some are in what they term "open" poly relationships and others are in what they call "closed" poly relationships, not sure how this corresponds to polygamy where sex is reserved for the man to have with his women one at a time but in the idea of poly it's everyone having sex with everyone else in the "closed" groups and everyone having sex with anyone they want in the open groups.
  4. I know a man (on another forum ) who says he sees this phenomena regularly, he says it is indeed due to waves in the atmosphere, he lives in New Zealand I believe...
  5. NO IT'S NOT! Wipes egg yolk off shirt...
  6. Well I'm not going to get any points for this answer but Yes, having more than 2 kids per couple or one kid per person is highly unethical. There are far too many people on the planet now, having more kids than it takes to simply replace your self is wrong IMHO... not so sure about being totally childless because of worrying about what might happen to them in the future, we all take that risk, life it's self is a risk, but if you feel that way then go for it or um don't go for it or maybe just use birth control.
  7. Then again maybe he was reaching for the petroleum jelly....
  8. I would think you could store energy by forcing magnets together but it would not create any new energy.
  9. The last couple days, I've spent at least an hour a day trying to get Virgin Mobile to refund money they took out of my bank account mistakenly (I hope) At first they assured me that no extra money would be taken out then the next working day, (this started on Friday, Monday was the first day i called them) they told me, after more than an hour on the phone, that the extra 4 times they had taken money out of my bank account would be back before the end of the working day. Tuesday I called back and asked where was my money they then said I needed to wait 5 working days, I told them it was unacceptable, that they had indeed assured me the money would be back in my account, I asked to speak to a manager, the manager got on the phone (yeah right) but still refused to do what the bank said needed to be done they claimed they had no fax machine and that they had not taken the money out, (actually this was about three managers in, I am quite certain they were just jerking me around by this time) I sad Bullsh*t, the guy told me i continued to use profanity he would hang up on me, i told if he did I would call the Better business bureau and the local TV Station (they love this stuff and do stories a couple days a week), he said no matter what I did they would not fax my bank and that i had to wait 5 days to get my money, i told him bullsh*t, he hung up. I called back and told the person that bullsh*t was not profanity in my culture (in redneck USA it is not, lol) and that they had lied to me over and over and that I was going to call the better business bureau, they said no money would come to me until 5 days, I sad bullsh*t and they hung up, the next day my money was back... not sure what this means except in India evidently bullsh*t is profanity and wearing down the customers resolve is part of their game... but that is bullsh*t... but is it censorship for them to get me worked up over several days then hang up on me when i loose my temper for saying bullsh*t or was my temper loss and use of the word bullsh*t really the reason they gave me back my money? BTW the first two days of calls i was polite to a fault, I generally am when dealing with people on the phone, I realize that the regular people who work the phones are not responsible but a manager is responsible and i did not say anything bad to anyone but a "manager". Is bullsh*t profanity? And when, if ever, is it appropriate to use profanity?
  10. Come on Rigney, Marat is no more full of shit than you are, he has some good points, one thing for sure lopping off a head of state in a war is often a mistake and makes the war bloodier and longer. Personally I'd like to have seen him rot in a dank hand dug pit covered with concrete so he would never seen the sun, feed him nothing but pork and give him leprosy infected armadillos to play with but thats just me. I have say that second guessing these navy seals is just Monday morning quarter backing by people who have no clue how to play the game. They were there, not us, they had to make a life or death decision in hostile territory under fire, can any of us even imagine what that was like? I think not, but if any one "needed killing" it was him but even in the south you can't use that excuse in court any longer....
  11. Naw, you are wrong spyman, the Earth is going to expand and consume the sun and the other planets, don't you read the links???
  12. Yeah, imagine the Earth spinning so fast it cannot accrete from the protoplanetary disk and it flings it's self apart. In another 300 million years the Earth will be the size of Jupiter and will diffuse out into space due the low gravity, I can't wait... Does this mean the moon is getting bigger too ? How about the sun? Exactly what is increasing? Why didn't the crust expand too?
