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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. For you possibly, and most do at least claim that, but the devil is in the details my friend...
  2. Good ones lemur and john, I heard they attached his body to a 500 pound bomb set to go off when it hit the bottom, lol Finding his body is conceivable, in the deep cold ocean a bottom dragging fishing trawl could find him reasonably fast ( I mean he is dead so there is no rush) if you knew the general area where he was dumped, if it's deep enough his body would survive relatively intact for months at least maybe years.
  3. I'm not so sure you (or anyone else really) do know what all or even most Christians believe, I know you have a good idea of what Christianity is thought by most to believe but some worship only Jesus, in some churches he is a lesser player, some give enough credence to other players to actually pray to them, and in the Rod of God ministries Jesus takes a back seat to having several parishioners hold you down while the pastor beats the devil out of you with a oak rod about the size of a large mans thumb and 6 feet long (has to be oak) they often beat people unconscious to get the devil out of them I often wonder if at least some of the church burnings are caused by such Churches, i know if they did that to me someone would die after I recovered.
  4. Fine then we can exclude all other monotheistic religions, Judaism, and Islam would seem to be the other big players in this arena as well as all other relgions, but if we exclude them and assume the Christian theology is absolute truth I do understand the question but posing it as Judeo Christian is invalid since Judaism does not include Christianity. A Tripolation, I am not trying to be obtuse here, you say god like we all know exactly what you are talking about but even within the Christian religion you have Catholics and Protestants, inside there you have literally thousands of smaller entities, try on Mormonism for size or better yet The Freewill Triple Rock Holiness Rod of God Ministries, you claim to know what Christians believe but i have my doubts that anyone really does....
  5. Lets let the op tell us what he meant You were making that assumption in your posts. No I am quite sure I didn't say there was no reason to bother answering but to answer you have to make some invalid assumptions. There are, as I have pointed out, other schools of thought about god.... even within the Judeo Christian network... You assumption that no other god was relevant and that numbers decided what was real is also invalid...
  6. Moontanman


    I'm not familiar enough with iguanas to be sure of the species, looks vaguely like one of the isolated island species but I'm not sure which. Not a regular south American iguana I think.
  7. The OP opened the discussion to other "gods" when he mentioned virgins and volcanoes, the very idea that you actually know that the Christian god is real and the others are not is nothing but hubris on your part. Numbers of believers does not equal truth my friend...
  8. 6.5 hours 4.5 billion years ago, this one thing refutes your entire premise, 300 million years ago the earth was spinning much slower than it was at the beginning but even at 6.5 hours that is not enough to negate any significant amount of gravity, ie the earth's gravity was the same then as now to with in a tiny fraction. Unless of course the Earth was the size of mars, then the gravity would be 3.5 times as high as it is now.
  9. Again you are making assumptions, many people on this planet, and we are talking about literally billions of people, do not worship or give any credence to the judeao Christian god what so ever, BTW A Tripolation, maybe you should be a moderator before you suggest I cannot post in any forum... maybe you should come down off that judeo Christian god horse you are riding and see this is the religion forum not the judeo Christian god forum...
  10. I think I'll go with the volcanoes and virgins on this one, who says the mainstream idea of God is correct, which God is the OP talking about? Thor? Odin? Zeus? Diana? The Great Spirit? Oak trees? I mean really how can you really discuss the nature of God with out knowing who's God is really God? The assumption is far bigger than the actual question and therefore the question becomes loaded with nothing but emotional posturing...
  11. In a capitalist society everyone needs leverage, if you don't have it you get screwed by those who do have it. Humans are too greedy to live in a capitalist society without some fort of leverage against those with power. We as humans are also too self centered to live in a purely communist society, it's just a sad truth, we need both collectivization and capitalism to give everyone the potential to be all they can be, doesn't assure this will happen but it ups the odds of a successful society IMHO...
  12. Seriously, if this is a problem of paternity then first off the mother should know if this is even possible, secondly genetic testing is quite easily done these days to be sure if there is some doubt but it is also important to note that children often have those lovely long eyelashes but go back to a more reasonable length as they get older. I know both my boys had the longest eye lashes when they are young but tended to loose them as they grew older and looked pretty much like every one else by the time they were in their late teens. Another serious point, if you and your partner really love each other and the child why worry about it, does genetics keep the child from being loved by you? A child is innocent of any wrong doing, they only need to be properly loved and cared for, if it is not important to know then I would stop this line of questioning immediately, it cannot do anything positive in the life of the child...
  13. Moontanman


