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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I have been very excited by this space craft and it's mission from the beginning. I look forward to seeing the surface of Vesta but Ceres is the biggie for me. I think Ceres will turn out to be the most interesting object in the inner solar system.
  2. On what forum in what universe do i have 537,000 rep points and why is it any business of yours!
  3. I understand that the church is against sex outside of marriage, but why is birth control inside marriage wrong as well? I can't imagine being limited to abstinence in my marriage to avoid pregnancy, talk about a bummer, sex only a few days a month at most and still the danger of pregnancy? That would not just suck personally but it would harm the bonding and emotional comfort sex brings between couples...
  4. I have no idea what you mean by this, but i have no political idealogy, none that I know of suits me even close. Yes, i was hurt on the Job Working for the Dupont Corporation, 25 years in i was injured and forced out on disability retirement. Now that is common knowledge but WTF would my reputation points bother you?
  5. Ok guys! Big opportunity for anyone who has a desire for paddlefish! The guy i got mine from has some available for shipping. This is a very unusual opportunity, he has several "dinks" left over out of his usual crop of fish and is going to sell them. They have 3 to 5 inch dinks, $30 dollars each I'm not sure what shipping will be but he is willing to ship them second day. As you can see from this thread they are relatively easy to keep if you have a large aquarium. PM me for pertinent info if you want one of these fish.
  6. My political ideology? WTF are you talking about? This is true but if the population trends continue there will no place to get new resources, i cannot understand why that is so difficult to understand. Jackson if you have really been paying attention for the last four years you would know my circumstances, I've never tried to hide them in any way. No no, the implication in the OP that over population could never occur not that it currently occurring was a myth. Obviously over population is subject to opinion but ignoring the danger of run away population growth is simply not smart. I would suggest starting now on trying to get people to stop having babies over and over and to advcate limiting families to two or three children. One good way to start this would be to advocate birth control. The fact that nobody has a fix on what technology will bring is a good reason to start planning for the worst, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised instead of devastated by disaster. Good find in the link but I have my doubts that it is the last word in the future of the human race. There seems to be a huge amount of data that contradicts that.
  7. It just seems a little suspicious that this guy would come on FOX and say something he had to know was going to cause him problems and then FOX hires him? It's a win win for FOX for sure. No doubt FOX can pay much more than NPR. FOX gets to point their finger at NPR as being against fee speech and they get to say they are not only fro free speech but they hire the liberal guy and get to say they represent both sides... win win...
  8. Could it have been staged?
  9. I've never been able to understand the far left and the far right, they both seem to be no more than a pack of dogs barking uncontrollably at anything that disturbs them. How could any intelligent, informed, reasonable human being not see a person dressed in traditional Muslim garb not, at least for a sec, think of the possibility of disaster. Even for a Muslim on a plane this would have to at least be a part of your self awareness of what is going on in the world. If Christian fundamentalists were blowing airplanes out of the sky i would think of that when ever I was on airplane and say some one with a cross around their neck. How could you not? Unfortunately at this time the dog packs seem to be getting bigger and louder, maybe we need to neuter both extremes so they won't bark as much?
  10. Political correctness, i remember when that crap first started rolling. It started out with good intentions but as we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. To answer your question, no i don't think he should have been fired based on information you provided.
  11. Do you have any evidence to back up your assertions?
  12. Like skeptic said vodka and fire is the best way but you have the opportunity to do something else! Spontaneous human combustion! Pour the alcohol all over his clothed body and light it, he will be nothing but a pile of ashes in 6 to 8 hours. The lower arms and legs will be all that is left and if you cross his hands over his chest not even that. A pile of human ashes should throw off the bad guys for a while.
  13. I'm not sure what this has to do with the argument, I'm sure they are happy as clams, but i know i would not be happy living like that and being free to go does not equate with being able to go. Yes i would. Yes but eventually those places will either run out of resources to ship out or their own population will grow to the point that have none to spare. This has already be addressed in this thread but population growth is not sustainable long term for many reasons, when those predictions were made they relied on peak things that proved to be technologically surmountable. Yes i am 55 and retired, how is that part of this discussion? Now it is remotely possible that at some point some bright boy will come up with replicator technology like star trek and we will no long need farms factories or raw materials other than mass but it's a very long shot. The fact remains that with out some technological save we will exceed the resources of the earth eventually. I am quite sure that technology will help us out in our efforts to stave off the collapse, that's why the prediction you noted did not come to pass but there is a limit to what technology can do and if we keep going the way we are we will find that limit eventually. Then why do say it's a myth? No one is saying that we cannot support more people, just that eventually the limit will be reached and it's best to plan ahead. A private agenda is a part of everyone Jackson, even you, ignoring reality because you have to agree with someone you don't like is weak. as for the numbers, i agree that there are people who are pushing their own numbers for various reasons, some, like the church say there is no limits, have babies until we go to see god, others say it's already happened, we are doomed and the collapse is inevitable. Surely the truth must lay somewhere in between and to attain the goals we need to know the truth depends on every one acknowledging that we will run out, Like have a back account with a million dollars, WOW! a million dollars, i can buy any thing i want and live any way i want for the rest of my life.... Well when you go to the bank to with drawl money and it say you have none available it's too late to think I should have spent my money more wisely. If ants had no predators they too would overwhelm the planet eventually, bacteria make up the largest biomass on the planet by far both in total numbers and weight. This thread is not about abortion, i have not advocated abortion as the answer, it is not the answer, religion is only peripherally involved in this, they do indeed contribute to the problem by saying birth control is wrong but ultimately it is a human problem not a religious problem. eventually humanity will have to decide when it is time to throttle back on population growth, i would like to see it happen before we are alone on this planet packed into cities like sardines.