  13. Danger? Could you elaborate on that?
  14. The deeper you delve into this the murkier it becomes, I spent much of my life trying to figure it out but it's just what your local pastor tells you basically. Used to follow a particular pastor as he went from church to church, the point of his sermons depended on what that particular little church believed in, when he went to one that used rattlesnakes i started to wonder just what was really believed.
  15. Believing in Christ and the claims being made about him in this thread do not necessarily follow each other, you are aware of the beliefs of all Christian denominations? there are thousands of them, not hundreds... Even Muslims believe Jesus was real...
  16. Hmm, possibly we should fund an elephant dung catapult? Lots of discoveries have been made while doing other things, pure science should be funded I think but simple exploration has given many rewards as well. .
  17. For you possibly, and most do at least claim that, but the devil is in the details my friend...
  18. Good ones lemur and john, I heard they attached his body to a 500 pound bomb set to go off when it hit the bottom, lol Finding his body is conceivable, in the deep cold ocean a bottom dragging fishing trawl could find him reasonably fast ( I mean he is dead so there is no rush) if you knew the general area where he was dumped, if it's deep enough his body would survive relatively intact for months at least maybe years.
  19. I'm not so sure you (or anyone else really) do know what all or even most Christians believe, I know you have a good idea of what Christianity is thought by most to believe but some worship only Jesus, in some churches he is a lesser player, some give enough credence to other players to actually pray to them, and in the Rod of God ministries Jesus takes a back seat to having several parishioners hold you down while the pastor beats the devil out of you with a oak rod about the size of a large mans thumb and 6 feet long (has to be oak) they often beat people unconscious to get the devil out of them I often wonder if at least some of the church burnings are caused by such Churches, i know if they did that to me someone would die after I recovered.
  20. Fine then we can exclude all other monotheistic religions, Judaism, and Islam would seem to be the other big players in this arena as well as all other relgions, but if we exclude them and assume the Christian theology is absolute truth I do understand the question but posing it as Judeo Christian is invalid since Judaism does not include Christianity. A Tripolation, I am not trying to be obtuse here, you say god like we all know exactly what you are talking about but even within the Christian religion you have Catholics and Protestants, inside there you have literally thousands of smaller entities, try on Mormonism for size or better yet The Freewill Triple Rock Holiness Rod of God Ministries, you claim to know what Christians believe but i have my doubts that anyone really does....
  21. Lets let the op tell us what he meant You were making that assumption in your posts. No I am quite sure I didn't say there was no reason to bother answering but to answer you have to make some invalid assumptions. There are, as I have pointed out, other schools of thought about god.... even within the Judeo Christian network... You assumption that no other god was relevant and that numbers decided what was real is also invalid...
  22. Moontanman


    I'm not familiar enough with iguanas to be sure of the species, looks vaguely like one of the isolated island species but I'm not sure which. Not a regular south American iguana I think.
  23. The OP opened the discussion to other "gods" when he mentioned virgins and volcanoes, the very idea that you actually know that the Christian god is real and the others are not is nothing but hubris on your part. Numbers of believers does not equal truth my friend...
  24. 6.5 hours 4.5 billion years ago, this one thing refutes your entire premise, 300 million years ago the earth was spinning much slower than it was at the beginning but even at 6.5 hours that is not enough to negate any significant amount of gravity, ie the earth's gravity was the same then as now to with in a tiny fraction. Unless of course the Earth was the size of mars, then the gravity would be 3.5 times as high as it is now.
  25. Again you are making assumptions, many people on this planet, and we are talking about literally billions of people, do not worship or give any credence to the judeao Christian god what so ever, BTW A Tripolation, maybe you should be a moderator before you suggest I cannot post in any forum... maybe you should come down off that judeo Christian god horse you are riding and see this is the religion forum not the judeo Christian god forum...
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