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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Get your self a small aquarium, breed some challenging fish, Cardinal Tetras come to mind, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_tetra That should present a pretty good challenge, I knew several people who put themselves through college breeding aquarium fishes...
  2. Isn't the space probe approaching Vesta right now Ion powered?
  3. I feel strongly that wiki leaks is wrong, there are some things a government needs to keep secrete. it is true that sometimes secrecy takes on a life of it's own and many things are held as secrete that are simply not or should not be secrete but many things are. I'm not sure wiki leaks is right to release everything they can. If they found out who really killed JFK then yeah release it but documents pertaining to things that could mean life or death to our troops or harm our government significantly in th ehear and now is across the line. There are many secretes that are simply past their self life date, there are still many things from WW2 that are top secrete even though they are not a big deal now. possibly secretes should be held a certain number of years before they are released, but releasing current secretes would seem to be a mistake in the making...
  4. Yes, Law Enforcement has tremendous power and the law should be quick to not only police themselves they should be held to a higher standard and get the maximum penalty when they abuse their power. I don't give a rats ass about professional athletes. Over paid little boys on steroids, the mistake is idolizing these assholes. Once you give them the power of being an idol then they have power over and above any reasonable means over anyone who idolizes them. We give them that power so it's as much our fault as theirs when they turn out to have clay feet. I apologize to the athletes who are good people, many of them are, but we give them too much power and glory and it goes to not only their heads but ours as well, in many cases and it makes them think they are above the rest of us in some way... The worst part is many people feel they are above us too...
  5. One could write a history of science in reverse by assembling the solemn pronouncements of highest authority about what could not be done and could never happen. Robert A. Heinlein
  6. I think it should also be mentioned that detecting and sending ELF are two different things, ears can hear extremely low sounds but ears generate very little sound. If there are people who can hear the aurora or meteors I still don't see how ELF could be used to send anything since our brains generate so little energy compared to things like auroras. Not to mention there would have to really be some effect for it to be selected for in animals, quite possibly you would see an entire planet full of animals hunting each other via telepathic means but instead we see animals using their normal senses of taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch to hunt each other in all ecosystems, except for water which has animals that use electricity to hunt and detect each other if some sort of mental telepathy was possible i think we would see it being used by animals. In water which carries an electrical field we do get something akin to telepathy and it is used a great deal, any unique sense or effect between land animals would be used the same way electricity is used in water animals.
  7. If the truth be told the presence of a bacterium that uses arsenic isn't exactly unique. Other organisms, bacteria, algae and fungus use arsenic is various ways in their metabolisms instead of phosphorus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry More on boron life. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/B/boron-based_life.html Then there are the clouds... http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2010/12/03/131783352/arsenic-life-is-nice-living-clouds-are-nicer
  8. Obsession is a strange thing, I've often wondered how some people seem to fixate on others. I think it's the only way they can confirm their own existence...

  9. Is an assumption being made here from the observation of one species of ant? I Have personally seen two species of ants move in lines of two lanes, each line going the opposite way. Some ants have more complex behaviors than others, some farm fungus or herd aphids, even store honey like fluids. Some keep slaves to the extent they are so specialized they cannot feed themselves with out the slave ants. Some ants sweep across the jungle floor never really stopping in one place, others live in trees that both house and feed them, in return the ants protect the trees from predators. Neither on can live with out the other, ants are cool....
  10. I read a novel about time travel but they could only view the past. At first it was outrageously expensive technology requiring many gigawatts of power and the great moments of the past were viewed and recored for posterity but eventually the technology became cheap and required almost no power and the time viewer became nothing more than a way to be a peeping tom in the past and it was used to invade peoples privacy since any point in the past could be viewed everyones most intimate moments were easily viewed and time viewing just became another type of pornography. So next time you take a shower remember the future could be watching.....
  11. Crows do some amazing things, they can judge the distance of a shot gun blast and stay just out of range. In one experiment a man walked into a field with a large card board tube. Sometimes the tube had a shotgun in it other times it didn't (I think it was weighted when it was empty) Crows were good enough at reading human body language to guess when the man had a gun hidden in the tube. Crows do a pretty good job of talking too, not as clear as a parrot but they get their point across, they will steal shiny objects, drop rocks on your head and if you raise them from chicks they will stay around where you live, almost like a half feral dog. Lots of people raised crows where I lived in WVa, they could be very aggravating. Maybe crows of the future will be digging out human cities in archeology digs and wondering what happened to us...
  12. It is claimed by some people that they can hear the Aurora Borealis and high altitude meteors as they burn up. Both these phenomena give off radio waves ELF if i remember correctly.