  14. I can see it now, 20 million years from now, all animal life is gone except for human descendants. We have evolved to occupy most of the large animal ecological niches. Grazing animals to predators, all descended from humans after they caused the extinction of all large animals and society collapsed back to totally primitive and it started out because humans had to hunt and eat other humans to survive! As the ecology slowly recovered humans started to live different life styles of plant eaters and meat eaters and so evolution goes... Bud the C.H.U.D. B)
  15. Damn, neg rep for something silly I posted in the lounge, you guys are a tough crowd...
  16. No, but I think it will eventually get to that, if we stay on the earth some sort of population control will happen. Not potential, available supply.
  17. Hey I happen to be a dowser! Or more accurately a water witch... it's special gift I inherited from my grandpa.
  18. I have no problem with any of these things.
  19. Yes what a living hell that would be, but your point is still that we should breed till we are shoulder to shoulder across the globe? They still need natural resources, they get them from outside the city, eventually the cities will not be able to live off the surrounding land, i honestly do not see your point. jackson33, no one has said the earth cannot support 7 billion people, read the thread again. The OP says the earth can continue to support an increasing population forever, it demonstrably cannot. What would be your point? We agree then. Seriously lemur, why couldn't they eat cake? They had no bread, they were starving do to lack of basic food stuffs, no flour, no eggs, no sugar, there was no cake for any one but the queen. The queen was too stupid to realize the people were starving and she lost her head when she found out... While I agree with you, you seem to need to leave out the most important part, too many people to feed. yes here So you are seriously suggesting we restrict food intake before we use birth control? Still it doesn't matter, no matter if we put the whole planet on 500 calories a day eventually with out some sort of stop the population will indeed out strip resources, it has happened before, it will happen again, if nothing else, as was said in this thread already, there simply isn't enough material on the planet to allow us to reproduce at the rate we are now forever. period... So if it hasn't happened it cannot happen? Really? This is a possibility but I'd like to see something to back up this very out of the mainstream view, PM me. I don't see why abortion would be a part of this thread, I doubt abortion will ever have major impact on live births but birth control would. Quantity does not necessarily equal quality anyway.
  20. This is the second time you have made this assertion, not only poor people need to stop having too many children, this applies to every one, being poor only makes it worse for you right now but even rich people can over populate the planet. Having fewer children would make the plight of the third world poor better, it would not make things better for any one but them. While I feel the USA does a pretty good job in sending aid to other countries it is like poring water down a drain that just gets bigger as you pour more water. The population just gets bigger and bigger, birth control is the only way to insure the need doesn't continue to out grow the supply. What is your point? The church doesn't exactly live in poverty until the entire earth is fed and clothed. Again, your point would be? Ship grain to Africa so they can have more babies in total squalor and need more grain? How about teach them to feed them selves and limit their families to two or three instead of 14? Recycling is not 100% and even that will not stave off the collapse forever... Worked too didn't it? Sad it took such draconian methods but China had reached an impasse, there simply wasn't enough to go around. No your argument falls apart due to the laws of nature, a rising population on a finite planet is not sustainable in the long term.
  21. Baseless assertions, repeated claims Reality you're in my way Repeated Strawmen and moving goal posts Logical fallacies dance around in your brain Ooooh that smell Can't you smell that smell Ooooh that smell The smell of troll that surrounds you Negative rep is upon you Stuck your nose where it don't belong So make another post, ask the same thing for your bros One more repeat post and the mods will ban you! Ooooh that smell Can't you smell that smell Ooooh that smell The smell of troll that surrounds you Now they call you the prince of smarmy Can't type a word with out being rude Say you'll be on the forum come tomorrow But tomorrow the forum might not be here for you Ooooh that smell Can't you smell that smell Ooooh that smell The smell of troll that surrounds you Hey, you're a troll you Stick them personal attacks in the thread I know I've seen you before One little problem that frustrates you Got a moderator on your back Just one more post, Lord might do the trick Not worth the band width for you to get your kicks Ooooh that smell Can't you smell that smell Ooooh that smell The smell of troll that surrounds you Ooooh that smell Can't you smell that smell Ooooh that smell The smell of troll that surrounds you
  22. Get a small fish tank, it can be as simple as a Betta in a bowl or as complex as a small polyp stony coral tank. Lots of science involved, chemistry and biology as well as some simple physics, at least if you are like me and want to know why everything works the way it does and design better ways of making and doing things. I enjoy making my own equipment.
  23. Try out the book of Urantia, I like some of the pagan and neo pagan writings as well.
  24. Good point, but this thread is a result of the birth control thread after the discussion landed on the over population part. Or at least I thought it was... Then again the OP did bring myth into it from the begining...
  25. Ok, thankyou, I'll take the pos rep.
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