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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I hope everything has gone well for everyone there, I've been through a couple of Cat 3 storms, i don't envy anyone being in a Cat 5....
  2. I noticed my Daphnia magna cultures are beginning to proliferate, the days are getting longer and unicellular algae is starting to replace the strings of hair algae. I've noticed as the Daphnia magna start hatching out of resting eggs the daphnia are quite large, some as much as 6mm or more across. My 6500 gallon vat has the biggest daphnia, i was wondering if anyone else has noticed their daphnia cultures coming back and if the Daphnia are bigger than they are when the weather is warm? All these daphnia are females giving live birth, the males are absent and will not appear until September or October. I am thinking that the evolution of the population of large daphnia at the beginning of the season gives way due to environmental influences or do different species of daphnia replace the big ones as the season progresses. Summer daphnia are maybe half the size, at best, of winter daphnia, also behavior changes as the seasons progress as well with late summer daphnia clinging to the sides of vats instead of swimming freely. Any thoughts? Oh yeah, the bigger daphnia seem to grow when the cyclops are dormant and give way to smaller daphnia as the cyclops become active...
  3. It looks like my Cancer was taken care of by surgery, my first PSA test came back as too small to register!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rktpro


      Have a happy life!

    3. rktpro


      Have a happy life!

    4. DevilSolution


      noway, thats an awesome post i stumbled upon. good luck random dude

  4. I'm not sure if it's possible to show it's impossible but I see no evidence it is possible.... BTW Dragonstar, I thought it was funny....
  5. It sounds like a bureaucratic nightmare to me...
  6. I like to look at time as being what everything else is built on. Most think of 1 or 2 or 3 dimensions and then add time, i think it's the other way around. Time comes first then add the other three.
  7. Ummm... yes, makes your nose run too, lol ooh ooh ooh I know, let critique the best and or worst manly men type pill Television Commercials! lol I like the enzyte commercials, the one where the guy loses his swim trunks as he is climbing out of the pool, all the women present are wide eyed as thier jaws drop open (more camera time is given to a black woman who looks particularly impressed) His wife waits on him hand and foot and seems to worship him... after he takes the pills, ROFLMAO I'm not sure what they are selling but it goes far beyond a big penis I think, talk about the placebo effect, lol First time I saw the commercial I thought it was a joke, part of an SNL skit, which was on the TV at the time.
  8. It is interesting to think of these things, if there was any connection it would mean the bible was at least partly written about things that had to have happened about 50,000 years ago instead of 6,000 as most biblical scholars date the bible. The idea that the bible might be telling us things about a time well before written history is interesting but really needs it's own thread in religion.
  9. I am interested in this, I have never considered nephilim to be possible neanderthals, do you have any links to who believes this and why? Your passage simply mentions nephilim, were they the sons of god who had sons by the humans?
  10. Do you mean something like this? http://www.mrheater.com/product.aspx?catid=42&id=23 I have one, it is great for outdoors and in my garage. The one I have runs on propane but it could easily run on methane, it has no flame, just a very hot radiant beam of heat.
  11. New Reactor Paves the Way for Efficiently Producing Fuel from Sunlight Sossina Haile and William Chueh stand next to the benchtop thermochemical reactor used to screen materials for implementation on the solar reactor. (Credit: Courtesy of Caltech) ScienceDaily (Jan. 19, 2011) — Using a common metal most famously found in self-cleaning ovens, Sossina Haile hopes to change our energy future. The metal is cerium oxide -- or ceria -- and it is the centerpiece of a promising new technology developed by Haile and her colleagues that concentrates solar energy and uses it to efficiently convert carbon dioxide and water into fuels. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110119102746.htm
  12. More Asteroids Could Have Made Life's Ingredients This artist's concept uses hands to illustrate the left and right-handed versions of the amino acid isovaline. (Credit: NASA/Mary Pat Hrybyk-Keith) ScienceDaily (Jan. 19, 2011) — A wider range of asteroids were capable of creating the kind of amino acids used by life on Earth, according to new NASA research. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110119100204.htm
