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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I've seen the movie expelled, movies do not qualify as evidence, and I guess what you haven't learned from movies you just yank out of your rectum?
  2. Cypress are you saying that the design for all modern organisms was already in the first organisms or are you saying that some design elements are added as time goes on by some outside source of design resulting in the complexity we se today and the gradual rise of that complexity over the last 3.8 billion years or so?
  3. I call BS on that, do you have anything to back up that claim?
  4. So where did the intelegent design come from or are you a one post wonder?
  5. I think this is interesting from a free speech perspective. There are many erotic literature sites, some do not stipulate that all characters must be of legal age but some do. Then there is the digital videos, digitally you can come pretty close to making what appears to be live action but no actors were used in it's making but if underage people are portrayed digitally on film in sex acts it's illegal, they might be able to slip this guy into jail based on the idea that digital Child Porn is already illegal, writing about it seems less harmful than making sexual cartoons or digital films.... I am against censorship but this is hard to defend.
  6. I am watching the movie "HEAVY METAL" gotta love real animation and metal music!

  7. Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice Coincide on Dec. 21 Path of the Moon through Earth's umbral and penumbral shadows during the Total Lunar Eclipse of Dec. 21, 2010. (Credit: Fred Espenak/NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center) ScienceDaily (Dec. 17, 2010) — With frigid temperatures already blanketing much of the United States, the arrival of the winter solstice on December 21 may not be an occasion many people feel like celebrating. But a dazzling total lunar eclipse to start the day might just raise a few chilled spirits. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/12/101217192856.htm
  8. Prions Mutate and Adapt to Host Environment This light photomicrograph of brain tissue reveals the presence of typical amyloid plaques found in a case of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). (Credit: Sherif Zaki; MD; PhD; Wun-Ju Shieh; MD; PhD; MPH) ScienceDaily (Dec. 18, 2010) — Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have shown that prions, bits of infectious protein that can cause fatal neurodegenerative disease such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or "mad cow disease," have the ability to adapt to survive in a new host environment. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/12/101217083232.htm
  9. I like school uniforms! no wait that's another forum
  10. Lions and Tigers, donkeys and zebras, horses and zebras, Indian elephants and African elephants, a great many fish interbreed even in the wild.
  11. I tried it but I didn't inhale....
  12. Mooeypoo SPACEWOMAN! I think that is a great idea! Although there are many woman in science, from what I know about men I'll bet it's an uphill battle to gain respect as a woman. Keep at it Xittenn, don't give up! btw good to see you back mooey
  13. I agree small bang, red heads are just unusual in our society, something like less than 4% in the world, less 2% in the USA. They stand out because they are unusual and catch the eye (not the nose) and not because they are in any way less than anyone else. ( I still have a thing for red heads though, lol)
  14. It seems counter intuitive to me that acceleration cannot be distinguished from gravity, I can think of at least one case where acceleration can be differentiated from gravity with no access to the outside world.
  15. I've always had something for red heads, i was married to one for several years. She has no odor or smell that was different than any other red head or any other hair or skin color. I am very sensitive in the area of smell, I can tell when the wife was ovulating by her smell and pregnant women have a particular odor too but no odor for just red heads.
  16. My feelings about music are similar to the late Great Justin Wilson's views on Wine. I drink red wine because I like red wine, I drink it with fish, with pork, with beef and crawdads. Not because it's the correct wine for those things but because it's what I like, you drink what you like... Anura, do you ever listen to Maria Muldaur? I picked up her "Waitress in a Donut Shop" LP the other day at the record store, on vinyl, mint condition, good album too "It ain't the Meat it's the Motion!"
  17. Check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribadism
  18. I am not sure I am willing to say anyone who sees something inexplicable in the sky or on the ground is hallucinating. I know it's not a popular thing to talk about in this forum but there are UFO sightings (and i use UFO in it's original definition) that are inexplicable and suffer from an embarrassingly plentiful amount of data, sightings by that occurred on front of many trained observers, both machine and human, sightings that are simply not explainable and not because of a lack of data. The biggest thing about UFOs you need to know is that the US military investigation of them was fatally flawed and had absolutely nothing to do with actually investigating UFOs and everything to do with debunking them at all costs. Now I have gone over this stuff many times in this forum but there is an inexplicable phenomenon that occurs in the sky and we cannot explain it. The most reasonable explanation for at least some sightings is indeed some sort of totally unknown craft... I cannot say what a crew of a B-52 bomber carrying nuclear weapons saw, the aircrafts own radar, ground radar, a commercial aircraft crew and passengers, ground crews at a nuclear missile base, and the coincidence that the nuclear missiles went off line for no apparent reason during this event and this is just one sighting! Now what these things are i have no clue but I know they have never really been properly investigated and anyone who tries to do so is immediately a part of a shit storm of ridicule and disinformation. Dr. Josef Allen Hynek found this out to his chagrin when he worked for the US air force to debunk the sightings they were supposed to be investigating, he applied the scientific method and determined something totally unknown was going on.
  19. Being somewhat of a audiophile as well as a lover of progressive rock, southern rock, actually the genre matters little if I like the song. Some of my favorite LP's are Dreamboat Annie, Little Queen, and Desire Walks On, by Heart. Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall by Pink Floyd, I love Dire Straits, Brothers in Arms it is a great album but many of their albums are great and a truly great LP, self titled, Boston by Boston. Some Honorable mentions would be Blue Oyster Cult, Nazareth, Journey, Moody Blues, Bob Segar, Led Zeppelin. A few of my fav southern rock songs. Fire on the Mountain by the Marshal Tucker Band, Green Grass and High Tides Forever by The Outlaws, That Smell by Lynyrd Skynyrd, Radar Love by Golden Earring, Sign of the Gypsy Queen by April Wine, The Weight by The Band. The list is long so I won't bore you with any more. I listen to my albums through a Mitsubishi 150 watt per channel power amp and Infinity 1.5 speakers.
  20. My brother saw this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/75/TriangleBelgium1990.jpg/250px- About 5 years before the Belgium sightings as it traveled at a very low altitude across the valley where he lived very late one night in the winter. He is an artist, he drew and painted pictures of it afterward, the resemblance was very very close to the above photo. for some reason i am suddenly not able to post pics here...
  21. I hate the short days of winter, if I lived above the artic circle I'd probably not survive the winter....

    1. Incendia


      At least watching the aurora borealis wouldn't be the worst way to die...

    2. Zolar V

      Zolar V

      no the aurora would indeed be nice to see as a last sight.


      i wonder what the worst way to die would be?


  22. Widdekind, why must there be magical almost supernatural technology before we travel to the stars? Current technology allows for slow boats to the stars. They would have to be multi-generational but we could do it. I envision a huge torus, 100 kilometers across, 25 kilometers thick, rotating for artificial gravity, huge open spaces and an ecology on the inside surface with large underground cities many thousands of people could live in this slow boat for hundreds of years. No Star Trek Tech is necessary.
  23. Here is an odd take on the Earth Moon system.... http://lunarorigin.com/
  24. We already have the technology to visit another star, if we put the money and effort to space travel that we do to war we could at the very least launch slow boats (generational) to the stars... Right now space travel comes close to being the least important thing we do in the eyes of the people who dole out the money for research. All we need it money and determination, both of which we are sorely lacking...
  25. Have you ever read "Wonderful Life"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonderful_Life_(book)
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