    No it is not, it is an iguana, not even closely related to geckos. Probably less related to geckos than humans are to opossums.
  14. Being immortal would remove the worry of dying and allow longer term goals but I doubt it would by it's self make anyone happy...
  15. Just how fast are you proposing the Earth was spinning when it was small as Mars? BTW an Earth the size of Mars but with the mass of the Earth would have surface gravity 3.5 times that of the present day Earth. I'm not sure the Earth has enough tensile strength to hold it's self together if it was spinning fast enough to make the gravity lower than is it now when it was 3.5 times it's present value
  16. Just how fast are you proposing the Earth was spinning when it was small as Mars? BTW an Earth the size of Mars would have surface gravity 3.5 times that of the present day Earth. I'm not sure the Earth has enough tensile strength to hold it's self together if it was spinning fast enough to make the gravity lower than is it now when it was 3.5 times it's present value
  17. NO IT DOESN'T!
  18. Everyone has to believe in something, i believe I'll have another beer...
  19. I think this thread should be in the religion section, it has nothing to do with discussing the evolution of insects and everything to do with religion vs science.
  20. Moontanman

    sexual freedom

    Well not any more that's for sure but i have been sexually active most of my life and i haven't found many partners who were as amorous as me but the point is that sex has always been great, frequency doesn't seem to effect the enjoyment for me. (too be honest some orgasms are better than others but that is not affected by how often i do it) There is one thing that frequency seems to affect but it would lead to some embarrassing questions to tell it over a forum where children might be reading, I'm not sure how graphic such questions and answers should be in this open forum.
  21. Lemur, do you really think that? The bible states quite clearly Jesus turned water into wine at a very secular party, i find your interpretation to be somewhat self serving to say the least. intoxicants have been part of human culture since before we were human. a great many animals from squirrels who eat hallucinogenic mushrooms and then go to their dens and sleep it off to elephants who get drunk on over ripe fruit, actually traveling long distances to become intoxicated. Wild elephants have even broken into breweries to drink the beer and get raging drunk and tear through the country side like story book monsters. Being bad for us and knowing it is uniquely human, but i wonder if many people really care and the drive to be intoxicated wins out over knowledge and caution.
  22. You'll have to send me a PM, for some reason it won't let me Pm you.
  23. Jump in Communication Skills Led to Species Explosion in Electric Fishes In the top group of fishes, species in the genus Paramoryrops that has the complex signal-processing brain, discharges have changed quickly, resulting in dramatically different pulses among closely related species. In the bottom group of fishes, species in the genus Petrocephalus whose midbrain is more simply structured, all of the species have similar pulses. The difference arises because the top group has the anatomical features needed to exploit the signal space -- such as the anatomy needed to make different pulses and the sensory and analytical ability to perceive small differences in pulse shape. (Credit: Sebastien Lavoue, Carl Hopkins, John Sullivan and Matthew Arnegard) ScienceDaily (Apr. 29, 2011) — Bruce Carlson stands next to a fish tank in his lab, holding a putty colored Radio Shack amplifier connected to two wires whose insulation has been stripped. At the bottom of the tank a nondescript little fish lurks in a sawed-off section of PVC pipe. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110428143144.htm It's interesting that some of these fish have bigger brains, in proportion to body mass, than humans do.
  24. Why would they want to reveal themselves to us? Just because we would drop in and steal their land and do our best to control them doesn't mean they would have the same desires, i doubt aliens would even want planets at all. Deep gravity wells would be places to avoid.
  25. Moontanman

    sexual freedom

    Anecdotally i am an example of that, I've been told i have an unusual sex drive but it seems totally natural to me and i enjoy it the same no matter how often i have it. Prostrate cancer has slowed me down somewhat i admit...
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