  13. What is the point of this message Rigney, are you trying to insult people who think everyone should have a fair trial? Do you think that a liberal doesn't feel pain or miss his friends and relatives when they are senselessly killed by one of these people? Are you trying to say our own laws, the laws we think make our society superior to other societies, do not apply to the people you mention? Do you really think that killing these people will keep them from doing the things you mention? it doesn't really matter if you kill them or lock them up in solitary confinement or lock them up with a sociopath whose only goal is to sexually torture as many people to death as they can for the rest of their lives. it doesn't matter because these people have belief, belief in some higher power that tells them they are superior and that they have to do these terrible things to get their reward in the after life. These beliefs are called religion, religion, when wielded by a true believer will always trump reality. Religion is where this crazy stuff comes from, yes the smiling simpletons who handle rattlesnakes and drink poison, or the ones who practice ritual cannibalism at the behest of their God's avatar to the ones who are chosen by God to occupy the earth first to the ones who say an arch angel told their ancestors to convert everyone on earth at the point of a sword to the ones who got their instructions from God via special books handed down by angels so they would know to marry as many little girls as possible and have as many other little girls so they can get them pregnant too, yes all of them are guilty of these horrific things because at some point Some one decided God told them to do these horrific things. A mission from God trumps mans laws, trumps his right to breath, trumps everything because God is impotent and requires his slaves to do his bidding. So how would you handle the problem differently? Would you handle the problem differently or are you just trying to poke those who do not share your religious or political views because you need someone to blame the ineffectiveness of our attempts to keep these horrible things from happening?
  14. Then again it might be, what is your point? Wild speculation trumps reality?
  15. I understand exactly where you are coming from, as a matter of fact i have used the argument of alien design quite successfully in the past but it does not remove the problem of how life really began any more than panspermia removes the problems with abiogenesis. Shuffling the designer back to before the creation of the universe solves no problems what so ever and has zero supporting evidence. At some point the designer has to come into existence from non design. Unless you suppose that a designer from the future creates the universe so it can evolve and eventually create the universe, this loop would continue on and on but I am quite sure it would violate some laws of causality at least. It might very well be true that the universe has a designer, i can think of many situations to explain the origin of the universe and the life in it including us but they would all be speculation with zero supporting evidence. So far there is zero evidence of any designer so why should we assume there is one? I see no reason to proclaim there cannot be a designer but also no reason to assume there is one... Interesting info... http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/fossils_ruins/origin_of_life/
  16. Evidently we are still waiting on that chimp to give birth to a human baby...
  17. There are already diet foods that will do what you need, as I said in another thread, I tried to use this 'stuff" years ago and after a few days it was so unpalatable i gagged on it and couldn't swallow anymore. While I am sure that "human chow" is possible to make humans with access to other foods would not eat it for long. They have "monkey chow" which contains all the nutrients monkeys need, I doubt many wild monkeys would eat it, caged monkeys have no choice.
  18. Why not? If it is necessary to have a designer then why wouldn't the designer need a designer as well?
  19. Rare Earth Elements in US Not So Rare, Report Finds Powders of six rare earth elements oxides. (Credit: Photograph by Peggy Greb, Agricultural Research Center of USDA) ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2010) — Approximately 13 million metric tons of rare earth elements (REE) exist within known deposits in the United States, according to the first-ever nationwide estimate of these elements by the U.S. Geological Survey. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/11/101117184451.htm
  20. I would have to say no, once the brain is dead the person is gone, the brain does not come back to life. If you revived the person he would just be a body, no mind.
  21. I have ridden motorcycles for 40 years, much of that, at the beginning at least, was dirt bikes, mud can be areal problem for a dirt bike but if you can get the traction you can go through it. The problem with making a motorcycle into a tractor will be traction. As it happens i have also plowed many a field, mostly with horses and mules but also with tractors. Pulling a plow through a field, even if the dirt is relatively dry will be a problem with the small narrow tires of a motorcycle, add that to the light weight of the bike and pulling that plow is going to be difficult if not impossible at least under the conditions of deep clay that I am experienced with. I believe that hooking the plow to the motorcycle would also be a problem.
  22. You are assuming an unbroken chain of civilization, 2500 years ago was several civilizations and most records of 2500 years ago are lost. We are not real good at continuous civilization for 2500 years much less record keeping. Imagine if the library at Alexandria had not been lost we might have star ships by now, how many times in 2500 years has almost all information been lost?
  23. Some one who promotes Islam?
  24. I would be amazed if this woman was really a time traveler, I see no evidence to assume this but I would be equally amazed if she was a time traveler and was alone and had no communication methods. If you look at this from the point of view of a time traveler, she might have brought a communicator and if she did she would want it to be easily hidden and draw no attention but from her perspective a cell phone might be exactly what she wanted to bring. If she is from the future, a future inquisitive enough to want to see what was going on in 20th century Earth it indicates their information is somewhat less than perfect about the time period. Can you imagine if we were to travel back (for instance) 2500 years how inaccurate our information about that time period would be? From her perspective cinema, computers, and cell phones all occurred at the same time. She might have arrived thinking a cell phone was a great way to disguise her technology only to find she is 75 years too soon.
  25. You can start looking here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virus
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