  13. Unlikely There Will Ever Be a Pure 'Cyber War,' Study Suggests Sailors on the watch-floor of the US Navy Cyber Defence Operations Command monitor. (Credit: US Navy) ScienceDaily (Jan. 23, 2011) — Heavy lobbying, lurid language and poor analysis are inhibiting government planning for cyber protection, according to a new report on Systemic Cyber Security published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on 17 January 2011. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110122111747.htm
  14. Light Touch Transforms Material Into a Superconductor Professor Andrea Cavalleri used laser light to transform a material into a superconductor. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Oxford) ScienceDaily (Jan. 24, 2011) — A non-superconducting material has been transformed into a superconductor using light, Oxford University researchers report. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110122112044.htm
  15. Contagious Cancer Thrives in Dogs by Adopting Host's Genes Black lab mix. An curious contagious cancer, found in dogs, wolves and coyotes, can repair its own genetic mutations by adopting genes from its host animal, according to a new study. (Credit: Copyright Michele Hogan) ScienceDaily (Jan. 23, 2011) — A curious contagious cancer, found in dogs, wolves and coyotes, can repair its own genetic mutations by adopting genes from its host animal, according to a new study in the journal Science. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110120141830.htm
  16. That's a good question but I think StringJunkey answered it pretty good. The Great Attractor, which is what the area everything is moving toward is called, is something so far away we cannot see it but it is massive and the gravity still attracts us even while space is expanding all around the galactic clusters. No one really knows what it is or why we are going toward it. Space can still expand in all directions and still be moving more in one direction than others.
  17. In a word... No... Neutron stars have outrageously strong magnetic fields, it's difficult to imagine just how strong they are, for me fiction often serves to illustrate this, Dragons Egg by Larry Niven contains a good description of what it would be like on the surface of a neutron star, the magnetic field would be so strong that some directions would be easier to travel than others due to the magnetic field actually being dense enough to prohibit matter from going through the field. This magnetic field is as dense as matter in some places, degenerate neutron matter at that. But light from within the star or from outside it are not bothered by the magnetic field but the gravity field can red shift the light in a big way.
  18. The idea of space expanding has nothing to do with stoves or jumping men (I wonder how many others here have ever even seen a real "Hot" stove) Take two stoves, both are stationary in respect to each other, increase the space between them but don't move them, yes that's the idea, they get further apart even though both are stationary in relation to the space around them. The galaxies are not really moving in space, space is expanding between them.
  19. I did see the guy who turned his skin blue, he looked like Papa Smurf...
  20. Jim, please do not go to a chiropractor, if your problem is real go to a real doctor.
  21. Is the OP asking about the effects of centrifugal force at the equator of a rotating planet? If so it is possible for a object to rotate fast enough for the effects of gravity to be canceled out by centrifugal force.
  22. I'm on face book, so far no one has talked me into taking off my clothes (am I doing it wrong?) I use it to find and keep up with old friends, I also make new ones because i put a lot of my stuff (pics, stories) and people who find the stuff interesting share their stuff with me. i like it!
  23. This is my understanding of it, space/time is expanding, the objects embedded in space/time are not moving or expanding. I don't mean that nothing moves but in relation to the apparent expansion of the universe the objects are not moving the same way an accelerated object moves. No acceleration is being applied to the galaxies in the same way as a bullet or a rocket.
  24. I disagree with that assumption, besides the totally misinterpreted idea of everything exploding into something i think brane theory will abolish our silly idea of a point big bang. If you are going to believe in the "big bang" then you need to believe in inflation to justify how big the universe is today, it doesn't mean anything is going faster than light, space it's self is expanding faster than light not the matter in it. Find the center of the surface of a sphere.... No center to the universe in the same way. Again, the galaxies are not moving away from each other, the space between them is expanding, there is a real difference.
  25. Obtaining a license to own a gun should be at least as difficult as obtaining a drivers license. (personally I think it should be harder than it is to obtain a drivers license) You should at least be able to show some ability to use the weapon as well as be well schooled in the safety and legal aspects of owning a gun. A mental test of some sort is also reasonable but once you obtain that license you should be able to buy with minimal interference from the government.
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